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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


The Everyman
Wow man, NICE! Masters league, rank 4, that is pretty damn good. Gotta plays some teams with the guys in the GAF chat sometime. Went with the Brood Lords, but like Cyan said, it isn't likely I'll use them.

Just DESTROYED the Phantoms of the Void level on Brutal, getting all bonus Kerrigan levels and every achievement. Is this game easier than WoL?!

thanks man, and that mission was pretty hard imo. i got all the kerrigan levels but i had to restart a couple times to find the right combo, went with swarm host, brood lord, muta, roach in the end.

in wol the introduced unit was pretty much necessary to complete the mission but in hots you gotta mix it up, maybe it would have been like that in wol if i played it on brutal.


i feel like viper, torrasque ultra, and armoured damage mutas would be the perfect army of destruction for the final mission. i did borrowed swarm host, broodlord, armored muta and that worked well enough

Mass muta/ling with the AoE buff ability has worked for me on almost every mission.


I need an aggressive 2 base TvZ build. I would rather not build hellions since I suck at controlling them and too many people seem to be going roach hydra now. Anyone know any good builds that I can attack zerg off 2 base while getting my 3rd (meaning I dont want an all-in build).

Have you tried Marine/marauder/widow mine? Transition from mines to tanks.


The Everyman
I need an aggressive 2 base TvZ build. I would rather not build hellions since I suck at controlling them and too many people seem to be going roach hydra now. Anyone know any good builds that I can attack zerg off 2 base while getting my 3rd (meaning I dont want an all-in build).

early marauder hellbat is pretty beast in my experience, especially if you lock out the 3rd expo locations with widow mines. i do it pretty much every game in some form. just make sure to scan for a possible spire after a while.

the best part is that it doesnt take much mirco, just pull the hellbats back if you see banes and clump your units together vs mass zerglings.


early marauder hellbat is pretty beast in my experience, especially if you lock out the 3rd expo locations with widow mines. i do it pretty much every game in some form. just make sure to scan for a possible spire after a while.

the best part is that it doesnt take much mirco, just pull the hellbats back if you see banes and clump your units together vs mass zerglings.

I'm glad I haven't come up against that build yet. My one saving grace in ZvT is that diamond terran's early harass is pretty bad.


sweet! i got back into masters, and i had to play the game of my life to get there.

high masters too! whoo!


edit: top 25. lol this is brand new division.

Dang coolio that's a lot of games. How do you guys get so good? What division did you start in?


This is nothing special, but I was messing around with a Swarm Host rush build via a proxy Hatchery that I haven't seen detailed before just for fun. Won me the match 7/10 times against mid-high Diamond players in ranked, probably 'cause they've never seen something that stupid before. Here are the 10 uploads, if any of you are interested:

Match 1 (Lost)
Match 2
Match 3
Match 4
Match 5
Match 6
Match 8 (Lost)
Match 9 (Lost)
Match 10

Only tried it out in ZvT or ZvP because doing it in ZvZ is crazy talk. They're all pretty funny, though.
I'm fully back into loving SC 2. I'll always be more of a spectator than a player but I'm back to watching streams and tournies. I'm replaying WoL on hard and playing a ton of scirmishes against the AI.
I posted a couple days ago about this problem I am having.
I'm going to try uploading a recent replay of mine here,
a TvP.
I'm a silver league at the moment. Thank you for your help!

I tried to think about what I was lacking in this match, and thought that I needed ghosts, two starports earlier, as well as more tech units of some sort.
TvP is my most confident match-up, and I am currently working on my TvT and TvZ, but just wanted to know what I could have done better here.


00:02 [All] [GAF]Paches: glhf
11:34 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: pp
11:35 [All] [GAF]Paches: k
11:35 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: ready>?
11:35 [All] [GAF]Paches: gogo
16:07 [All] [GAF]Paches: k
16:07 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: one sec
20:52 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: fck uyou piescer of shit
20:56 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: nigga widow mine
20:59 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: your fcking stupid
21:01 [All] [GAF]Paches: dat overseer.
21:01 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: get some skills
21:03 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: immgrant
21:11 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: overseer in my fcking cunt
21:15 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: tajke a piece of shit
21:17 [All] [GAF]Paches: are you ok?
21:18 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: that your mom made
21:20 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: are you oke?
21:27 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: are you mentally retarted?

