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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike

I am having such a hard time with zvt if the game goes long but terrans are playing greedy as fuck, whenever I get sick of practicing and just want to win I do a so called 'high economy baneling bust' and usually end up breaking into a 3 cc build where they have like 4 hellions or 6 marines and a widow mine and just stupid stuff like that and they just get steam rolled. Terrans need to learn some fear in this meta game.


Unconfirmed Member
I have now disabled messages, win or lose the people I meet in SC2 are mostly assholes =/

When I lose I often mention where I think I went wrong or ask where I went wrong, and that's opened a lot of people to have a nice insightful discussion. I think the nice people usually just don't talk unless you give them a reason to, while the assholes will open up either way.

Also people blowing up because I beat them adds to the satisfaction, not detracts, so I see no problem there.


This guy would make IdrA blush.

Have you watched IdrA's stream lately? He's been BMing like never before and could totally go off like that. At this point, I honestly can't tell if he's using his BM as a gimmick to get popularity because that's the only way he's going to make money, or if he's just extra upset about his recent poor performance, but for whatever reason he seems to be pretty intense with it lately.


I meant stutter stepping towards the oracle to prevent getting kited. Or are oracles not micro'd in that way?

Late reply but I believe Oracle has like 4 range on the pulsar beam while a marine has 5. An Oracle has 3.375 ms while a marine has 2.25 so a marine moving backward would do nothing but an oracle moving backward would just cause it to stop shooting as well, so no real micro is present from both parties. You could certainly kill 3-4 marines and run away vs 6 marines though, because if you stayed you would die.


Late reply but I believe Oracle has like 4 range on the pulsar beam while a marine has 5. An Oracle has 3.375 ms while a marine has 2.25 so a marine moving backward would do nothing but an oracle moving backward would just cause it to stop shooting as well, so no real micro is present from both parties. You could certainly kill 3-4 marines and run away vs 6 marines though, because if you stayed you would die.

Microing back by the marines might be really good to do actually, I think the oracle has to come to a complete stop to use the beam. Something to test I think.
Just ran into a guy in Gold league who thought the answer to a failed cannon rush was to double down on the cannon rush. And the answer to a failed double down on the cannon rush was to quadruple down on the cannon rush.

And then he lost 6 minutes later.


Just ran into a guy in Gold league who thought the answer to a failed cannon rush was to double down on the cannon rush. And the answer to a failed double down on the cannon rush was to quadruple down on the cannon rush.

And then he lost 6 minutes later.

I assure you, if I am cannon rushing you, you will lose. =D
Late reply but I believe Oracle has like 4 range on the pulsar beam while a marine has 5. An Oracle has 3.375 ms while a marine has 2.25 so a marine moving backward would do nothing but an oracle moving backward would just cause it to stop shooting as well, so no real micro is present from both parties. You could certainly kill 3-4 marines and run away vs 6 marines though, because if you stayed you would die.

I have absolutely no idea how to play any 1v1 matchup other than PvZ, mostly because almost all my games are 2v2 and my 1v1 practice comes from playing vs my Zerg friend. Also it seems the most similar to BW, and I have close to 0 knowledge of SC2 build orders, especially with HOTS just out.

Anyway, I tried to face down a Terran today and I was going to go 1 base into Oracle. Then I saw him CC before rax, so I expanded slightly before I put up my Stargate. Then I went a bunch of stalkers + 3 Oracles into a +1/blink timing (I killed like 6-7 SCVs and 2 mules with the Oracles). But I mis-microed horribly and my Oracles all died before all my stalkers were properly engaged. T went mass pure marine w/ upgs + 2-3 marauders, and later (after I lost that battle) he added Medivacs.

What I'm really wondering is if this is a viable strategy, or if Oracles don't really hold up in a full on engagement to kill marines if the T is smart enough to focus them down (since they're the real damage out put vs a bunch of marines). The range is so short, and the Oracle loses drastically if the engagement gets prolonged by microing to and fro since it costs 25 energy just to turn the beam on and off.


I have absolutely no idea how to play any 1v1 matchup other than PvZ, mostly because almost all my games are 2v2 and my 1v1 practice comes from playing vs my Zerg friend. Also it seems the most similar to BW, and I have close to 0 knowledge of SC2 build orders, especially with HOTS just out.

