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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


relies on auto-aim
I'm a little late to the party on these, but I finally got my MLG Anaheim photos up last night ... posted a few to my TL blog.


Fantastic photos man. 5star'd. I wasn't feeling well and with SC2 being how it is I passed on attending last minute. Got to stream monster a ton of stuff so that was nice.
So I have a mac keyboard that I really like but I need a gaming keyboard predominantly for playing SC2. It's between the Razer Blackwidow ultimate or stealth, the Steelseries Apex or the Steeleseries mechanical. Any thoughts?

I won't be breaking it very much ;) plus sometimes my wife sleeps in the same room as I'm playing, so it can't be crazy loud.
No, no, no, no.

G710+ is brown + dampeners is probably your best bet. Practice not bottoming out your keys and you'll be okay. Otherwise maybe not go mechanical if she's a light sleeper.

Is anyone watching this major vs violet series? This is amazing.

Edit: Rotterdams casting has been great as well, he makes even the most boring situations fun.
I don't know why Zerg keep trying to scout for proxy 2 rax and going hatch first instead of just going pool first. Terran have gotten smart enough to know where to proxy where you won't scout it and pool first is only real bad if Terran go CC first and you don't scout it.


I am seriously losing my patience in the PSN cred card thread, my gawd. Corporations do shity things, but entitlment is very real.


The thing that is kind of funny about Slasher is that there is no way what he was doing wasn't directed by the upper brass, they go over it on Unfiltered.

Edit: Reddit admin basically confirms it was not just Slasher for round two.

Their employees have been manipulating reddit behind the scenes for a while
I can see very clearly that users were asked by ongamers employees to post links to ongamers.

Slashers farewell said:
Hello everyone,

Apologies for my social media absence as I have been sick in bed and for the most part offline for the last week following the end of the MLG Anaheim Championships. I was taken out by all the great games from Smash, StarCraft, and Call of Duty that weekend.

This will be my second op-ed during my time at onGamers and GameSpot, with the initial offering coming when I first joined on board the team two and a half years ago to tell what the state of esports was to begin 2012. “I am more confident in eSports/professional gaming/competitive gaming than I ever have been since entering this amazing world”, I wrote then, boasting about over $6 Million in combined prize money for all tournaments and games combined. How things have changed and progressed, the industry catapulting forward in such a short period of time compared to the 15 years prior. An industry responsible for packing stadiums across North America, Europe, and Asia, multi-billion dollar acquisition rumors for Twitch, and a looming Dota 2 International Championship that will make several players instant millionaires and teams instant legends.

This will sadly also be my last op-ed during my time here, as this is my last day at onGamers.

I was notified yesterday that I had been site-wide banned on Reddit, along with the onGamers domain. Reddit administrators notified onGamers that this was due to me messaging Reddit users asking if they would submit content, with titles, to the site, and that both I and the onGamers domain are now banned for one year. This comes after already being on thin ice as the site and user accounts of colleagues were banned and unbanned for Reddit infractions. This includes a lengthy meeting I had with Reddit General Manager Erik Martin in New York about the current state of esports on Reddit, esports content on Reddit, the onGamers situation and my own situation. Erik is a man I have spoken to for many years about Reddit's powerful and important influence on competitive gaming, and is the one who advocated for both the site and myself personally to reverse the first decision.

One of the stipulations to come out of change in heart was that no onGamers journalist could submit their own or onGamers content to Reddit, including any and all subreddits, esports included. I admit to having sent messages to users with instructions on submitting content, and then upvoting my own content thereafter. I tried to be open about this in subsequent threads that popped up after a user took my message to them and submitted it as a discussion thread on Reddit.

I acted alone in this matter without the knowledge of any of my colleagues, including senior editors. They have followed the rules since the reversal of the last ban, they did not upvote on Reddit or participate in any manner, and there has not been any manipulation of votes from employees beyond my own singular vote. I take full responsibility for these actions and my Fargo-like run on that ice, and plea to Reddit to absolve my hard-working friends and the onGamers domain ban for what I alone have done. I will gladly take an additional year ban to rightfully keep good people from potentially losing jobs. My friends nor CBS interactive and GameSpot asked me to write this, and they are reading this just now as it is published.

I am sorry to Erik who has put himself out there for me on multiple occasions including his help in recent problems, and trust in me that there wouldn't be further issues. Erik did that for me and I haven't returned the same respect here. Because of that I cannot continue to contribute to Reddit, a place that I've advocated for its legitimate importance in the aforementioned continued growth in esports, and also the several diverse, vibrant competitive gaming communities on the site.

I am sorry to those out there who are fans of me and my work, and those who respect what I do. I have tried to maintain a certain level of integrity, and the results of these actions don't reflect that.

Most importantly, I am deeply sorry to my team whom I've now put in jeopardy for their careers and future. These are not just my colleagues but my friends, and the last thing I want or can do is put them in this position. I am and was a true believer of the team, personally investing myself to bring together the best journalists, editors, and reporters that esports has to offer. Most definitively with the core crew of Duncan 'Thorin' Shields, Travis Gafford, Matthew 'Cyborgmatt' Bailey, and myself as senior editors of onGamers. I have seen myself as a leader in this way, and have not demonstrated those same leadership qualities here.

I believe we have set the bar on several aspects of our esports coverage, and that we have put out great work on the large scope of competitive gaming that spans over several games, genres, and communities. This has come in the form of breaking news, extensive interviews, exhaustive written and video features, player and team signings, event coverage, hosted talk shows, in-depth reporting, statistical analysis, mainstream access and insider insight into the industry at large. I believe our work has spoken for itself, and that our readership has echoed in that belief. The team has been responsible for traffic only having increased month over month, with a quite respectable number of unique views and video views compared to other gaming destinations that cover video games as a whole. I'm very proud of what we have been able to accomplish, and could not be more saddened right now that I can't keep kicking ass with my team.

My heart goes out to my guys Duncan, Travis, Matt, and the team of Kim, Hunter, Adam, Daniel, Sully, and several contributors along the way. Special thanks go out to Benito Gonzalez and John Davison who brought me to GameSpot to begin with, and to represent GameSpot as their only ever esports editor. Benito and Erick Tay covered dozens of major events with me, working tirelessly into the morning hours every weekend to make esports coverage at CBS Interactive a reality. Without Benito, Erick, and John's help, GameSpot eSports would not have had the opportunity to transition into onGamers.

I don't know what my future holds, but I am sure to continue in this industry that I love, and spent more than half my life dedicated to. I hope you all stay with me through it.


Rod “Slasher” Breslau


Now that it has been officially announced both that OnGamers has been site-wide domain-banned on reddit and that Slasher's employment at our site has been terminated, I am in a position to give my own statement on both topics. Each is significant in its own right and carries implications for the future of our site, which is still very much in question.

Firstly, I will address the departure of Slasher, one of the founding members of OnGamers, as a result of offenses, on his behalf, which led to our site's domain being banned from reddit for a second time. Slasher was one of the reasons I joined OnGamers, as we had discussed for many years that it would make sense for us to team up, since we have different skillsets but both have long been involved in esports and both consistently drive traffic as a result of our work. I have long considered him a friend and joining OnGamers was not merely an opportunity to take my dream job, replete with better income and more freedoms, but also to work with a friend and with other people I respect in the industry.

That is all of great significance in light of what has unfolded over the last few days, as Slasher's actions have potentially put both my employment with OnGamers and that of the other staff here in jeopardy. Our first ban on reddit came largely due to a lack of explicit rules on reddit, with mods and admins sharing different opinions on what was and was not acceptable and the distinctions not always being clear as communication trickled down the reddit hierarchy.

Once OnGamers was banned, the impact was potentially that it might spell the end of our site and our employment there, so all the senior members of staff, including Slasher, met and agreed that our premise going forwards was that if we were unbanned then under no circumstances could this kind of situation ever arise again. All of our policies and plans from that point on were set with the intention in mind that we had to avoid being banned again. This included an agreement from all concerned that we would no longer submit our own links to reddit and we would not tweet those links.

