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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


I've never been to one. What should I expect?
Pretty long lines i guess. Im not familliar with fan expo but i heard a lot of people go so you should go a bit early. Also food is expensive inside so you should bring snacks, its also hard to go in and out repeatedly

Also flash iem group is..mm easy? Not familiiar with scarlets play lately
Pretty long lines i guess. Im not familliar with fan expo but i heard a lot of people go so you should go a bit early. Also food is expensive inside so you should bring snacks, its also hard to go in and out repeatedly

Also flash iem group is..mm easy? Not familiiar with scarlets play lately

Are you expecting lines to watch SC2 though? I wasn't.


Scarlett seems like the only possible threat to him (well one slot is open so who knows).

When is IEM toronto? and in how many hours is GSL code S?

Sorry :(


Scarlett can turn it on sometimes, but I just feel like Flash right now is the favorite in almost every match. That 87% win rate you posted earlier is insaaaane.

IEM is on the 28th-31st and Flash's code S group starts in a little over 10 hours.


Scarlett can turn it on sometimes, but I just feel like Flash right now is the favorite in almost every match. That 87% win rate you posted earlier is insaaaane.

IEM is on the 28th-31st and Flash's code S group starts in a little over 10 hours.

Want to hear something even more insane? If we go by the month of August alone

Flash is 29–7 (80.56%) in games and 15–1 (93.75%) in matches.

The only match he lost was against zest

And August is getting close to over.




And he only plays in Korea! Him and Maru going to IEM is amazing lol why didn't I just buy that ticket ugh

I mean has Maru ever played a foreign offline event?


Well maybe I'll make it for flash group but probably not

If only I could make some chicken noodle soup right now


Is there *anything* better than a live rock concert on the ACDC or Iron Maiden scale. So, damn, good. I could blast their songs all night and all morning and my god ACDC was *incredible* live

Maiden was more intense but ACDC was better because it was a whole damn stadium AND we had a thunderstorm during thunderstruck I mean really


Don't worry I'm done



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Kherion? What the fuck happened to your name, Biskie?! Please tell me this is some guy faking, or at least say it's some sort of sick joke...

On topic: what exactly "triggered" Flash lately? Anyone know?


Part of it I think is that Flash has always been the predictable player, he would just execute at such a level that he would run you over given enough time (looking at his BW matches in this thread shows this). Even when he was first starting in SCII people were commenting that the 'Flash Macro' was still evident in the transition. Part of the reason it has taken him this long to really get back up to form again is probably because there are so many more funky openings and timings in SCII than BW, so finding the sweet spot build is much harder as is learning how to properly adapt to the scouting information you have. If you look at his recent games, he is opening the same way every game (per race) (with some variation depending on the map) but he seems to have found a way to play in each game that, through his raw power, neutralizes a lot of gimmicky play from his opponent and constantly sets him up safely for the mid and late game where he just wears his opponents down over time, so far people are just unable to keep up with him as long as the game goes on long enough and his reactions to cheese, even when caught off guard, are optimal.

But he also seems to have adapted to how active and constant terran has to be on the map, which is a change from brood war.

TL DR: I do not think anything triggered him (aside from proleague maybe), he has talked about, even when his Tv results were only average or above average, that he was dominating the team house, I think it is just a matter of him slowly learning more and more through accumulated experience, to the point where he has started putting noticeable distance between himself and most other players again. The thing that really to my mind sets Flash a part is that he is an analytical monster on top of having amazing mechanics. He never seems to 'forget' tricks, or lessons learned, every game he has played since switching over has slowly been making him stronger. He does not become stagnant, he only improves.

TL DR: Flash is a fucking Borg Queen.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I am horny as shit for Flash.


Yeah, I think it's a matter of slow perfection. Knowing exactly the right build orders and responses, and exactly the capabilities of each of his units. For example, there was one game I thought he was too late in pulling SCVs to shore up the bunkers, but nope his timing was perfect, and he lost the least possible mining time, not to mention units. I think a zerg like True will give him problems being such an overwhelming force, but with protoss early game strats pretty weak in the current meta, he should do just fine.


Hopefully (fingers crossed) he will continue to perform well (everyone ragged on his finals in Shoutcraft, but up to those last 3 games he was consistently giving nerd chills) and his return along with the upcoming season of Proleague (along with the evident commitment to the game from Kespa) will help the game continue to rise in popularity in Korea. The games in the proleague finals weren't epic tier, but I think the venue and spectacle of it was actually pretty important for the perception of the game in Korea. We'll see.


I remember pro league being PACKED for his birthday or something this year, and when he won the crowd went nuts.

Slow perfection is a good way to put it. Flash was not called "The Ultimate Weapon" simply because his macro and control were ungodly in Brood War, he is the total package.

While the nature of SCII may have made his macro abilities less pronounced, and SCII being a far more volatile game has only slowed his ability to refine, you can't beat his mind. All the qualities that made him "god" in Brood War are still there, he is inevitable.

*now watch Flash go out last in his group*


relies on auto-aim

Solar cheese this Toss nerd fast pls

Baggy eye'd flash is double edge'd sword. Dark with SKT1 sniper training is legit threat though





And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
If Flash loses... Terran will get buffs... Our saviour... Flash dies for our sins!!


Hello Starcraft II fans and all other e-Sports fans. We are the Korean E-Sports Association or KeSPA for short. With Proleague, Lol Champs, LoL Masters and 2014 KeSPA Cup qualifiers ending we thought it would be a great time to speak with our fans before the start of the 2014 KeSPA Cup, a tier 1 Starcraft II tournament with the best Starcraft II players in the world.

Post questions below and we will answer what we can starting on 8/22 9:30 a.m KST (8/21 5:30 p.m Pacific or 8/22 3:30 a.m CEST)

How does KeSPA feel about the state of SCII, is their business growing or is it stagnant? Are you doing better or worse than last year?

I would like to correct statements that Destiny made insinuating interest in Starcraft II e-sports is declining in Korea. Starcraft II Proleague this year saw massive growth from last year in viewership numbers, almost doubling, and the amount of people who have searched for it on naver, the most popular search engine in Korea, grew tremendously. After the finals Proleague was the number one searched topic on naver, which is huge considering naver has 75% of the market share in Korea. Starcraft II has seen massive growth this year and we hope to continue growing it.

Regarding the size of the venue, the venue was not filled last year. This year it was a smaller venue, but it reached way past the maximum capacity of the venue. Because it was outside and in such a populated area many people walking by would stop and watch. Some of these people watched Broodwars in the past and they would stop and talk with their friends reminiscing about the Broodwar players of past and them playing when they were younger. It was an amazing event and an amazing location to hold the finals as well as grow interest for casual fans or people who do not watch Starcraft II at all.


relies on auto-aim
Holding the Reaper back after showing in televised games him losing or cancelling CC to 4-6 lings. IT WAS ALL A BAIT TO ADVANCE IN RO32.

Flash with the fucking great engagement timings on +2 and +3 obliterating with heavy marauder comp to vaporize roaches then keeps them up with a huge medivac count bolstered by only making that one early tank. Beautiful.
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