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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike

BC's are pretty boring to watch and use imo. Would much rather see terran get buffs to more interesting units (just make the siege tank good again plz).

Edit: I like the changes and i think they will have a big impact overall. It will be very interesting to see exactly how things turn out.


I hope they do a complete sound effect rebuild for Lotv (I know it wont happen). Sound effects in SCII are so plain compared to broodwar, and I think the punchy low fi sound work in the original is honestly part of the reason it managed to catch on with people.

Remember when the oracle had an amazing death sound?


DK interview with OGN: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/14834353

He talks about protoss being very strong for a while, mentions that Legacy of the Void development has been going on for a long time, and even talks about adjusting protoss in LotV so that there will be more micro required to be good with them so that top players can differentiate themselves more. Very encouraging!
Lol Catz might be one of my favorite players. First game in WCS America qualifiers he did a proxy Hatch in Gemini's main. Second game he went triple Hatch before pool with the 3rd one being a macro Hatch, built 17 Queens and did a Ling/Roach/Queen push that was unkillable with all the transfuses.


Yeah. Did my link not work? lol

Lol Catz might be one of my favorite players. First game in WCS America qualifiers he did a proxy Hatch in Gemini's main. Second game he went triple Hatch before pool with the 3rd one being a macro Hatch, built 17 Queens and did a Ling/Roach/Queen push that was unkillable with all the transfuses.
Haha wtf, I need to see these replays.


I happened to stumble on Avilo's stream as he was playing his WCS qualifier game against a zerg. I was there game time 1 hour 30 minutes and change. Game lasted over 3 hours because he's such a tool. That was the first time I watch Avilo's stream. I can't stand this twit.
Lol that was one of the most entertaining series in awhile. True is gonna start making Protoss go Gateway first instead of Nexus like Protoss make Zerg go Pool first instead of Hatch.


Hey guys, the proleague finals are going to be at ~that~ venue



Also, Richard Lewis on Catz

Some respect? Not a bad improvement from before when you labelled me a "snake and a liar" and couldn't even bring yourself to type my name (you made a point of calling me "Mr. journalist guy" among other things.)
The idea that you "delivered" on what you guys promised is fairly laughable. I guess there's an argument that you technically did, because your promises were so vague to begin with, but I doubt many of the people that propped up your venture with donations feel they got a return. Still, donations right? What you gonna do?
I've never had a vendetta with you. Interestingly, it has always been the other way around. For example, when did I utilise any of my staff / colleagues to write strange blogs undercutting your credibility? When did any of my staff / colleagues lie about you "cyberstalking" them? When did I spread it round that you had bi-polar disorder? It's strange because I did none of these things, but only one of us can say this honestly.
You seem to think a vendetta is me writing about your ROOT team. Let's qualify that. I broke that you were picking up a SMITE team and specifically which one. That was embargo news. You got upset about this as did the players.
One of those players, Jerbie, took it upon himself to abuse and threaten me, and lie saying by announcing that they were signing for ROOT I had cost them a spot with Dignitas or Evil Geniuses. When I spoke to those organisations neither had any contact with that team, so I called him out on the lie. I humiliated him on a SMITE talk show, which bizarrely seemed to make me the hate figure, and then he threatened to "slash my tyres" and orchestrate violence upon me if he ever saw me.
Within a couple of weeks a video of a player on the team using the "n word" to describe an opponent surfaced and I wrote an editorial, as is my right, about how you had punished racist players in the past but because you were doubling down on SMITE (at the time) you were going to give them a pass.
Remember when you hilariously said it had been "dealt with internally" and then that night the players went on stream laughing about it and how nothing had happened? Then they followed it up with some dubious discussions about Chinese people? Probably not. This never happened, just a fever dream caused by my anger fuelled grudge against you.
Oh and of course, how can I forget... The root cause of your sudden distaste for me prior to that? I wrote an article saying it was disgusting that a gaming organisation should take to a kickstarter to fund itself. A view I still hold, and most serious organisations in the industry hold by the way.
It seems you are the one who got upset over these things. I had no strong feelings about you either way, just another average player and someone trying to play at organisation management without much of a real clue. That's ten a penny in e-sports.
I am sorry if my reporting and writing makes you feel targeted. I am reminded of an old adage - if you lie down with dogs you will get fleas.