Since a large portion of our peers and competitors were still in a position to do the aforementioned, it would put us as at a competitive disadvantage, but we realised that if we were to continue then we had to abide by the strictest of rules, internally, so as to ensure we were in a position for our work to have a presence on reddit, albeit by organic means, with readers and members of the community being the ones to choose was which of our work was submitted, how and when. While that was initially a set-back, the results seemed to be very positive, as we gradually saw a response from those who appreciated our work in it appearing on reddit and our numbers in time went up. From my perspective, we had overcome the difficult times and there was reason to be hopeful in the future. What had seemed like the potential death of the site now simply meant a different method of operating, a little more challenging but possible to succeed with nonetheless.

When I found out, as a result of the public reddit topics, that Slasher had been involved in directly contacting reddit users and asking them to post his content, I was incredibly disappointed and upset. Not just that Slasher had broken our agreement, but that it was obvious that a second reddit ban would be the outcome, this time without much forseeable room to appeal. I also knew this meant the end of Slasher's time with OnGamers, since he, as a senior member of the staff, knew this kind of behaviour had been explicitly forbidden. Slasher acted entirely alone in pursuing this behaviour and the announcement of OnGamers' reddit ban was the first time I was even made aware of it, despite considering myself a friend of his and communicating with him regularly. It's not a coincidence only his reddit account was banned, while those of the other senior editors remain active.

The decision to hire or fire an employee ultimately rests with my superiors at OnGamers, but as senior members of staff we are consulted for our opinions. Even before I had heard the opinion of my superiors, I knew that firing Slasher was both the only reasonable and correct course of action, and I'll explain why now. Not only had Slasher broken our agreement on what reddit behaviour to explicitly not partake in, but he had now potentially cost myself and others at OnGamers their jobs. Taking myself out of the equation for a second, there are dozens of staff employed at OnGamers, from freelancers through to full-time employees.

Those freelancers have no knowledge or input into the policies or behaviours of senior staff, yet now their future, at least with our site and in this industry, has been called into question due to Slasher's decision to go against our wishes in how he dealt with reddit. In terms of the full-time employees of OnGamers, there are individuals who work at our site who have families to feed and some of whom have even uprooted and moved to San Francisco to work from the office on our site. That their livelihoods could be taken away as a result of this recent course of action, is both disappointing and infuriating to me. It is one thing to decide your own fate with your actions, but to significantly impact the lives of others, especially those with no say in the matter, is not something I take lightly when considering someone's decision-making and actions taken.

As far as I am concerned on a personal level, yes, Slasher was my friend and someone I respected in this industry. I won't give any specifics of the circumstances, but there was an occasion during our time at OnGamers where his job was once potentially in danger, and since I felt removing him was unjustified or the topic was being viewed from the wrong perspective, I literally and immediately stated that if he was removed or let go, in that case, then I would leave my position at the site also, out of protest and in solidarity with him as a friend and a colleague I felt had valuable work to contribute to the site.

This is a minor digression, but as someone who has spent a long time in esports, I have learned to live frugally and save my salary to offset the potential uncertainties of the future, so it allows me the luxury of being able to stand up for what I think is right and ethical even if it may cost me financially. I bring this point up, since the same scenario would have applied in this instance, had Slasher in some way been scapegoated on this topic and forced to pay for the mistakes of others than just himself. In this scenario, Slasher acted on his own behalf, but has potentially negatively impacted the lives of dozens of others, who have no way of reversing the effects of his actions. That crosses ethical boundaries for me that I cannot and will not defend.

When I said before that working for OnGamers was a dream job for me, I make no exaggeration. If I was asked now to name, with money and opportunity as no limitation, to name five occupations that I would like to pursue, this exact job I have right now would be high on the list. I work my own hours, I am free to pursue the topics I find interesting and I am paid well enough to have freedoms I have never enjoyed previously in my life and many would no doubt envy. I have been very fortunate to find myself in a position to have such employment and I have worked diligently to ensure my work is worthy of the opportunity.

That I might, depending on how the next months go, be denied the opportunity to continue on in this job, having to find employment elsewhere or leave the industry entirely, is a very disappointing prospect, since it's something I had no say in. No matter how much content I have output or how well it has performed, I could not have stopped or curtailed the behaviour of one individual acting in a rogue manner and without the knowledge of the other employees of our site.

If my friends are acting from an ethically sound foundation, then there are no lengths to which I would not go to support them and stand in solidarity with them. If they have chosen, for whatever reasons, to act outside of the bounds of their own ethical principles, in as much as they have broken their word on how they would behave and gone as far as to endanger the jobs of other people who work at our site, then I cannot abide by that and stand with them. Slasher was my friend and since I arrived at OnGamers I have always expressed that I felt that a sense of camaraderie and solidarity was an important component of our senior editorial staff.

I've strongly supported our tight-knit group in a number of challenging situations, since I could trust that they had similar goals to my own and understood the kind of ethical approach we had to employ. When there have been minor transgressions, we have dealt with them internally and ensured we are all in agreement on how and why we should operate in those regards. This was a situation in which there was no way the matter could be dealt with internally. In fact, I would not have felt comfortable knowing the potential impact Slasher's actions could have had on the other employees, had he remained employed here, in spite of my friendship with him.

I will point out, that when I analyse games I often make the point that I dislike the approach of players and teams whereby they simply look for the last mistake they made in a match, the point to that as the sole reason they may have lost. I will frequently make the case that, while that might have been the last moment in which a different decision could have been made to change the outcome, it is also important to consider the events and decisions which led up to such an crisis point. In light of that approach to analysis, I will point out that in a world where we had not first been banned on reddit, then Slasher's actions now likely would not have had such a great and potentially dire impact on our site's future.

I also don't think his actions are as ethically unsound, within a vacuum of pure philosophy, as they may appear in this context. The key point to stress here is not even just that he coerced outside users to post his conent, but that he did it in violation of policies he had agreed to and himself been integral in drawing up in the first place. Breaking that trust and directly going against everyone's agreed wishes, in a reckless manner which may cost people their livelihood, is the offense for which I supported and still support the decision to remove him from our site. I also don't think it would be possible to trust such an individual not to engage in such behaviour again, so it makes sense to part ways at this juncture.

So, where does the reddit ban leave OnGamers and my work? Well, the real answer is that none of us really know yet. It's clear that our site will take a hit in the traffic we will miss coming from reddit, as the communities those subreddits represent were integral in providing us with our success in meeting our target numbers on a monthly basis. I also know, from personal experience, that it will be difficult reaching the people who are interested to read my work, since many will have become accustomed to the ease and convenience of simply waiting for it to appear in their reddit feeds. I have not lost hope that the situation can be salvaged though.

I'm not forthcoming with my personal life, since I'm a private person, but I don't believe in simply lying down and dying when difficulties arise in life. This is an industry I've worked in for my entire adult life, as esports has been my passion since I was a teenager. I won't simply sit by while OnGamers or my career fades away, regardless of the challenges presented in making each a success. This is still my dream job and while the dream still lives I will continue to work diligently to produce quality esports content.

For those who have shared my content on reddit in the past, I'm grateful that my efforts have been appreciated and there has been discussion about the topics I've raised. I don't plan on stopping now, so I hope the people who enjoy reading and listening to my work will still be able to find it. It's my understanding, based on previous precedents, that people will still be able to follow my video work via the OnGamers youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/onGamrs), as only the OnGamers domain has been banned from reddit.

I also hope there will be no more issues with reddit and that in future our site can be reinstated, because I think we have done some great things for the scene and there's more we can accomplish yet, given the opportunity. I will still do historical articles, I will still do Reflections interviews and I will still do Summoning Insight.
The opinion on chinese reddit and the largest scii website in china (ish, I am just posting content)

I think they're right and they're wrong. Late game is probably where the most changes need to be made but improving the mid game does help. The biggest issue with ZvT late game is that zergs are getting there so unchallenged. If you can't put on any meaningful pressure it lets zerg get a huge economy going early so that when they reach late game they're in a great spot. It's kinda similar in TvP but to a lesser extent.

