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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


PuMa has been god awful in Proleague so it doesn't surprise me.

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was just a mass purging of EG-TL's entire Proleague roster within the next month.


Speaking of campaign I wonder how Protoss units will be upgraded.

In WOL the Terrans used Toss and Zerg samples to improve Terran technology.

In HOTS the Zerg eat animals or evolve in extreme conditions.

So in LOTV Toss will just keep reaching for more tech that they hid? I mean Colossus were just added in SC2 and they are so godly. LOL Colossus that hits air coming to you in the next expansion!



Speaking of that does anyone know what that is for?

Most seem to think it is some kind of stealth always online/DRM, but my brother played the campaign with no internet for a whole day so it doesn't stop that.

It's just a UI artifact. They updated the engine so you can play the game without having everything downloaded. It just streams in stuff as needed, the text at the bottom of the loading screen is just what happens when it checks if you need to dl anything but you already have everything.


It's just a UI artifact. They updated the engine so you can play the game without having everything downloaded. It just streams in stuff as needed, the text at the bottom of the loading screen is just what happens when it checks if you need to dl anything but you already have everything.

Okay that makes sense. Thanks.


It's Tom Chick, people are used to it by now.

Not that his points about the story are wrong or anything. And since he doesn't really appreciate multiplayer Starcraft (silly, but whatever), there you go.

What a fucking terrible review. Who could possibly take that seriously? Single handedly brought the Metacritic down 4 1/2 points on a bogus review.

Sorry you suck at RTS, bro. Don't review the game in the first place. The content doesn't actually mention anything pertinent to why the game has tens of millions of fans. Don't take out your personal inadequacies on a perfectly respectable video game. It's completely fucking embarrassing and makes a mockery of what video game reviews are for.

It's too brief to actually be of any importance and the actual content only serves to highlight his own personal shortcomings, not the game's. A ridiculous smear piece smothered in ignorance.

What about all the changes to Battle.net? New UI? Resume from replays? Larger eSports focus on the main menu that fans have been demanding for years? Groups? Clan Support? Better chat channel integration? No, he just rambles on about how much he sucks at the game.

No, he just doesn't give a fuck.
What a fucking terrible review. Who could possibly take that seriously? Single handedly brought the Metacritic down 4 1/2 points on a bogus review.

Sorry you suck at RTS, bro. Don't review the game in the first place. The content doesn't actually mention anything pertinent to why the game has tens of millions of fans. Don't take out your personal inadequacies on a perfectly respectable video game. It's completely fucking embarrassing and makes a mockery of what video game reviews are for.

It's too brief to actually be of any importance and the actual content only serves to highlight his own personal shortcomings, not the game's. A ridiculous smear piece smothered in ignorance.

Well yeah, it's Tom Chick.
I wish there were more variety in the campaign missions. I'm tired of all of these timer missions that essentially function the same way.

They're there to combat excessive turtling, especially if you want the upgrade stuff.

I hear you though, sometimes it's nice to just build an epic fortress of turrets to hold the enemy at bay whilst you focus on making that ultimate, fully upgraded bells and whistles death stack to trololol around the map with.


Hey everyone!

A few pages ago I saw some people asking about the neogaf group and joining the clan.

First of all, please specify if you are on NA or EU servers.
If EU, you fall under my jurisdiction!
When in game, just go to the group tabs (next to friends) and search for the group neogaf. Its a public group so you can join. That way I can easily invite you if you are online at the time. You could also ask other people with the [GAF tag infront of their name, I made most members officers so they can invite you to the clan aswell.

If you want to join on NA just do the same thing, only Aylinato is the clan leader on NA. Ask him or any other officer that is in the neogaf group for an invite.

Note: you cannot be invited to a clan when you are in a game, if you wish to be invited, please hang around the main menu for a while!

If you have any questions and I dont reply to you in this thread, please send a PM.

Have a good day, GG HF!