That escalated quickly.


00:02 [All] [GAF]Paches: glhf
11:34 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: pp
11:35 [All] [GAF]Paches: k
11:35 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: ready>?
11:35 [All] [GAF]Paches: gogo
16:07 [All] [GAF]Paches: k
16:07 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: one sec
20:52 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: fck uyou piescer of shit
20:56 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: nigga widow mine
20:59 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: your fcking stupid
21:01 [All] [GAF]Paches: dat overseer.
21:01 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: get some skills
21:03 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: immgrant
21:11 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: overseer in my fcking cunt
21:15 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: tajke a piece of shit
21:17 [All] [GAF]Paches: are you ok?
21:18 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: that your mom made
21:20 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: are you oke?
21:27 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: are you mentally retarted?

That escalated quickly.

Yea, it wasn't for education. I was just curious to see if his dailies were still going strong. If I had any time to play anymore I'd pick up HotS but I don't :(


So apparently I'm really terrible at the multiplayer. Like, terrible Bronze league terrible. I should probably practice more against the AI.


I posted a couple days ago about this problem I am having.
I'm going to try uploading a recent replay of mine here,
a TvP.
I'm a silver league at the moment. Thank you for your help!

I tried to think about what I was lacking in this match, and thought that I needed ghosts, two starports earlier, as well as more tech units of some sort.
TvP is my most confident match-up, and I am currently working on my TvT and TvZ, but just wanted to know what I could have done better here.

Hi! I'm going to be watching your replay and essentially live reporting it with some time stamps. Excuse me if I'm harsh or anything, these are my raw thoughts and the first time I'm analyzing a replay on GAF. I'm also watching it solely from your PoV so no observer sight or anything.

[3:00] really really delayed OC, you should get it as your rax finishes or on 16 supply, either works.
[6:50] just realized you didn't send out a scout. On a 4player map I would advise sending one after your 1st depot or after rax, unless you're going reaper fe. Queue your scv to scout bases too, so you dont have to worry about it idling.
[9:45] Positions on rax placement might be something to work on, or at least note for further improvement. It's something I struggle with constantly when I play, but it's important to get a good sense of where you should put buildings as a snap decision on every single map, because you always need more barracks. I would also consider getting stim before combat shield.
[10:00] still absolutely 0 info on your opponent. Since you scouted 2 bases, I would instantyly scan the 4th base's front to see. If there's a colossi push or 2base allin or something you need to prepare instantly.
[12:25] huge number of marines is ok, but you might consider putting some marauders in.
[13:00] drop deflected, that's fine.
[13:50] he's ahead on upgs but that's not a /huge/ problem. Work on supply blocks.
[15~] if you saw colossi I would instantly put down another starport at this point and start +1 armor or ship weps.
[16:50] you are maxed, you can prod his base a bit and check his army.
[17~] huge fucking engagement, you attacked with 3 vikings vs 3 colossi which is a pitiful amount due to only single starport, but you traded decently. Where you messed up is the follow up where you did not macro behind. Put down more more more raxes, thousands more. Nice upgrades though.
[20:00] you have a huge fucking bank, and by this point (20 mins) you need a ghost academy. I struggle with this as well, but a good timing is when you take your 3rd, and get energy and shit.
[22] awful engagement. you focused on macroing which is ok I suppose, but he got the jump on you which shouldnt happen since you scanned his army. He kills your fourth which puts you behind but you should be able to clean it up.
[24:00] you still have a huge bank, which should happen with 70 free supply.
[26:00] nice drop, focus the nexus
[26:50] weird ass sensor towers dude, I thought you were going to go search for his expos but I guess not
[28] you see templar which means INSTANT ghost academy if you hdont have it which you already should. Ghosts take FUCKING long to create and also to upgrade and gather energy so if you see fucking templar with storm RESEARCHED you better fucking get ghosts asap and try to delay him because if he gets two good storms you are dead
[30] see min 28 and why 2 good storms decimate a bio ball.
[30:50] why the fuck has he not killed your sensor towers wtf
[31] I foundmake those PFs rather than OCs and make a bundle of OCs at home
[32] still no ghosts bro come on
[32] worst stim ever
[33++] standard protoss late game colossi templar, it's really hard to fight already, it's harder to fight without fucking ghosts
[34] he's in your base now and it's pretty much over.