Late game wouldn't seem so lopsided if terran players could put out more pressure in the early to mid game (so as to slow the progression to the late game).

That plus to me the main problem right now is the early to mid game stagnating. There aren't many opportunities to do damage and there are few allins for a terran to do. Some people may disagree but i miss the days of crazy stuff like MVP's contain builds.

I also still maintain that the major issues in the matchups are early in the game. How would win rates look in ZvT and ZvP if roach allins and blink allins weren't so succesful? I'm not saying that the late game is fine but i bet you would see FAR better representation of the races in terms of results without the early game issues.

I think terran changes should focus around a few key issues. Firstly adding more variety to terrans playing style. Giving terran players more options to allin/pressure opponents in the early-mid game. Lastly giving terran more defensive strength so that they don't get steamrolled in the late game when their army gets crushed (to me this is the biggest issue). I think tanks are probably the key to achieving this but there are lots of changes they can make.
Looking at the last game between Major and Violet, it made me very sad that Major can't deal with Roach/Hydra. He wasted so much resources building those bunkers and then sending a medivac which probably cost him the game. We might have had an NA player if he didn't mess up.

Anyways the Chinese has got it right. Lategame needs to be buffed somehow for Terran but mostly in TvP where losing a fight can mean death. In TvZ you can at least ward off the attack if you traded at least some army.

I wish they buffed Ghost EMP to make Protoss think twice about engaging. Not the old 2.0 radius but something like 1.7/1.8 as well.
Roach all-ins suck if scouted early. The reason they've been more successful lately is almost no one in TvZ knows how to play against Roach/Hydra. It's much better mid-game than Ling/Baneling/Muta because they both share upgrades. If Terran can't kill them with a counter attack right after then they should either turtle until they get a large amount of Siege Tanks or go mech.
Looking at the last game between Major and Violet, it made me very sad that Major can't deal with Roach/Hydra. He wasted so much resources building those bunkers and then sending a medivac which probably cost him the game. We might have had an NA player if he didn't mess up.

Anyways the Chinese has got it right. Lategame needs to be buffed somehow for Terran but mostly in TvP where losing a fight can mean death. In TvZ you can at least ward off the attack if you traded at least some army.

I wish they buffed Ghost EMP to make Protoss think twice about engaging. Not the old 2.0 radius but something like 1.7/1.8 as well.

He really let his tank production slip, he should have gotten a couple more out in time for that attack which could have made a big difference. Shame as major is awesome to watch (his stream is pretty great).

TvZ and TvP have similar issues, one big crushing loss for the terran tends to lead to a straight up steamroll loss. Terran need more of a defenders advantage in that situation not sure exactly how they should do it though.

Roach all-ins suck if scouted early. The reason they've been more successful lately is almost no one in TvZ knows how to play against Roach/Hydra. It's much better mid-game than Ling/Baneling/Muta because they both share upgrades. If Terran can't kill them with a counter attack right after then they should either turtle until they get a large amount of Siege Tanks or go mech.

I wasn't really including hydras in that because generally the game is lost before that. The roach attacks simply do too much damage and the terran can't recover. The good zergs like hyun have their drone counts explode during the attack as well.

In terms of it being weak if scouted that's kind of an issue in itself. It's extremely difficult to scout and the good zergs still seem to get some mileage out of it.

Mr Swine

I'm flabbergasted and angry that Terran still can't deal against Protoss late game. I don't know how many matches I have wasted where I cannot attack Protoss early game, mid game or late game thanks to Photon Overcharge or Sentries Force Field.

What's even worse is that Protoss can play as greedy as they want knowing that Terran can't do Donkey Balls against them.

Heck, even with 3 bunkers fully upgraded and 12-16 Siegetanks still get killed really fast by Zealots, Immortals and Colossus :/
He really let his tank production slip, he should have gotten a couple more out in time for that attack which could have made a big difference. Shame as major is awesome to watch (his stream is pretty great).

TvZ and TvP have similar issues, one big crushing loss for the terran tends to lead to a straight up steamroll loss. Terran need more of a defenders advantage in that situation not sure exactly how they should do it though.

I wasn't really including hydras in that because generally the game is lost before that. The roach attacks simply do too much damage and the terran can't recover. The good zergs like hyun have their drone counts explode during the attack as well.

In terms of it being weak if scouted that's kind of an issue in itself. It's extremely difficult to scout and the good zergs still seem to get some mileage out of it.

It's not that hard to really defend even if you scout it a little late as long as you see them come across the map. Either it's in his natural and you spot it instantly with your Hellions or it's in the main and you have a massive opening to kill a ton drones since they won't do much in the fight unless you had an early armory. Unless Zerg went for a really early Lair, you have enough time to get bunkers up and a tank or two by the time they get across the map.

I called from the beginning that the Hellion/Hellbat change would make Roach all-ins more popular because of how effective quick Hellbat/Medivac rushes were without Roaches to defend. It's also the only thing other than a Baneling bust that punishes Terran for taking a greedy 3rd like almost everyone does now.


Destiny tournament is up on Indigogo! Breakdown of costs etc, take a look!



Huge interview with Flash and Stork

Original article: http://esports.dailygame.co.kr/view.php?ud=2014070201564574904

-----------below is the translation-----------

Did you enjoy reading about Stork and Flash’s talk on ceremony? I’ve heard that many people agreed to their thoughts. It also made the fans think again about their views and thoughts on SC2.

Stork pretty much set the fuse and FlaSh lit it. I hope someone keeps the flame alive as long as possible. Stork and FlaSh can’t be the only ones performing ceremoies forever. I hope more players perform ceremonies that will not only spotlight the league that they’re playing in, but also spotlight themselves.

This interview is about Stork and FlaSh’s thoughts on StarCraft 2 tournaments. Since they have tons of experience in tournaments, dating back to BW era, we need to listen to their thoughts carefully and take them seriously.

Q I think we talked enough about ceremonies. I completely agree to both of your thoughts and worries about the scene. Now, from both of you, I want to hear about your thoughts on the StarCraft 2 itself, as well as the SC2 leagues.

A Stork = SC2 is as fun as BW. There was a period of time when I was depressed during transition from BW to SC2, but the game itself is really fun.

Q There were times where someone like you were depressed?

A Stork = It’s gotten a lot better now. But last season, I thought about retiring multiple times during the day. After LoL became popular in Korea, everyone was talking about LoL. Nobody even cared about StarCraft 2, the game that I practiced really hard for. When Special Force Proleague was being held, plays from teams that both run BW team and SF team said that they went through a hard time. I think I became one of the SF players. There was a period of time where I needed some attention and love from the community and fans.

Q We wouldn’t have seen you in 2014 season if you went to army, right? I think you need to go soon. Any plans?

A Stork = When the time comes, my mind and my heart will say that I have to let go of the game. But for now, I’m trying to delay my army service as much as possible. The hard times have passed, and currently my mind is set.

Q Maybe that’s why you looked more desperate during your 7 game winning streak, compared to your 13 game losing streak where you looked lethargic inside the game.

A Stork = Really? I guess my feelings and thoughts were shown through my matches.

A FlaSh = Even I thought that Stork was trying to send us a message through his matches. I think it was his game against ByuL (T/N Wait why do people say I (snm) look like byul?). It seemed that every individual unit of Stork was thinking ‘we have to win’ and moved accordingly as they were racing for elimination.

A Stork = Hearing such words from the ‘Final Boss’ makes me feel great. I’m honored.

Q I think disbandment of AirForce ACE was a huge disappointment to the older players.

A Stork = Maybe I should’ve applied for it 3 years ago. I do regret a little. AirForce used to have the e-Sport soldier policy. If I went to AirForce during my prime days, I could’ve improved AirForce ACE’s record. I also thought multiple times that I could have easily continued my progamer life after finishing my army duties. But what can I do? It’s too late, and the system is gone.

