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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


i couldnt do it


lost my first game in gold vs protoss

pressured him the whole game, was a head in upgrades, picked off colossi, denied him his third but less than stellar splits lost me the game

its frustrating when he can come back just like that. will stop playing for now


lost my first game in gold vs protoss

pressured him the whole game, was a head in upgrades, picked off colossi, denied him his third but less than stellar splits lost me the game

its frustrating when he can come back just like that. will stop playing for now

Same reason I quit again. I was playing daily for like 3 years. Then I just got fed up with out many gimmicks toss has. Started about 2 months ago and I stopped about a week ago again. Especially as zerg it sucks I think. I did ok against them when I was Terran but zerg is rough. I have a roach build that Apollo posted on his twitter that does really well but it feels like cheese to me. It is insane that they get a base that can fire at you, warp home if the fight is not going right for them, invisible to my eye vision over my stuff, cannons that not only shoot up, down and detect, DT units that take no micro what so ever- need detection to kill and do shitloads of damage? No wonder scarlet could go toss and win off-race against someone better than her.
So, I picked up WoL back when it launched and then picked up HotS when it launched. I finished the campaigns, dabbled in some Ranked play (mostly Random 4v4... for the lulz), but mostly settled into the Arcade. Some time went by without me touching the game after HoTS launched, and now I'm getting back into it. I find the Arcade still fairly barren though as it seems like it's just a couple very popular maps and that's about it. I some how enjoy Elite Forces 5 the most of any game, even if it is a bit simplistic and monotonous. Any suggested Arcade games to try?

Besides that, I'm thinking of getting into Ranked play, specifically 1v1. I prefer Zerg, but enjoy playing Random. With that said, are there any preferred websites to look-up build orders? I have no idea where to start beyond ~9-10 workers build a depot/overlord/pylon, then put up a rax/gateway/hatch shortly after that. Any advice is welcome.

Semi-related: How is the player base doing? I get the feeling SC2's popularity isn't doing so hot based on my admittedly anecdotal viewing on Twitch.


So, I picked up WoL back when it launched and then picked up HotS when it launched. I finished the campaigns, dabbled in some Ranked play (mostly Random 4v4... for the lulz), but mostly settled into the Arcade. Some time went by without me touching the game after HoTS launched, and now I'm getting back into it. I find the Arcade still fairly barren though as it seems like it's just a couple very popular maps and that's about it. I some how enjoy Elite Forces 5 the most of any game, even if it is a bit simplistic and monotonous. Any suggested Arcade games to try?

Besides that, I'm thinking of getting into Ranked play, specifically 1v1. I prefer Zerg, but enjoy playing Random. With that said, are there any preferred websites to look-up build orders? I have no idea where to start beyond ~9-10 workers build a depot/overlord/pylon, then put up a rax/gateway/hatch shortly after that. Any advice is welcome.

Semi-related: How is the player base doing? I get the feeling SC2's popularity isn't doing so hot based on my admittedly anecdotal viewing on Twitch.

i get 1 minute queues so i think there are still a lot of people playing, not compared to the more popular mobas tho.

as for build order i would recommend imbabuilds, teamliquid that all i know since i mostly use builds from pro play. 1v1 is really fun if you're not playing against toss.


Yeah http://imbabuilds.com/ is good.

The overall scene has improved a bit since the god awful protoss blatantly OP era ended, but it'll probably stay mostly 'meh' until LotV (assuming they add the features people are asking for). Wait times should still be pretty low though like kasane said.

As for the arcade.. yeah the UI, editor and general indifference from Blizzard are still holding back any chance of growth even with the arcade being free now. Outside of the top games listed on the front page you likely won't get anyone to play with.
Great, thanks for the info. I'll check out some builds to get going. Any good streamers? I've enjoyed watching Husky's YouTube videos in the past, but it seems he doesn't update that much anymore. I've heard a lot of the older streamers have retired (HDStarcraft and others).

Bummer about the arcade. Maybe LotV will help out some there, but I won't hold my breath.


Part of the problem is some of the guys don't stream on Twitch anymore, they're on Azubu. Guys like Artosis, Tasteless and Bomber all stream there exclusively now. On Twitch, Destiny is usually good to watch for zerg stuff. Dragon is my personal favorite, can be very funny sometimes. And Winter is okay for learning below master level. He usually plays random too so that'd be good for you. You can find a list of the top 50 streamers here.


Flash will probably play SoO. I don't think he can improve that much in a short amount of time.

well at the start of flash's group

the way he started it looked like he was gonna rekt everybody

i feel like he just made a bit of mistake against soo then completely fell apart against drg

was'nt able to watch drg game cause i passed out
Flash will probably play SoO. I don't think he can improve that much in a short amount of time.

It depends. His macro is already clearly good enough and his splitting is quite good as well. He just needs to add some widow mines into his compositions and maybe improve his base defenses just a bit.

He was by no means embarrassed in that series, if anything he probably should have won. The DRG series was a little worse but i think he can rebound back. I kinda wonder if going to IEM had some sort of impact on him. It really cut into his preparation time.

It is insane that they get a base that can fire at you, warp home if the fight is not going right for them, invisible to my eye vision over my stuff, cannons that not only shoot up, down and detect, DT units that take no micro what so ever- need detection to kill and do shitloads of damage? No wonder scarlet could go toss and win off-race against someone better than her.

Terran also get a base that can fire at you. Zerg also have access to static defense that can hit ground, air and detect and it can even pick up and move. Depending on your army you can heal them as well. Terran is the race that is lacking in static D.

Your complaints are just you listing aspects of the protoss race without explaining whats broken about them. I can't believe that zerg can remax literally in seconds and can tech switch just as fast. I can't believe that zerg has a unit that can literally spawn infinite armies. Or what about a spell that can literally freeze your entire army in place and end the game in a second. Or the ability to have creep all across the map so you basically have vision of everything. You talk about units not requiring micro, maybe have some sympathy for the next terran you face when your banelings are rolling over him and his desperately trying to split his army.

It's always easy to look at how easy other races have it than yourself. ZvP has always been up there with my favourite matchup to play. If you want to make it more fun i suggest trying to go with stuff that is completely different to the norm. Sometimes blindly following the builds of others isn't the way to success or to having fun, especially at our lower levels.


Flash will likely have to go through soO and Rain just to make the final (should beat stardust ezpz), and then he has to win to have a shot at blizzcon. I hope he does it but tbh my expectations are low.



1 hour till kespa cup

get ready boys


Should be good

Decent starting time as well, feels weird to watch SC2 when its not like 2 AM or later. Though it being like 8 hours a day, makes sense why they start it earlier.


I have early class on Thursdays, can't stay up to watch tonight. Should be some great games though. If Flash doesn't make it I'd love to see Rain win, he's close to blizzcon too and is one of the few toss players I really like watching. Definitely rooting for Flash first though.
Xbox or ps4

Also if you guys want to watch hd just go watch youtube, mute it then sync it with teitch


Zerg should always go Ling/Hydra if they see Protoss open with a Stargate. Unless you delayed your Lair, you should be able to overwhelm them before they get many Colossi.
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