What a fucking terrible review. Who could possibly take that seriously? Single handedly brought the Metacritic down 4 1/2 points on a bogus review.

Sorry you suck at RTS, bro. Don't review the game in the first place. The content doesn't actually mention anything pertinent to why the game has tens of millions of fans. Don't take out your personal inadequacies on a perfectly respectable video game. It's completely fucking embarrassing and makes a mockery of what video game reviews are for.

It's too brief to actually be of any importance and the actual content only serves to highlight his own personal shortcomings, not the game's. A ridiculous smear piece smothered in ignorance.

What about all the changes to Battle.net? New UI? Resume from replays? Larger eSports focus on the main menu that fans have been demanding for years? Groups? Clan Support? Better chat channel integration? No, he just rambles on about how much he sucks at the game.

No, he just doesn't give a fuck.

If you bought the expansion for the singleplayer its pretty understandable. Didnt think it could get worse than WOL but they somehow did it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Felt good to sleep. I finally managed to digest the story of this game.
Switched back to normal, hard is too hard for someone who's never played zerg before. But normal most definitely is too easy. Tough balance to strike.


Switched back to normal, hard is too hard for someone who's never played zerg before. But normal most definitely is too easy. Tough balance to strike.

Campaign zerg isn't really like playing zerg at all, to be honest. I feel like they deliberately made the Zerg play more like protoss or terran so T/P players wouldn't have such a tough time with it. There's no injects, creep spreading really isn't that important, there are so few expansions on most maps, etc.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Switched back to normal, hard is too hard for someone who's never played zerg before. But normal most definitely is too easy. Tough balance to strike.

Get instant overlords and double drones.

So has anyone read that interview with David Kim about Balance? Kind of interest what others thinks. The main thing that bothers me with all balance discussion is that changes are still being made to units when the map pool is filled with horrible maps that are always going to create imbalances.

I feel like that was a problem with WOL. Beyond that i hope if they do nerf widow mine it isn't a big one. Of all the changes in HOTS it is by far the best i think and it has quickly become possibly my favorite unit. I don't really want to see ultra charge back, it's an ugly ability and i never liked it. I wouldn't mind seeing the void ray getting toned down and i expected that was coming.

Actually the main thing i hope is that changes aren't made just for the sake of balance. The focus should be on creating interesting matchups. Hopefully the focus is mainly centered around reducing the whole death ball situation (PvZ is the main problem in my mind).

Oh and i wish they would do more to encourage the use of siege tanks ;;.


This game is the most easy game I have ever played on higest difficulty.

Build lings lings lings (with the... ehem, three from one egg upgrade) + queens + kerrigan.

Can't lose, never ever.


thanks for the laugh
So has anyone read that interview with David Kim about Balance? Kind of interest what others thinks. The main thing that bothers me with all balance discussion is that changes are still being made to units when the map pool is filled with horrible maps that are always going to create imbalances.

I feel like that was a problem with WOL. Beyond that i hope if they do nerf widow mine it isn't a big one. Of all the changes in HOTS it is by far the best i think and it has quickly become possibly my favorite unit. I don't really want to see ultra charge back, it's an ugly ability and i never liked it. I wouldn't mind seeing the void ray getting toned down and i expected that was coming.

Actually the main thing i hope is that changes aren't made just for the sake of balance. The focus should be on creating interesting matchups. Hopefully the focus is mainly centered around reducing the whole death ball situation (PvZ is the main problem in my mind).

Oh and i wish they would do more to encourage the use of siege tanks ;;.

with the hilarious exception of the infestor, WoL took the road of "nerf everything until we are left with a mushy homogeneous balance gloop" to the game's detriment. i really, really hope we don't see any straight nerfs to units.

rebalancing units will no doubt be essential, but i'd sooner rather see buffs to their counters or adjustments to their utility than simply wacking them on the head.