A FlaSh = The disbandment was a huge disappoint to progamers, especially StarCraft progamers. When players like Reach and YellOw went to AirForce, I didn’t think about it as much. In fact, since I was just becoming an adult by legal standards, I didn’t think about army at all. After turning 23, the pressure is finally starting to build up.

A Stork = I think it’s a good idea for FlaSh to apply for Joongang University as e-Sports specialist. I heard that KeSPA and Joongang University made a treaty and heard that they were selecting about 2 people. You can play and study at a 4-year University while naturally delaying your army duties.

Q Stork’s WCS Ro16 matches became a hot issue to many fans. There were rumors about your tears after the match and you also earned the nick name ‘God-Goo’ (T/N Stork’s real name is Song Byung Goo. So they just replaced Byung with ‘God’. Another example is Lee Young Ho -> God Young Ho)

A FlaSh = Even I was touched by Stork’s WCS games. It feels like he’s doing well for me, someone who’s currently not performing well in WCS. I didn’t think about it as much during Ro32, but my hands were sweating while cheering on for Stork during his Ro16 matches. Since he’s been doing well since BW and the oldest SC2 progamer in Korea, I think I was more passionate and emotional about his games.

A Stork = I really didn’t cry. It only seemed like that because of the camera angle. Honestly, I didn’t have too much time to practice for the Ro16 matches due to personal reasons. Since I couldn’t practice much, I couldn’t play as well and that’s why I think I got knocked out at Ro16.

Q Speaking of the amount of practice, people have been saying that the reason why older progamers have worse record is because they don’t practice enough. I want to hear your thoughts on this statement Stork, because you’re the oldest SC2 progamer in Korea.

A Stork = The amount of practice is not the source of annoyance for the older players. There are actually many distractions that keeps us from focusing on practicing. The army issue is one example. Tons of mail arrives at our practice house. It’s the notice of enlistment for the army. To delay my retirement and to join the army at a later date, the company, coaches, staff members, and I discuss and fill out requested forms, acquire required documents, and other required materials. It’s very troublesome because it takes an entire day. This means I just missed a day of practice. Around this time of the year a year ago, something big happened. Due to this, I was thinking about retiring and becoming a coach for a year before joining the army.

Q FlaSh, you had a surgery on your arm. From all the progamers that I’ve met, you had the biggest injury thus far. How’s your arm these days?

A FlaSh = It was better right after the surgery, but the pain is coming back. I think this is going to continue while I’m a progamer. I just have to endure it. I thought it was going to be okay when I transitioned to SC2 due to MBS (Multiple Building Selection), but after preparing for tournaments and practicing rigorously, I think my arm is getting worse once again. The key to success as Terran is the Marine and Marauder split army control. It’s same for TvZ and TvP. At least when I’m playing mech in TvT, my arm hurts less. I did talk to KT’s basketball team before and most players on that team had injuries yet they endured it and continued their profession as professional basketball player. I’m just going to do the same.

Q How would you feel if, all of a sudden, you didn’t have to go to army?

A Stork = I think I’ll continue my life as a progamer, no matter how old I am. Even if I get married and have a son/daughter, I don’t think I can quit being a gamer. I’ll probably set a practice schedule and go back and forth from the practice house while spending time with my family at home. If another team like AirForce ACE forms again, I’ll join as soon as possible. However, I don’t think that’s realistic. It’s disappointing, but right now I’m debating when to join the army.

A FlaSh = Since I was born in 1992, my non-progamer friends either all finished their military duties or are close to finishing. When I see them these days I think they’re the ‘winners’. But I have no regrets. I’m doing what I like, and I’m getting rewarded for it. I’ll continue my life as a progamer until I reach my goals.

Q Tons of StarCraft 2 players are attending foreign tournaments. Aren’t you guys also thinking about going to foreign tournaments? Given that all circumstances are met, are you willing to focus mostly on foreign tournaments or move to a foreign team?

A Stork = If my army issues are all solved, then of course I’ll try to attend as many foreign touranments as possible. Since I still have time, I want to attend as many tournaments as possible so I’m playing in most qualifiers. My company also promised to support me for attending foreign tournaments. That’s why I was able to attend Homestory Cup. I also wanted to attend MLG this year but I couldn’t go because I have a single passport (T/N meaning, his passport expires after he travels to another country once). It was also a period of time where Proleague was important.

A FlaSh = Due to scheduling issues with Proleague, there are many cases where I can’t attend foreign tournaments. I’m currently focusing on Proleague first because the company’s main focus is on Proleague, and I agree to a certain extent. After 2014 season is over, I’m going to actively seek chances to attend a foreign tournament. I really want to hear the low-to-mid pitched ‘FlaSh’ from the foreign fans.

I did attend foeign touranments couple of times, but its hard to adjust after attending only one or two tournaments. I barely learned how to maintain good condition when I was attending one of the tournaments, but after about 3 or 4 months of not attending foreign tournaments (and then attending one), I forget how to maintain good composure once again.

Q Recently KeSPA announced the revival of KeSPA cup and said they will hold a global SC2 tournament. Are you greedy for these upcoming tournaments?

A Stork = Of course, I’m excited. Progamer’s goal is to win as much as possible, especially if new tournaments are made. But it seems near impossible to qualify for that tournament if you don’t get the Ro16 seed. Qualifying through Korean qualifyers is similar to a camel passing through the eye of the needle (T/N wow, this previous sentence probably doesn’t make sense. All he’s trying to say is that its really hard). All the good players will try to qualify….(sigh…)

A FlaSh = The reason why so many players were trying to get the most wins is because of KeSPA Cup. After learning about the seeding system (players with most and second most wins in Proleague are seeded), every single player solely focused on Proleague, or all-in’d. I did also all-in for Proleague, but my records aren’t as good. I’m getting worried.

Q Protoss is doing really well these days. There have been rumors about you (FlaSh) switching to Protoss; have you ever considered or have decided to switch races?

A FlaSh = It feels too late. I did seriously consider switching to Protoss at one point. But I decided against it. I don’t know how other Terran think about myself, but personally I think that one day, the ‘FlaSh’ style Terran is going to gain spotlight and become popoular. My record during team evaluation (friendlies) is great. If there are 10 of those friendlies within the team, I place 1st in 9 of the 10 evaluations. I’ve been doing well since the beginning of SC2 and have been consistent. Thus, I always have confidence in myself. I’m always looking towards the long run. It was same back in BW. I did have about two slumps during my career. During those slumps, I looked towards the long term goals and took things slowly. The result was great, as I did really well towards the end of BW. If I’m doing well at the practice house, then I believe that someday, I’ll also do well on the broadcasted matches and official tournaments.

A Stork = Although I think I’m doing well because I’m a Protoss user, I think games are just working out really well for me these days. When I lost to Dream after my 7 game winning streak, it just seemed like a natural pattern for me. When I lose in PvT, I always lose like that. If they add in widow mines, I surrender even faster. Personally, PvT is hard. I’m confident in other matchups. Unlike FlaSh who says that he’s always at top during the friendlies and in-house ranking matches, I usually stay in the middle. When I’m do well in PvP (T/N apparently Stork describes this day as the day he won the lottery), I do place well, sometimes even 1st. But no matter the results, I’m having fun with the game and enjoying my practice sessions.

Q You did mention that SC2 is getting the SF treatment after being pushed off the spotlight by LoL. What can people do, or what should we do, to revive SC2?

A Stork = That’s the thing that I’ve been thinking about a lot recently. I have tons of ideas. We need more informational programs that utilizes StarCraft 2. And while it’s okay for game casters/commentators to come out on the show, we need to start using female entertainers, such as K-Pop girl group members. The ones that people know about. The core SC2 players are males. If you can bring in the girl group fans, then it will become a huge issue and bring in more players. Think about this: A live game show where you get to play with girl groups. If you advertise that well, I think it’s going to be a huge success.

Q I think it will be very expensive, and might be a huge burden from the broadcasting station’s point of view.