Every time we've argued you've always come out of it looking idiotic and never once being able to validate anything you say or prove anything you accuse me of. I'd say this alone shows I might have something of a clue.

"Grats on your recent piece on LoL hackers, hope you get the recognition it deserves and it lands you a job soon."

Nice jibe, just underlines how pathetic you are. I've had a job in e-sports with one company for six years. Still do. And I got paid to write that article on top of that job. See how I am capable of earning without begging the community for money by promising them shit I will never deliver? But yeah, I'm the guy that needs to "get a job."

I hope ROOT doesn't go South for you man or you'll end up back in your parents spare room cultivating a neckbeard.


Naniwa's final thoughts on SC2

Basically i will try to write down my perhaps final thoughts about starcraft 2,

I realise now after reading alot of the comments that my random tweets who i thought were harmless actually just sound bitter and negative ( which they obviously were ) but i didnt really think it through as deep as you guys did. I am still the guy who loved / loves starcraft more than anyone else considering the amount of time and effort i put into the game . For starters i know that i have alot of haters and i dont really care about that , i am not gonna be a little girl and make an AMA to make you people on the internet like me. But i just want to write my opinions once so i dont have to see people speculating anymore .

I will probably not come back to sc2 even at legacy of the void because i feel like the best way to compete in sc2 is to train in korea and i have no passion to go there again as it was extremly mentally draining and the only reason i could endure it was because i had Sase and Snute to talk to on the later trips. Also swarmhosts made the game so incredibly boring in my opinion.... but yeah im sure you already know my opinion on that already so no need to go there.

Iem katowice.

How this event was handled by me was probably one of my biggest dissapointments.

Let me make it clear that i had no intention of going to this event at ALL, I only went because my team forced me to go.

I hadnt played a single game of starcraft one - two months prior to this event because i felt absolutely zero love for the game at this point unfortunately and im not the kind of guy who can force myself when i lose passion for something. because starcraft to me is not a job, it never was a job. its always been my life and something i loved so much. During my peaks in the game i played around 12-16 hours every day and when i slept i thought about strategys so its not really like i can force myself to do this as im sure you can understand its not an easy feat.

If i had the chance to do it all again, I would definitly rather take a fine from EG / ALLIANCE than go through with what actually happened again. I am very sorry for how things went down at this event, not because i felt like someone else deserved the spot more , because they did not since i qualified through it fair and square. if they were better than me then they wouldve qualified but because i want to show my best condition to everyone whos watching, and most importantly im sure you all know i took a great amount of pride being a player and i want to live up to my own expectations.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow. Not the typical Swedish response. Color me surprised.
Poor Puk, 2-1 in both games. Hero isn't playing that well. LOL, Susie: "Hero why did you even come if you didn't have practice", sometimes she just interviews so badly.


That was insane micro by Taeja killing the Mothership Core. Too bad he didn't see the Dark Templar coming at all.

Wtf was that from Life. How do you have almost 0 units that late into the game?


Yeah, Flash time. Though I want Symbol to win so he can get a team.

Flash really needed either widow mines or tanks in game 2.


Flash won games he shouldn't have by being extremely solid when his opponents were using ladder strats against him. If the new patch comes out before he plays again, he's going to wreck shit in Code S. He still has that BW micro and gets more out of his marines than most other terrans.


Flashbacks of me struggling to do the last level in Starcraft Master arcade game, while Taeja does it in a real game ezpz. So impressive.

Also woo Flash! I didn't see the games but I hope the form he showed during Shoutcraft hasn't gone away. If he plays like that he should have a shot at winning code S, especially with the buff coming soon.


First thing first, I will be jubilant if he can stay in code S to start, then lets see about him making it deep.


I was sitting and chatting with a long SC2 friend when I remembered me and Yoshis super epic games we had during the HOTS beta.

I miss those games Yoshichan... so good.
I think there'll be at least 7 Terran in Code S this season. Maybe 8 if Fantasy's TvP is good. Bunny, aLive and Reality got really hard groups so I don't think they have much of a shot.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I was sitting and chatting with a long SC2 friend when I remembered me and Yoshis super epic games we had during the HOTS beta.

I miss those games Yoshichan... so good.
THE BEST. Seriously. Relive the dream for LotV?
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