Hope my advice helped, I agree with your assessment, ghosts much much earlier. I would pre-empt ghost acadmy and the energy research as well, because even if he never gets templar you can just not build ghosts, and if he does have temps you can insta build them. Even having 1/2 ghosts vs non-templar is good for archons or zealots. Marines melt zealots without shields. Anyway hope you get some use out of this 'analysis'.

[39:00] I can't believe that fucking guy pre-gg'd you. You should lifted all your buildings and made him work for that. Fuck that fucking guy oh my god.

edit: wow this is really long


343i Lead Esports Producer
I forgot how much i love ladder rage.

I played a Terran yesterday who was literally on his last legs but had deflected my army. I was on 4 base with like 13 RAX and I had just destroyed his 3rd and neither of us had an army. I was re-maxing at home and he types out, "fuck this. I don't have time to play 8 hours to win this match" and quits out. LOL, he wasn't going to win.


The Everyman
I posted a couple days ago about this problem I am having.
I'm going to try uploading a recent replay of mine here,
a TvP.
I'm a silver league at the moment. Thank you for your help!

I tried to think about what I was lacking in this match, and thought that I needed ghosts, two starports earlier, as well as more tech units of some sort.
TvP is my most confident match-up, and I am currently working on my TvT and TvZ, but just wanted to know what I could have done better here.

you could have won that 1st big engagement, you would have had to stutter step your dudes though. if you stutter stepped them back i think you would have won the game right there. if youd rather not stutter step then throw in a few hellbats to burn away the zealots.

edit: and yeah, ghosts too.
I have been loving playing as random race with random teams 4v4 ranked. So many stupid things happen, but it's fun. Finished my 5 placement matches and got into Platinum.


00:02 [All] [GAF]Paches: glhf
11:34 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: pp
11:35 [All] [GAF]Paches: k
11:35 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: ready>?
11:35 [All] [GAF]Paches: gogo
16:07 [All] [GAF]Paches: k
16:07 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: one sec
20:52 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: fck uyou piescer of shit
20:56 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: nigga widow mine
20:59 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: your fcking stupid
21:01 [All] [GAF]Paches: dat overseer.
21:01 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: get some skills
21:03 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: immgrant
21:11 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: overseer in my fcking cunt
21:15 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: tajke a piece of shit
21:17 [All] [GAF]Paches: are you ok?
21:18 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: that your mom made
21:20 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: are you oke?
21:27 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: are you mentally retarted?

That escalated quickly.

This shit killed me. lmfao

That's some of the most inane display of rage I've ever seen.


Well, since everybody likes day9 so much I thought I'd post these for my fellow scrub league'rs.

Daily #252 - Secrets of Hotkeys, APM and Mouse Movement


Daily #257 - Refining Mechanics

I can understand how he might not be your style, or that after awhile his enthusiasm may get a little annoying, but he's definitely my favorite caster/SC personality. He does some really great stuff for newbies. Also, during MLG, his analysis between matches on the big screen was so well done, he makes the game accessible to anybody. day[9] is like the Harry Carry of e-sports.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Well, since everybody likes day9 so much I thought I'd post these for my fellow scrub league'rs.

Daily #252 - Secrets of Hotkeys, APM and Mouse Movement


Daily #257 - Refining Mechanics

I can understand how he might not be your style, or that after awhile his enthusiasm may get a little annoying, but he's definitely my favorite caster/SC personality. He does some really great stuff for newbies. Also, his analysis between matches on the big screen was so well done, he makes the game accessible to anybody. day[9] is like the Harry Carry of e-sports.