A Stork = Of course it will be expensive. But they will need to tolerate such burden if SC2 were to revive (T/N The original translation here is ‘if SC2 revives’ but that didn’t make sense to me. I’m leaving the original translation as a note just in case). I thought MBCGame always made the right choices. They received good reviews when they used idol members such as Han Seung Yeon (Kara) (T/N I MIGHT HAVE THE NAME WRONG, DONT KILL ME PLZ) and IU. Rather than inviting these idol members for other information shows, I wish they were invited to help reviving the SC2 scene.

Another way to increase popularity is for Blizzard to make SC2 fre to play. You can’t play SC2 without buying the CD (T/N or buying it digitally =X). The good players receive more spotlight if there are more players in the scene, regardless of the game. To be honest, it is hard to find SC2 practice partners and/or trainees these days. Progamers are at the top, but that’s it. There’s no middle. I even have a feeling that we won’t have tournaments after current players retire because we don’t have any new players.

A FlaSh = I completely agree with Stork

A Stork = You agree with my girl group + StarCraft 2 information show idea?

A FlaSh = Yeah. I didn’t think about that before

A Stork = I agreed with KeSPA hiring cheerleaders for Proleague. It cheered up the place (T/N OMG THAT WAS SUCH A BAD TRANSLATION BUT W.E.). While it’s important to have fun while watching the game at the venue, its also good to have fun while cheering for the players. If you look at baseball games (T/N in Korea), the cheerleaders control the atmosphere.

A FlaSh = I think Stork is full of ideas. After he retires, I think it might be a good idea for him to join KeSPA and become an administrator.

A Stork = I also feel that Blizzard doesn’t care about SC2. There were many things announced such as level up system and unit skins at the launch of Heart of the Swarm, but they haven’t developed anything new since then, or haven’t added much to the original system. Shortly after the release of Heart of the Swarm, Heroes of the Storm was announced and Hearthstone came out. I think SC2 is the only game that’s been pushed announced. I heard that the CEO’s most favorite game is StarCraft, but the treatment that it is currently receiving is the worst.

Q I feel that the star-making in Korean tournaments aren’t happening. There also has been some controversy about the location of this year’s GSL finals (T/N their own studio). What do you think?

A FlaSh = I just think that we can’t blame GOMexp for holding the finals at their own studio. I believe they made that choice not only because of the financial issues but also their lack of confidence in drawing in many fans for the finals. Maybe its my fault, or even Stork’s, but just because the players are skills does not mean that they can hold the finals at a huge venue, without making them a star first. It’s hard to gather the fans that way. First, they have to make storylines and form rivalries.

In that note, I think GOMexp wasn’t as good at making these storylines, and when they made one they reacted slowly and missed out on the good ones. Honestly, the hottest issue in GSL Season 2 was Stork. If they saw Stork’s run through Ro32 and Ro16, they should’ve kept the focus on him. To me, it feels that they’re using same amount of focus and energy for every single match. I can still recall the days when Reach made it back in to Starleague. When fans started going ‘It’s the return of the Hero’, OGN used Reach as the main model for their intro video. When fans saw the video of reach wearing his headset, that resembled himself back in 2002 when he won the OSL, they went nuts. That’s how you create a star. That’s how star-making should be done.

A Stork = Although soO got second place, the fact that he made it into the finals 3 times in a row is a great achievement. But it seemed to the fans that soO was losing his strength when the broadcasters were putting heavy emphasis on 3 second place finishes in a row. Rather than emphasizing on his second place finishes and making it sound really grim for soO, I would like it if they praise him for his success.

Q When I throw one question at you guys, you guys just keep on talking and talking. I’m happy yet flustered at the same time. We’ll pull an all nighter at this rate. Let’s meet in the future and continue your thoughts and stories. For now, however, we’ll finish the interview with one final statement from both of you.

A Stork = Being a progamer for a long time can be intrepreted as an opportunity for others to create tons of story about you. In this case, I guess both FlaSh and I are included. I really wanted FlaSh to do well this season, but he was playing against Shine. It was a bit awkward for me to cheer for FlaSh. I hope he doesn’t face Samsung players starting from now on, so that I can cheer for him. While it feels good to face FlaSh in Proleague, in the future I want to face him in later stages of GSL. Until that day, both of us will need to perform well and raise fan’s expectations.

A FlaSh = Stork is back in shape, both in Proleague and individual league. Although he is the oldest SC2 progamer in Korea, he is working really hard to achieve goals. That’s something that I should learn from him, and I respect him for that. I really want to see him win another tournament. I would like it more if I’m not his opponent in the finals when he wins. I hope can continue practicing hard until the day where Stork and FlaSh meets in the finals.


Destiny tournament is up on Indigogo! Breakdown of costs etc, take a look!



Q I think disbandment of AirForce ACE was a huge disappointment to the older players.

A FlaSh = The disbandment was a huge disappoint to progamers, especially StarCraft progamers. When players like Reach and YellOw went to AirForce, I didn’t think about it as much. In fact, since I was just becoming an adult by legal standards, I didn’t think about army at all. After turning 23, the pressure is finally starting to build up.


A Stork = Another way to increase popularity is for Blizzard to make SC2 fre to play. You can’t play SC2 without buying the CD (T/N or buying it digitally =X). The good players receive more spotlight if there are more players in the scene, regardless of the game. To be honest, it is hard to find SC2 practice partners and/or trainees these days. Progamers are at the top, but that’s it. There’s no middle. I even have a feeling that we won’t have tournaments after current players retire because we don’t have any new players.


A Stork = I also feel that Blizzard doesn’t care about SC2. There were many things announced such as level up system and unit skins at the launch of Heart of the Swarm, but they haven’t developed anything new since then, or haven’t added much to the original system. Shortly after the release of Heart of the Swarm, Heroes of the Storm was announced and Hearthstone came out. I think SC2 is the only game that’s been pushed announced. I heard that the CEO’s most favorite game is StarCraft, but the treatment that it is currently receiving is the worst.


A Flash = In that note, I think GOMexp wasn’t as good at making these storylines, and when they made one they reacted slowly and missed out on the good ones. Honestly, the hottest issue in GSL Season 2 was Stork. If they saw Stork’s run through Ro32 and Ro16, they should’ve kept the focus on him. To me, it feels that they’re using same amount of focus and energy for every single match. I can still recall the days when Reach made it back in to Starleague. When fans started going ‘It’s the return of the Hero’, OGN used Reach as the main model for their intro video. When fans saw the video of reach wearing his headset, that resembled himself back in 2002 when he won the OSL, they went nuts. That’s how you create a star. That’s how star-making should be done.

A Stork = Although soO got second place, the fact that he made it into the finals 3 times in a row is a great achievement. But it seemed to the fans that soO was losing his strength when the broadcasters were putting heavy emphasis on 3 second place finishes in a row. Rather than emphasizing on his second place finishes and making it sound really grim for soO, I would like it if they praise him for his success.

Huge interview with Flash and Stork
Very nice interview there, it's interesting to hear Stork speak about his past form before finding it again and how devoted he seems to be to esports. I highlighted some other parts I thought were extra interesting. ACE disbanding was sad to me because it to me was a great sign of BW's popularity in SK back then, that they actually managed to get a decent team together to compete and practice even during military service. Such hype. Contrast that to when Stork says that mid level talent is drying up and that he feels both Blizzard and tournament organizers need to take more steps to engage an audience.

I totally agree with Flash's points about GOM not creating exciting storylines. In some ways it's a problem with the player pool which I think is mostly flat (oh for the days of yore ;) ), and the English casters do try their best to hype up groups and players, but it's all spread out very evenly. The last real hype moment I remember was over a year ago with the group of death and my interest in following the individual leagues has only shrunk since.

Proleague is totally where it's at atm. There are some great storylines building there thanks to the long format, teams constantly go up and down in power and ranks and it'll be exciting to see if Samsung or CJ manages to clinch season playoff spots. Last time I heard this had been reflected in more viewers turning up for games live.