Playing my placements. My late game mechanics have gone to shit, but my early game is still good enough to carry me so far through the first couple games.
with the hilarious exception of the infestor, WoL took the road of "nerf everything until we are left with a mushy homogeneous balance gloop" to the game's detriment. i really, really hope we don't see any straight nerfs to units.

rebalancing units will no doubt be essential, but i'd sooner rather see buffs to their counters or adjustments to their utility than simply wacking them on the head.

Absolutely agree with this and i think ultimately it's a smarter way to balance anyway (ignoring the fact that it makes games more excited). Hopefully balance is more about making units strong and trying to reduce the amount of horribly imbalanced or just straight up bad maps.

We should have more variety in maps to help keep the metagame moving. Also hopefully we have lots of strong units to keep the variety there. Just go with the BW method and make everything imba lol.
so weird given how outside stephano none of them really do much. huk lost pretty bad in his latest GSL matches.

they probably also needed money after hiring what's his name for coaching.

Players can offer more than just their performance at tournaments, Incontrol for example is worth quite a bit to the team despite having no chance of ever performing in any tournament setting. Likewise idra and huk because they are very popular players. Of course i would imagine the huge salary they offered huk to get him on board in the first place is going to be slashed when he's contract is finished.


thanks for the laugh
Played my placements. Got in platinum, probably because I lost the PvP. Seems it's still my worst match up. :(

isn't plat the placement ceiling?



GSL's engine, the guy whose knowledge makes artosis look like totalbiscuit, has uploaded a bunch of recent korean games. i recommend the monster vs. oz game 1 for anyone struggling with standard phoenix into three base into colo void ZvP, it's a testament to how unexplored the matchup is in HotS.


Eg should release idra, machine and incontrol. Sure puma hasnt been doing well lately but those three never had achievements.


I was extracting the videos from the MPQ files earlier, and I realized I was wrong. SC2 doesn't use Bink at all. It uses.... Theora. Lol. All the video are .ogv files. Guess Activision is too poor to license anything at all and has to use open source stuff! Lol.


This game is the most easy game I have ever played on higest difficulty.

Build lings lings lings (with the... ehem, three from one egg upgrade) + queens + kerrigan.

Can't lose, never ever.

And at the end, build Torrasques and queens and A move to the end of the map.
Eg should release idra, machine and incontrol. Sure puma hasnt been doing well lately but those three never had achievements.

Idra and incontrol have far more value for the team than just their performances in tournaments as i said in my last post. They are popular players who interact quite a bit with the scene. Idra also can bring in quite a few stream viewers for their sponsors (just today he had over 8K viewers for quite a few hours).

Puma on the other hand isn't popular and if he isn't doing well in tournaments he is basically irrelevant to a team like EG.


What's a good build?

My skill build for a support caster Kerrigan

First tier: Kinetic Strike
Second tier: Chain Reaction
Third tier: Zergling Reconstitution
Fourth tier: Wild Mutation
Fifth tier: Twin Drones
Sixth tier: Infest Broodling
Seventh tier: (preference, I chose Leviathan so I could get another big tank, but the drop pods probably better for dps or if you can't micro it)

Important thing is when you're going to siege a position, stack most of your fast moving melee units together (Lings, Aberrations, Ultralisks when you get them later) and Wild Mutation them, and then send them in front of your Roach/Hydra group. The lings with 200 hp, the Aberrations with 450 health) will soak up so much damage for 10 seconds, it should allow your roachs to spawn roachlings, and your hydras to clean up. Once all your melee units are dead, continue to Wild Mutate your roach/hydra line. Use Kinetic Strike to snipe tanks/battlecruisers/thors. Kerrigan also spawns a stupid amount of units with Infest Broodling, not sure if it stacks with Chain Reaction but I use Chain Reaction because she's already energy hungry when you spam Wild Mutation.

basically, wild mutation = gg. I found the difficultly shot down to nothing once I got it, that + roach mutation

twin drones is used to fast macro at the beginning, my problem with Zerg is getting max drones on minerals/gas in campaign takes forever, so you need twin drones. Zergling reconstitution is preference, because automated gas is nice, but reconstituion basically means free zerglings for the whole game.