8-2 on ladder so far. Both my loses to terran MMMM balls. I need to relearn how to battle those a bit better lol
Hi! I'm going to be watching your replay and essentially live reporting it with some time stamps. Excuse me if I'm harsh or anything, these are my raw thoughts and the first time I'm analyzing a replay on GAF. I'm also watching it solely from your PoV so no observer sight or anything.

[3:00] really really delayed OC, you should get it as your rax finishes or on 16 supply, either works.
[6:50] just realized you didn't send out a scout. On a 4player map I would advise sending one after your 1st depot or after rax, unless you're going reaper fe. Queue your scv to scout bases too, so you dont have to worry about it idling.
[9:45] Positions on rax placement might be something to work on, or at least note for further improvement. It's something I struggle with constantly when I play, but it's important to get a good sense of where you should put buildings as a snap decision on every single map, because you always need more barracks. I would also consider getting stim before combat shield.
[10:00] still absolutely 0 info on your opponent. Since you scouted 2 bases, I would instantyly scan the 4th base's front to see. If there's a colossi push or 2base allin or something you need to prepare instantly.
[12:25] huge number of marines is ok, but you might consider putting some marauders in.
[13:00] drop deflected, that's fine.
[13:50] he's ahead on upgs but that's not a /huge/ problem. Work on supply blocks.
[15~] if you saw colossi I would instantly put down another starport at this point and start +1 armor or ship weps.
[16:50] you are maxed, you can prod his base a bit and check his army.
[17~] huge fucking engagement, you attacked with 3 vikings vs 3 colossi which is a pitiful amount due to only single starport, but you traded decently. Where you messed up is the follow up where you did not macro behind. Put down more more more raxes, thousands more. Nice upgrades though.
[20:00] you have a huge fucking bank, and by this point (20 mins) you need a ghost academy. I struggle with this as well, but a good timing is when you take your 3rd, and get energy and shit.
[22] awful engagement. you focused on macroing which is ok I suppose, but he got the jump on you which shouldnt happen since you scanned his army. He kills your fourth which puts you behind but you should be able to clean it up.
[24:00] you still have a huge bank, which should happen with 70 free supply.
[26:00] nice drop, focus the nexus
[26:50] weird ass sensor towers dude, I thought you were going to go search for his expos but I guess not
[28] you see templar which means INSTANT ghost academy if you hdont have it which you already should. Ghosts take FUCKING long to create and also to upgrade and gather energy so if you see fucking templar with storm RESEARCHED you better fucking get ghosts asap and try to delay him because if he gets two good storms you are dead
[30] see min 28 and why 2 good storms decimate a bio ball.
[30:50] why the fuck has he not killed your sensor towers wtf
[31] I foundmake those PFs rather than OCs and make a bundle of OCs at home
[32] still no ghosts bro come on
[32] worst stim ever
[33++] standard protoss late game colossi templar, it's really hard to fight already, it's harder to fight without fucking ghosts
[34] he's in your base now and it's pretty much over.

Hope my advice helped, I agree with your assessment, ghosts much much earlier. I would pre-empt ghost acadmy and the energy research as well, because even if he never gets templar you can just not build ghosts, and if he does have temps you can insta build them. Even having 1/2 ghosts vs non-templar is good for archons or zealots. Marines melt zealots without shields. Anyway hope you get some use out of this 'analysis'.

[39:00] I can't believe that fucking guy pre-gg'd you. You should lifted all your buildings and made him work for that. Fuck that fucking guy oh my god.

edit: wow this is really long

you could have won that 1st big engagement, you would have had to stutter step your dudes though. if you stutter stepped them back i think you would have won the game right there. if youd rather not stutter step then throw in a few hellbats to burn away the zealots.

edit: and yeah, ghosts too.

Thank you so much guys.
I really really appreciate you guys taking time out to help me.