So i guess flashs arm is still factoring in his performance

Would have loved to see the old marine control by flash in sc2

Also how fast he reinforces his army in bw was insane


Destiny invitees for his tournament Mentioned on his stream today

Acer Innovation
Acer Scarlett
CM Storm Polt
EG Jaedong
IM Trap
JinAir Greenwings Maru
KT Rolster Flash
KT Rolster Zest
Liquid HerO
Liquid Snute
Liquid Taeja
Red Bull Bomber
SKTT1 Classic
SKTT1 Parting
SKTT1 Soulkey
Startale Life


Back in the SC1 days, there used to be a custom map called Gone in 60 Seconds. It was based off the movie and the whole point to the custom game was to sneak around the map stealing "cars" without getting caught. If you did get caught, it was up to the rest of the team to come get you out of jail.

Is there any custom map out there that is similar or maybe even the same?!

I would LOVE to play that again.


Have you tried searching it up? I don't recall anything like it though.

I love the Destiny contribution rewards, would 25 dollars really be so much for making fun of Yoshichan? XD
All hail Yoshichan

Hug from Destiny
This is good for one (1) hug from me at any upcoming event. If you see me, make sure you let me know you put $10 towards my tournament so you can redeem your hug. Also, these are real, 100% Genuine American hugs. I don't fuck around with any hover-hand shit, I'll go full balls to the wall, arms around your shoulders, erection pressed awkwardly into your stomach hug if you want (example: http://i.imgur.com/LcBaP45.jpg or http://i.imgur.com/daQvMWG.jpg ). White t-shirt not included****

Message read between series
I will read your hilarious and creative message in between matches during the group stages. Make sure to make this as original and hilarious as possible. Here are some suggestions: -copypasta (dae navy seals???lllolol) -kspam -hilarious memes -[le] insider reddit jokes (hey guyz this is unidan!11haha) -making the casters sound like they're saying bad things about themselves even though everyone knows it's fake -did I mention hilarious memes??

Viewer "Hand-off"
At the end of the day of whatever stream we're doing, I'll "hand off" my viewers to you. That means I'll finish up reading off the sponsors/congratulating whoever won and then I'll let everyone know that you are the day's "streamer sponsor" and I'll send all of my lovely viewers your way. I have no idea if they'll stick around, troll you into oblivion or just completely ignore my verbal plea altogether. GOOD LUCK.

SC2 Lessons
I'll give you one hour of one-on-one coaching time where I'll probably tell you to make roaches to practice your macro because there's no point in teaching you how to play 3-base games when you can't even hotkey your hatcheries. These sessions will be streamed for both your humiliation and the entertainment of your friends and family.


Day[9] talks about his game, what he is up to lately, why you don't see him cast as much anymore (indirectly)


He works full time as lead designer and then dose the daily for 4 hours when he gets home.

Basically not only blows away the theory that he was brought on for PR, or that he is not doing actual design. He is legit the lead game designer and legit designing the game.How he talks about iterative design is really encouraging, I don't want to jinx it, but his RTS could be the RTS game that really moves the genre forward and helps to bridge the gaps in appeal of MOBAS and RTS.

The interviewer is spending the entire interview grilling him on the game. Really informative from a design standpoint.


I want a tag give me a tag
That stork + flash interview is amazing and depressing.

It makes me feel sad.

I'm so glad I went to korea for the GSL.


I just in base proxy raxed/bunker rushed a masters protoss and he told me

deine mutter ist ne hur = Your mother is a whore.

The replay shows that he took fast two gases and proxy oracle in the middle of the map.

No remorse.


relies on auto-aim
I just in base proxy raxed/bunker rushed a masters protoss and he told me

deine mutter ist ne hur = Your mother is a whore.

The replay shows that he took fast two gases and proxy oracle in the middle of the map.

No remorse.
Fight the good fight
Destiny invitees for his tournament Mentioned on his stream today

Acer Innovation
Acer Scarlett
CM Storm Polt
EG Jaedong
IM Trap
JinAir Greenwings Maru
KT Rolster Flash
KT Rolster Zest
Liquid HerO
Liquid Snute
Liquid Taeja
Red Bull Bomber
SKTT1 Classic
SKTT1 Parting
SKTT1 Soulkey
Startale Life

I can't stand destiny but this sounds awesome.
I just in base proxy raxed/bunker rushed a masters protoss and he told me

deine mutter ist ne hur = Your mother is a whore.

The replay shows that he took fast two gases and proxy oracle in the middle of the map.

No remorse.

Proxy oracle is standard play though :p. Just out of interest do you gain much form putting the rax in the base? I like proxy raxing protoss but i don't build it in their base.


Proxy oracle is standard play though :p. Just out of interest do you gain much form putting the rax in the base? I like proxy raxing protoss but i don't build it in their base.

It is a deadly all in if not scouted. You build the rax to the side, sim city it with your first bunker to protect the marine that pops out, pull 5 scv from your main, leap frog a bunker that will hit their nexus and probe line (they will have vision at this point.

And then they die.

Want an example?

Do you proxy the rax for faster reaper harass? Or are you trying to bunker push the natural?

Also wcs ro8 is on

EDIT: Forgg advanced to semi finale!

Total Biscuit medical update He was recently hospitalized


http://starbowmod.com/ is the community site for Starbow which is related to its ladder system. We are currently preparing Starbow to get out of Beta and to try to market it a bit more, but before we can do that we need to do some work on the website / ladder system.

We've received a lot of help in the past with this but we now find ourself in need of more help.

Languages which are being used:

Ladder server - golang
Ladder client - Typescript, C++, Qt
Website - django
Web client for the ladder system - angular
Stuff which we are currently working on (in order of priority):

Developing a web client for the ladder system.
Adding some pages to the website in Korean (we have the text translated).
Extending the users profile to display more ladder information and statistics.
If you have some time and the skills to help us in this, it would be great. Please PM me here and we can take it from there.

We are also looking for designers.

Github: https://github.com/starbow



Pro opinions: Proposed Terran buffs

In the past six months, Blizzard has made a series of proposed balance changes to StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm. While not all of the proposed changes eventually get implemented, the TL Strategy team is always eager to reach out to Professional players to get their opinions on the changes Blizzard informs the community of. If you are interested in seeing our previous interviews regarding proposed balance changes you can click the following links: First Article; Second Article; Third Article.

The most recent conversation surrounding balance in the StarCraft 2 community concerns the efficacy of Terran in comparison to both Zerg and Protoss. And while a new season with new maps is about to begin (which may or may not have an impact on the recent performance of Terran), and with the inclusion of nine Terrans qualifying for Code A in the GSL, Blizzard has decided to propose a new set of balance changes, aimed at improving Terran performance.

The changes Blizzard are looking at were described by David Kim on the official Blizzard forums as follows:

Medivac harass has been getting weaker since the beginning of HotS due to players improving at defending against them. If we increase the strength of Medivacs, we’d not only help out Terran on both matchups, but also help provide even more action-packed games to watch. We wonder if buffing the unload speed or increasing the duration of the speed boost slightly would help in a positive way.

Widow Mine
Widow Mines are quite core in both TvP and TvZ. They’re also one of the most exciting units to watch and create lots of diverse moments depending on the players’ interaction with them within each engagement. We’re currently considering a slight increase to the splash radius of Widow Mines, which we believe could be a good direction to explore.

TeamLiquid has reached out to a small number of Professionals from the American and European WCS regions to get their thoughts on Blizzard's proposed changes.

Do you think there's a problem in TvZ? In which area?

[image loading] coL_qxc: The two biggest problems I see with TvZ regarding creep and Terran's lack of good gas & end game units (usually these are the same. I would like to see creep recede slightly faster, even if it meant it was slightly easier to spread as the game quickly becomes un-winnable if Terran makes an early mistake that gives Zerg even a few minutes of map control. TvZ is extremely dependent on creep and creep feels un-dynamic in its creation/destruction.