New page, new repost

Hey everyone!

A few pages ago I saw some people asking about the neogaf group and joining the clan.

First of all, please specify if you are on NA or EU servers.
If EU, you fall under my jurisdiction!
When in game, just go to the group tabs (next to friends) and search for the group neogaf. Its a public group so you can join. That way I can easily invite you if you are online at the time. You could also ask other people with the [GAF tag infront of their name, I made most members officers so they can invite you to the clan aswell.

If you want to join on NA just do the same thing, only Aylinato is the clan leader on NA. Ask him or any other officer that is in the neogaf group for an invite.

Note: you cannot be invited to a clan when you are in a game, if you wish to be invited, please hang around the main menu for a while!

If you have any questions and I dont reply to you in this thread, please send a PM.

Have a good day, GG HF!


My skill build for a support caster Kerrigan

First tier: Kinetic Strike
Second tier: Chain Reaction
Third tier: Zergling Reconstitution
Fourth tier: Wild Mutation
Fifth tier: Twin Drones
Sixth tier: Infest Broodling
Seventh tier: (preference, I chose Leviathan so I could get another big tank, but the drop pods probably better for dps or if you can't micro it)

I got instant ovies and 20% cd/energy reduction instead for t3 and t6. Agree on most though, esp wild mutation and twin drones ^^


There's no mission as hard as All In or the last protoss mission but otherwise they are about as difficult. Though I haven't done a Brutal playthrough yet so they might hide some tricks.

I recall the mission with the Odin was a lot harder than any in HoTS, but maybe it's because I was unable to use the upgrades I had unlocked when I replayed the mission. Whenever I'd see someone do it on brutal, they'd have orbital commands etc.
Idra and incontrol have far more value for the team than just their performances in tournaments as i said in my last post. They are popular players who interact quite a bit with the scene. Idra also can bring in quite a few stream viewers for their sponsors (just today he had over 8K viewers for quite a few hours).

Puma on the other hand isn't popular and if he isn't doing well in tournaments he is basically irrelevant to a team like EG.

I can understand that but it amazes me that Machine outlasted Puma. I forgot Machine even existed.


If you want to join on NA just do the same thing, only Aylinato is the clan leader on NA. Ask him or any other officer that is in the neogaf group for an invite.

Note: you cannot be invited to a clan when you are in a game, if you wish to be invited, please hang around the main menu for a while!

If you have any questions and I dont reply to you in this thread, please send a PM.

Have a good day, GG HF!

How do we know if we are in the clan for gaf? I got an invite to the room during the beta but how does the clan differ?


I have a question, and I guess it's best to ask it here.

Last night, I decided to pop onto Starcraft to try and finish up the WoL campaign. Since I hadn't played in several months, I had about a 13 GB patch to download. It DL'd no problem. However, it then got to the part where it had to "Reconfigure game files." It started at about 9:00 last night, and was still stuck at 0% when I woke up this morning.

I just let it keep going and left for work. If I get home and it's still not done, what should I do? I guess uninstall and reinstall?
Out of curiosity, is there like a New Game+ for the campaign where you keep your upgrades and you can spend money on things you didn't buy to get those achievements?


Couple of questions:

1) Does HotS take your WoL MMR into account at all or are the five placement matches a complete blank slate?

2) Do unranked matches still affect your MMR? I figure they would have to, right? Otherwise good players could place bronze and just troll against completely overmatched players forever.


Couple of questions:

1) Does HotS take your WoL MMR into account at all or are the five placement matches a complete blank slate?

2) Do unranked matches still affect your MMR? I figure they would have to, right? Otherwise good players could place bronze and just troll against completely overmatched players forever.
Blank slate

And if you are placed in ranked, unranked will start you in the same "league" but it has a seperate MMR system.
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