Anyway, I tried to face down a Terran today and I was going to go 1 base into Oracle. Then I saw him CC before rax, so I expanded slightly before I put up my Stargate. Then I went a bunch of stalkers + 3 Oracles into a +1/blink timing (I killed like 6-7 SCVs and 2 mules with the Oracles). But I mis-microed horribly and my Oracles all died before all my stalkers were properly engaged.

What I'm really wondering is if this is a viable strategy, or if Oracles don't really hold up in a full on engagement to kill marines if the T is smart enough to focus them down (since they're the real damage out put). The range is so short, and the Oracle loses drastically if the engagement gets prolonged by microing to and fro since it costs 25 energy just to turn the beam on and off.

I'd have to see the replay to see how good/efficient your timing actually was, but your comp sounds decent if all he had were mass marines. Blink stalkers are very effective vs marines, even more so if the terran doesn't have stim. It's a possible strategy to bust them sure, you might choose to add some zealots in to tank so the marines have to micro back and can't have the time of day to focus your oracle down. Even 3-4 zealots will force a terran to stutter a bit because the zealots will tear them to shreds if they stand still.


Have you watched IdrA's stream lately? He's been BMing like never before and could totally go off like that. At this point, I honestly can't tell if he's using his BM as a gimmick to get popularity because that's the only way he's going to make money, or if he's just extra upset about his recent poor performance, but for whatever reason he seems to be pretty intense with it lately.

I hardly ever watch the guy's stream, but that's just hilarious if that's what he has to resort to for hits nowadays.

Just ran into a guy in Gold league who thought the answer to a failed cannon rush was to double down on the cannon rush. And the answer to a failed double down on the cannon rush was to quadruple down on the cannon rush.

And then he lost 6 minutes later.

Every time I hear stories like this I just can't help but think of Florby.


Yes! made it to top 25 in my silver division. Ugh man, had to loose like 3 games to do it.

I played like 4 games and ended up facing the same guy twice, and since I knew exactly what he was gonna do I was ready for it. (I really need to learn how to scout). It was a good fight, but eventually I won with mutas vs his void ray.

He should have came over and attacked my base because I didn't really have anything, instead he kept trying to chase my mutas around with his slow ass voids, so I just killed off all his workers and started going after his pylons before he GG'd.

Rank 21. BOOM. Next goal: Get out of silver.

GAF night was fun, I kind of feel bad playing against the guys who are a lot better because it feels like they probably aren't having too much fun. But, I would like you guys to know I do find value in getting destroyed by people who know what they're doing... even if it's just desensitizing myself to that "OMG! WHAT DO I DO?" feeling. So then when someone in my league busts out some lame poorly executed all in I handle it much better. So thanks.


Yay finally masters on Korea.

This game is harder than WOL.

Nice man, that's amazing. Like seriously, they're much better in Korea, do you get a bunch of lag?
Did you hear that I made into the top 25 of my silver division?


I do get pretty bad lag, but I lag hard in all regions (Australian gamer here).

It has been a good week, announced my game on greenlight, reached masters on korea, and now easter is coming up :)

Congratulations on moving up btw! Progress is progress, I'm sure a year from now you'll be talking about reaching GM while I'm still stuck at my skill level!

If you want any tips/practice/help just hit me up, but my playing times are going to be a bit odd.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Great to see so many new players :3. Welcome!


Not sure if that's directed at me :< I've been here a long while, just do a lot of lurking/working. I try to make time for the Gaf tournaments though!


Improvement! Converting my impressive 42 mouse-only APM into 42 APM (by aid of these handy hotkey stickers HOTS so helpfully added >->). Less time being a dunderhead and forgetting to produce SCVs and Supply Depots and shit, but still dying to massed Reapers and Zealots.

I am so good at this game.


Neo Member
I have absolutely no idea how to play any 1v1 matchup other than PvZ, mostly because almost all my games are 2v2 and my 1v1 practice comes from playing vs my Zerg friend. Also it seems the most similar to BW, and I have close to 0 knowledge of SC2 build orders, especially with HOTS just out.

Anyway, I tried to face down a Terran today and I was going to go 1 base into Oracle. Then I saw him CC before rax, so I expanded slightly before I put up my Stargate. Then I went a bunch of stalkers + 3 Oracles into a +1/blink timing (I killed like 6-7 SCVs and 2 mules with the Oracles). But I mis-microed horribly and my Oracles all died before all my stalkers were properly engaged. T went mass pure marine w/ upgs + 2-3 marauders, and later (after I lost that battle) he added Medivacs.