[image loading] Liquid`Snute: A classic ZvT plays out the same every time, Zerg defends for ages and Terran has a wide range of builds that can kill Zerg before the Muta cloud is up. The match-up might be close to balanced as a whole but most Terrans try to finish the game as soon as possible. Clever Zergs will never attack off of creep until they have some sort of fully upgraded 200/200 army with a muta cloud - or if they took an amazing defensive engagement.
It's very important to look at the win-rates relative to game length and compositions when evaluating the state of this match-up. Especially looking at the correlation between Mutalisk count and win rate would be interesting.

[image loading] Property.MorroW: I think there is a problem in TvZ.

[image loading] Acer.Nerchio: Yes, i think drops are too powerful and zerg is too weak outside of creep while being too strong on creep.

[image loading] ROOT.Iaguz: Maybe a slight one. I think for most of HotS up until the last 6 months, Zerg was the harder race to play, but they've trained themselves to deal with most of our common timings and tightened up all aspects of Ling/Bane/Muta style play (nerfs to widow mines and hellbats surely didn't hurt, of course). Add in favorable maps and of course Zerg appears to have an edge, and now it's up to Terrans to tighten up their execution in turn.

[image loading]Cascade_DIMAGA: I think Zerg need more time to discover all builds of terran, nowadays there is a lot of new builds with Hellbats so its difficult to know which one exactly it will be and its tough overall right now in ZvT.

[image loading] EG.Xenocider: The problem currently in TvZ is that Terran (assuming played off of bio) has no way to deal with mass banelings in the late game, especially on creep. With the nerf of the widow mine (combined with Z figuring out how to deal with over time) Terran actually has no way of dealing with an amount of banelings that rivals the amount of bio. The second, and perhaps the defining flaw in TvZ prevalence of the muta. The muta allows the Zerg army to scale much better than the Terran army. If Zerg wishes, they can go to 30 mutas and never allow the Terran to move out with more than 3/4 of their army. The mutas can come back to the fight and help snowball the victory, or the ground army can win without the mutas provided that it's a good engagement on creep. The mutas can also cause havok in the Terran's base when there is a stalemate. When both the threat of mutas and the threat of banelings +any tech transition grows into the late game, the Terran will always feel as if he is playing against the timer. (because he/she is) TvZ currently is decided on the first 2 medivacs at the highest level, if they can do damage (which they shouldn't provided perfect control from both sides) then the Terran is at a disadvantageous position.

Do you think there's a problem in TvP? In which area?

[image loading] coL_qxc: Scouting is very hard in TvP. If you're a bit unlucky with your scans or scouting or the Protoss is a bit trickier/skilled at denying scouting than most it can feel impossible to prepare correctly. I don't know if it's a problem as much as a design flaw, but I think photon overcharge needs a slight rework. Right now it feels excessively strong and prevents a huge amount of early aggression from Terran. I think if photon overcharge cost 50 mana, lasted 40 seconds and had a 60 second cooldown it could be a move in the right direction. This creates more windows of vulnerability while also allowing the Protoss more opportunities to use time warp as a single spell use wouldn't be as expensive which would hopefully create more dynamic play. I don't like end game vs protoss, but that might just be me. Warp gate has always been incredibly frustrating - especially warp prism play. 10 zealot & 3 dt warp-in in my main feels so dumb. Often this match-up feels incredibly easy to lose and nearly impossible to win if it goes to the late game as storm prevents major counter attacks while losing a single engagement as Terran often seems to end the game completely. I don't know how or if this needs to be fixed, but that's my observation.

[image loading] Property.MorroW: i think TvP is pretty ok but scv pulls are very strong on some of the maps. the new ladder map pool it will be easier for Protoss to defend.

[image loading] ROOT_Iaguz: Protoss is kinda similar in that there's only one really effective strategy against them (marauders + medivacs, in case of emergencies pull scv's or make ghosts) and they've spent a lot of time learning how to handle the dangerous Terran midgame. Their late-game is still superior and they're always coming up with devious strategies or timings to confound Terrans and steal wins.

If you go by the fact we haven't won a GSL in basically forever and that Terran representation in Code S has for the past few seasons been at an all time low and that only the Crown Prince of Summer has been the only one to win tournaments since October last year and that the ro8's of the recent MLG and Dreamhack and GSL feature only a single Terran among them then maybe a bit of a buff isn't such a bad thing.

[image loading]ROOT_Minigun: Yes. I think there are not enough Terran openers compared to the protoss ones. This has been dealt with somewhat just due to making maps where blink isn't as good anymore, and Terran's have started to figure it out. Mainly the problem with Terran is getting their the "perfect" composition. Getting there is EXTREMELY difficult, because the Protoss player will attack you before you can get to the stage where you have 15-20 ghosts, and a good viking count. I think Terran falls off badly somewhere after the 3 base mark once the Protoss is set up I think their early game is fine if they had some more options.

[image loading]XMG_Lilbow: i think the TvP in terms of win-rate is globally balanced, but it's obviously harder to win for the Terran players because the Protoss have so much different all-ins in early game, which are pretty easy to execute but require a perfect scout and decision making from Terran, meanwhile the mid-game is Terran too, the Protoss just can't attack or he is all in, and the late game is a bit Protoss favored i think, mostly because of the Tempests which make the Protoss take the perfect fight.

[image loading] EG.Xenocider: TvP right now is basically just drill into the Protoss so that you don't get into the late game. The threat of Tempests and more importantly templar make TvP ridiculously hard in the late game. I talked to bbyong and he said that TvP lategame is hard mostly because of feedback which is devastating to packs of ghosts. It's hard to say whether midgame is favored in either way because in the current meta game it's just a stalemate between early blink stalkers and drops. In the early game Protoss more openings than Terran but it's not really that important if the Terran plays well.

[image loading]Liquid`MaNa: I think there is. I feel the match up is overall fun to play, or at least it used to, before they changed widow mine splash radious to +shields. The reason why it was fun to play is that there was high templar zealot style possible to play. Now, with the widow mine change, the zealots don't stand a chance and EVERY shot of widow mine at the protoss unit is already cost efficient (exception being only one probe kill for one shot). So once the widow mine shot something, it was already worth the investment, not to mention the splash radious to kill the key gas units (sentries, high templars) or severely damage the zealot clumps. Now, in my opinion the only possible tech route is the colossus and even though it is good and not directly countered it makes every game look exactly the same or very similiar. As much as protoss has a very big variety of builds in early game, the middle game always stays the same. Late game PvsT also feels like it has a problem. As long as both players are agressive through out the entire game - it's fine. But if two players sit and macro for 20 minutes without exchanging, the defenders advantage gets too big and neither of sides can attack each other. I don't like that Terran can have around 10 scvs for gas mining and rest is only army (because of mules mining minerals) as well as constant scanning in the endgame, because the terran usually had around 15 orbitals ready to call down mules or scans. Sure, protoss has the oracle with relevation and it's a great ability, but it actually costs supply and money to see the terran army. It's very likely that the oracle will die to vikings with relevation being casted. That only applies to the big maps though, Alterzim for example.

What do you think of Blizzard's latest proposed changes?

[image loading] coL_qxc: I don't think either of these changes address what the actual issues with Terran are, they simply buff the alternative solutions players have come up with. Can't win the late game? Out multi-task your opponent with Medivacs. Widow mines seem fine as they are. if they were buffed it would help, but it doesn't seem like the correct approach. Terran's weakness is more due to inflexibility in changing tech and lack of late game tech options.

[image loading] Liquid`Snute: Buffing Medivacs (and to some extent Mines) will only encourage more aggression from Terran. Terran could benefit from having viable tech options to the 3base 4M-train, something that can compete with a greedy 4-base Zerg without auto-losing. Tanks, (Thors), Turrets, Ghost, BCs... It's just very hard to balance. Zerg will always use a Mutalisk cloud and if a Terran follows the game up with mechanic units, Zerg will just go Swarm Host. There is no easy way for Terran to play against something like this, besides the early build orders and being overly aggressive.