Okay, you guys are confirming my irritations I've been having which is nice.
Poor vision and really bad clutter in my little plateau area were always bugging me.
I have this weird obsession that all my unit-producing buildings must be on there, which discourages me from building after it is filled up. I should work on that.

I agree, that first engagement was big and important, and I believe I could have won it if:
1. My marines weren't in front to take all the damage, while the marauders were in the back chilling.
2. Stutter-step kiting. Thanks for pointing this out.
3. Vikings should take out colossi.
I understand the importance of vikings going back and forth to snipe some colossi if possible, and also having more vikings in general. I also noted that I should have vikings on a separate ctrl group for this purpose.

I also noticed the 3k~4k huge ass bank I had, it should instantly mean more unit producing structures and expansions being thrown down.

I laughed hard at your comments about sensor towers LOL sorry I was messing around I guess.
My rustiness didn't let me think "ghosts!" as soon as I saw high templars, I will definitely invest in more ghost academies and then tech labs after.

Thanks again!


I'm gonna focus on incorporating actual scouting into my game so, newbie question: When do you send your scouting drone? Like specifically, is it at a certain supply? or time?

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I'm gonna focus on incorporating actual scouting into my game so, newbie question: When do you send your scouting drone? Like specifically, is it at a certain supply? or time?

At the newb level scout around when you place a pool. Maybe a bit earlier if its a large map with 4 locations, but remember you can use overlord to scout too. At early level its kinda hard to understand whats happening from a scout so I tend to like to go earlier to see obvious stuff like cheese then once you feel more comfortable know the timings of earlier gas/2nd rax etc you might want to scout a few seconds later.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
00:02 [All] [GAF]Paches: glhf
11:34 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: pp
11:35 [All] [GAF]Paches: k
11:35 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: ready>?
11:35 [All] [GAF]Paches: gogo
16:07 [All] [GAF]Paches: k
16:07 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: one sec
20:52 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: fck uyou piescer of shit
20:56 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: nigga widow mine
20:59 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: your fcking stupid
21:01 [All] [GAF]Paches: dat overseer.
21:01 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: get some skills
21:03 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: immgrant
21:11 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: overseer in my fcking cunt
21:15 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: tajke a piece of shit
21:17 [All] [GAF]Paches: are you ok?
21:18 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: that your mom made
21:20 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: are you oke?
21:27 [All] [APG]Bogoroh: are you mentally retarted?

That escalated quickly.


Got damn feels good to ladder again. Switched from Protoss to Terran around the end of WoL and I'm really loving the fast paced, micro/macro intensive Terran on HoTS. Dem boosters are too good.

Still in gold league though, slowly working my way up.


I'm gonna focus on incorporating actual scouting into my game so, newbie question: When do you send your scouting drone? Like specifically, is it at a certain supply? or time?

One of the two drones you make at the same time when the first OL pops


Ok, best two out of three then, and you better be online as soon as I get home.

I am cool with 2 out of 3. I don't mind losing two in a row :).

So apparently I'm really terrible at the multiplayer. Like, terrible Bronze league terrible. I should probably practice more against the AI.

I'm in silver and feel this way as well.

Also feel free to play other low level players here at GAF ( Ketch, ShaneB, myself ). After I lost to Ketch, we loaded up the replay and discussed the game. Watching the replay with Ketch in particular really highlighted how my inferior macro was compared to his and how it really hurt my chances to win.

Here is a Day 9 video meant for low level players. It covers macro. It has been helpful for me.
EDIT: Description of the linked Day9 video: "This is the first in the series of Tuesday episodes dedicated to players below the Diamond level. Day[9] examines the common mistakes of Bronze through Platinum level players, shows what to focus on and what not to really worry about until you're a top Diamond player. This particular episode is a PvT, although the concepts apply to all races."


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Also feel free to play other low level players here at GAF ( Ketch, ShaneB, myself ). After I lost to Ketch, we loaded up the replay and discussed the game.
This is awesome, keep it up guys!
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