What I'm really wondering is if this is a viable strategy, or if Oracles don't really hold up in a full on engagement to kill marines if the T is smart enough to focus them down (since they're the real damage out put vs a bunch of marines). The range is so short, and the Oracle loses drastically if the engagement gets prolonged by microing to and fro since it costs 25 energy just to turn the beam on and off.

Oracles aren't meant to be used in full on engagements. They are efficient in the early game due to low marine counts, (before stim).

And I'm peeved, I missed GAF night again.
Have you watched IdrA's stream lately? He's been BMing like never before and could totally go off like that. At this point, I honestly can't tell if he's using his BM as a gimmick to get popularity because that's the only way he's going to make money, or if he's just extra upset about his recent poor performance, but for whatever reason he seems to be pretty intense with it lately.

He's being doing it more and more and his viewer numbers have been going up and up. He has actually started breaking the 10K barrier again and i've seen him as high as 12K recently. I've got no doubt that a lot of it is genuine but he is definitely playing it up to bring in more viewers.
Interesting, I watch Grubby's stream from time to time for the opposite reason. It has to be a pain in the ass to have to constantly live up to some heel persona.
Have you watched IdrA's stream lately? He's been BMing like never before and could totally go off like that. At this point, I honestly can't tell if he's using his BM as a gimmick to get popularity because that's the only way he's going to make money, or if he's just extra upset about his recent poor performance, but for whatever reason he seems to be pretty intense with it lately.

Yeah, I watched it yesterday. It was actually pretty pathetic at one point. Anyone he played he accused of being a cheeser or just a baddy even though he was the one doing a 10 pool half the games he played.


Neo Member
Yeah, I watched it yesterday. It was actually pretty pathetic at one point. Anyone he played he accused of being a cheeser or just a baddy even though he was the one doing a 10 pool half the games he played.

What frustrates me is that excuses are only going to cause this guy to bottleneck and fall behind again.


I wonder what kind of in house training EG do in the American house, they seem to care more about streaming constantly as that keeps their brand name out there just as much as actually winning apparently


Neo Member
Again? Wouldn't that mean he was ahead at some point? At the end of WoL zergs were dominating like crazy, and he was still doing nothing.

He had a brief moment of good performance during the WOL beta and early WOL. His goal and reason for playing so much HOTS beta was most likely to get a head start and try and do the same thing. "again" is more me giving this guy a chance...

I am getting the feeling EG is buying wins in Korea to counter the American team house...


Neo Member
Idra once said his father practically disowned hin for playing videogames for money, laughed hard as he seems to be just like his father


Neo Member
Looking for a partner/partners for team play 2v2, 3v3 for SC2 HOTS,
I am an OK player,what you would expect lets say from "low tier silver league".
Would prefer to play with fellow noobs and gain experience together.
I am in the GAF clan on the EU server, pm me here or find me there!


I wonder what kind of in house training EG do in the American house, they seem to care more about streaming constantly as that keeps their brand name out there just as much as actually winning apparently
Seems like the same problem as NA league
Dat stream and brand image money too good
well, I started playing non-campaign finally. some 2v2 ladder last night with 2 teammates. it's not 1v1 but it's better than nothing. I was top 25 plat the last 2 seasons on WoL and didnt play beta at all, using 2v2 to get used to the new units, etc. Nervous but looking forward to actually laddering again soon, maybe in a week or 2 I'll be back to streaming and laddering solo


Aylinato clone! >_>

Sad I missed GAF night. I got sidetracked playing a new race in Endless Space. :eek: I still have to do my placements too.


I'm looking for the most simple adjustment/addition I can make to a 2 base roach build to be more effective against a protoss ground army composition. I've tried Roach/Hydra, but it gets melted. Roach/Ling gets melted (maybe I just didn't have enough lings or ling upgrades), Roach/Ultras... Roach/Ling/Ultra.

I try to push at 11 min with mass 1/1 speed roaches to either win or contain. I've been getting a lot better at beating skytoss, and I do a decent job of teching up to hive if I can't break them with my roaches.. But when I see them going death ball I just keep powering up with more roaches, and then even when I out number them I still loose pretty badly.

After watching this replay, I realize I should have beat him with my first attack, but I backed out a bit too early.
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