[image loading] Property.MorroW: i think buffing Terrans ability to harass in mid-game with Medivacs is not targeting the issue which is that Terran falters in the late game without a complete mech composition.
right now Terrans are not sure whether widow mines or Hellbats are stronger to use in TvZ, after a mine buff it might become pure widow mines without Hellbats again.
whichever the case i don't oppose a mine buff. The issue for bio is their inability to fight Zerg in late game and mech doesnt take use of widow mines.

[image loading] Acer.Nerchio: Blizzard has no clue what they are doing - Medivac buff is absolutely ridiculous. Shift-queued drops are already really powerful and they outrun Mutalisks after clicking 1 button. Terran has the most potential for multi harass and it would break TvT.
Mines could probably be a little bit stronger but I don't think Terrans are doing that bad against Zerg especially with the last Hellion buff.

[image loading] ROOT.Iaguz: They're good but uncreative. I'm not going to say no to positive Terran changes, but these aren't ones that will make for different games which is kind of what you want in a patch. Most of the changes done to HotS have either been about nerfing stupidly op shit (hellbats and PvT blink stalker openers) or about trying to open up new interesting styles to keep the game fresh (hellbats again, also hydras, tanks, DT's and more), but this patch doesn't do either. Medivacs and Mines are already good units, we use them all the time, they're fun.

It just seems like Blizzard would rather stay super focused on LotV (the thing that actually makes them money so fair enough I guess), and give a quick simple fix to Terran. Which is frustrating but oh well it's something and like I said I'm not going to say no to it.

[image loading]Cascade_DIMAGA:Honestly I was a bit shocked when i read this because Medivacs already very strong unit for 100-100 resourses and 2 Supply limit in my opinion, but that's only their thoughts and they are just trying to do something so we will see how it will work out. I can be obviously wrong cause i'm only Zerg player and i'm thinking kinda from one side, so gl to balance team.
I don't know about TvP but in TvZ Polt shows mass widow mines in late game with bio and it works quite well so widow mine still good in TvZ.

[image loading] ROOT_Minigun: I don't like the new changes. This does nothing to effect what I just explained above. Their early game doesn't need a boost in this way.

[image loading]XMG_Lilbow: Stronger widow mines is probably a good thing for TvZ, but i think that for TvP these changes are not really adapted to the situation: the mid game Terran is already very strong so i think the up should be about late or early game, like nerf oracle or maybe make the nuke stronger? Yeah the nuke in late game can be painful on some maps (hi king sejong), now imagine if the nuke just shoot in less time, like 15 seconds for example (it's 20 right now). Positioning nuke would become "usable" i think, but the harass in late-game would be way stronger, Protoss only have 10 secs to find where is the nuke (yea because if u find it in the last 5 seconds u will probably loose some probes) which can be very hard if you have 5 base, and if the Terran know where to aim with the nuke, the red point is just invisible and the only way to guess where it is is to listen the noise of the nuke which is not really what you want to do when you are in late game and when you have a lot of macro to do.

[image loading] EG.Xenocider: The widow mine buff helps in TvZ to deal with the baneling issue, not relevant against the mutas. Useless in TvP because the meta is blink stalker/colossus. Medivacs will help in both matchups but don't really address the underlying issues described earlier.

[image loading]Liquid`MaNa: Both of them are complete bullshit in my opinion. I don't understand the thought proccess from Blizzard in that regard. Terran is the strongest race in the midgame and surviving that part as the opposite race is very hard. Therefor, they don't need any new solution in middle game. So, what Blizzard decides to do? Buff terran middle game units even more than before. This is something close to the previous potential lowering cost of Hydralisk. As much as I respect Blizzard for their work, I wish they would show some knowledge about the game rather than explaning "this unit is exciting to watch".

What do you think Blizzard should target with their changes to help Terran?

[image loading] Liquid`Snute: - Improve the Siege Tank overall.
- Medivacs could be able to pick up tanks in siege mode? With or without the siege retained.
- Infernal Pre-Igniter could also add a short, "burning" anti-regeneration effect to Thor anti-air attacks to further force cautious use of Mutalisk vs 1-5xThor+Bio armies.
- Increase MULE repair rate
+ This one is a bit silly but maybe in the late-game ... Terran could call down Barracks units from space to a Medivac location instead of having to walk them across the map? Haha. Just a thought :D

[image loading] Property.MorroW: I think the issue with Terran vs Zerg is that their late game with bio is too weak and our tier 3 units take too long time to produce. overall this patch seems more directed towards helping Terran in midgame where i feel as a Terran player myself struggle in the early game and the late game.

[image loading] Acer_Nerchio: I don't think there have to be many changes but I think we need Legacy of the Void.

[image loading] ROOT_Iaguz: Making Siege tanks not suck vs Protoss, giving Terran Bio play a bit more power going into lategame but not in a way that just leads to us hardcore turtling into whatever it is.

[image loading]Cascade_DIMAGA: I think Zerg struggling against PDD nowadays in really late game vs ravens/vikings combo, so i think we need some sort of anti-energy unit or spell for Zerg(you could say you have fungal, but in real games especially when terran just turtle as hell its not working cause of tanks 13 range),so if we will have something like feedback or emp or anything similar to that it would be great.

[image loading]ROOT_Minigun: I would like to see something to increase their mid-late game potential. Either buff mech, and make it the standard TvP OR/and make it easier for Terran to get their perfect composition. Specific buffs, I am not sure.

[image loading] EG.Xenocider: Blizzard needs to implement something for Terran to be able to deal with mass mutas, mass banelings, and late game protoss, rather than focusing on our midgame strength.

[image loading]Liquid`MaNa: Unfortunately I don't have a great idea for the perfect solution for terran. I think a brainstorm with progamers could help with that. Blizzard should definitely look at the Terrans lategame or mech units to make them more playable (at least vs Protoss). I personally think that mech is underused vs Protoss so far, I have troubles playing against it on my own, but I think it would be easily deflectable with good amount of practice, so they should take a look into that.
The Widow Mine change wouldn't be that bad in either match up as long as they adjust the scaling with it. Terran need a more mobile unit with aoe to deal with mass Zealot but increasing the range of Hellbat's would break them in TvZ. Vikings could really use a build speed increase. Never realized how long it was until now. Lowering it from 42 seconds to 30-35 seconds should make 2 base Colossi all-in much less viable.
LOL just watched the dumbest game I've ever seen. Supernova made alt account named Super Troll and literally built nothing but Widow Mines and Medivacs. He eventually starved out the Zerg because he had no idea how to fight it but Supernova was about to start nuking everything anyways.


QXC found one of the Plot brothers passion


Taeja dying to ~some protoss~

I don't understand why everybody keeps underhyping Pigbaby. It wasn't that long ago that he was in Code S, and he was on a Kespa team for a while training with some of the top players around. While Taeja was beating up on foreigner no-names Pigbaby was training with the likes of $O$. He's not an underdog just because you don't wake up early enough to watch Korean matches.


I have only seen snippets of WCS but have they mentioned in passing why everyone is sweating like a bastard? All the interviews guys look like they just got back from a jog. A/C busted in that bldg day 1?
The casting for WCS AM and EU were both really good. It's nice having guys like rotterdam, QXC, ToD, apollo etc who are good casters but actually also have a fair bit of knowledge.

It is a deadly all in if not scouted. You build the rax to the side, sim city it with your first bunker to protect the marine that pops out, pull 5 scv from your main, leap frog a bunker that will hit their nexus and probe line (they will have vision at this point.

And then they die.

Want an example?

Do you proxy the rax for faster reaper harass? Or are you trying to bunker push the natural?

I'm going to be honest if there is an option to do something extra cheesy as opposed to more of a macro orientated build i tend to lean towards cheese :p. I tend to bunker push the natural, not sure how effective that is but it leads to some crazy games which is what i tend to enjoy. I just like builds that push both myself and my opponent out of their comfort zone. Playing outside of what is expected is fun.

I'll be trying that build out for sure (shame i don't get much time for 1v1 anymore).
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