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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


Also people blowing up because I beat them adds to the satisfaction, not detracts, so I see no problem there.
When I lose I mostly facepalm because I usually know what went wrong so I don't need anyone bad mouthing me as well =/
I like trash talk in shooters but when it comes to SC I know I'm pretty bad so I guess I'm a bit more sensitive.


I'm looking for the most simple adjustment/addition I can make to a 2 base roach build to be more effective against a protoss ground army composition. I've tried Roach/Hydra, but it gets melted. Roach/Ling gets melted (maybe I just didn't have enough lings or ling upgrades), Roach/Ultras... Roach/Ling/Ultra.

I try to push at 11 min with mass 1/1 speed roaches to either win or contain. I've been getting a lot better at beating skytoss, and I do a decent job of teching up to hive if I can't break them with my roaches.. But when I see them going death ball I just keep powering up with more roaches, and then even when I out number them I still loose pretty badly.

After watching this replay, I realize I should have beat him with my first attack, but I backed out a bit too early.

Just a few of tips:
  • Those first two Zerglings that you made, don't just let them sit in your base. Run them around the map and scout for any proxies. If you're done scouting, leave them at either the watch tower in the middle of the map or better yet at the bottom of the ramp that leads into your opponent's natural. It'll inform you as to when your opponent is taking their 3rd base (which is what you ideally want to hit with your Roach push) or if they're trying some cheesy 1-2 base all in.
  • Go Spire or Ultralisk Cavern, but not both. There's no way you'll have the gas to effectively support both on 2 bases, probably not even on 3. If I saw Immortals start popping out for him, I would immediately cut back on Roach production (which is exactly what you did, so gj on that!) and try to go Ling/Ultra/Infestor.
  • I saw you built an Infestation Pit but made no Infestors? Teching is good, but only tech when you know you'll need and can afford the units.
  • Never, never, never, never, never attack up ramps! It's literally the worst position you can put yourself in when you're in a battle. Just chill at the bottom and make him come to you.

But yes, this! Definitely this:

If you can get all the timings down with Stephano's build, there will be few players that can stop you in Bronze-Gold. There might be some counters to it now though in HotS... Mothership Core for Protoss players is one that comes to mind.
Is it weird that I main Terran because I don't want to do the constant injecting and chronoboosting associated with Zerg and Protoss?

How do you guys deal with all that busy work?


Is it weird that I main Terran because I don't want to do the constant injecting and chronoboosting associated with Zerg and Protoss?

How do you guys deal with all that busy work?

Chrono boosting isn't rocket science, but yeah, Zerg confuse me. I just like playing Protoss because of lazers.


Is it weird that I main Terran because I don't want to do the constant injecting and chronoboosting associated with Zerg and Protoss?

How do you guys deal with all that busy work?

I never played Protoss enough to give you any kind of opinion on chronoboosting, but injects feel like they just come naturally after playing Zerg for a while.

I just keyed all my hatches on F2, F3, and F4 and made a habit of constantly scrolling between hatches throughout a match.

After playing Terran more I really gotta say that they're a lot more difficult to micro and macro well compared to Zerg, imho.



After watching the replay, I felt like I was watching myself from the perspective of Proleague casters.


Facepalms all day. I still won, but I rarely ever get proxy'd and I've never been so close to scouting it only to miss it by literally a few pixels. lol


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel

Oh man, this is awesome. I can do that.

It looks easy with a pro player doing it, but I have a hard time with a build like that with my pathetic APM and sub average macro skills. I've gotten comfortable with the two hatch ten minute roach push build, but I'd be lying if I said that I execute even that build perfectly every time. Throw in two more hatches, a few more queens, etc, and I always get lost in the macroing up. I usually end up defeating myself, lol.

Good luck Ketch. :D
After watching the replay, I felt like I was watching myself from the perspective of Proleague casters.


Facepalms all day. I still won, but I rarely ever get proxy'd and I've never been so close to scouting it only to miss it by literally a few pixels. lol

U playin WoL?


It looks easy with a pro player doing it, but I have a hard time with a build like that with my pathetic APM and sub average macro skills.

Yea, I don't mean to say "that's easy. I can play like steffano". I mean to say "that's easy, I can take a fast third and keep him from taking his". I basically already did it in the replay I posted. Just got the 3rd way too late and then attacked his front instead of holding him at 2 bases. But my plan was to win with 2 base roach, now my plan is hold him in with 3 base roach and win with 4 base roach/ling/swarm hosts/*maybe*corrupter (does that sound good?).

Edit: And OVERLORD DROPS in his main while I hold his front!? I can do that! I need to practice.

I also want to say that the game is really "opening up" right now. When I started using my build order I was super focused on macro and never looked at anything but my base. I could get 62 drones out in 8 minutes, but had no idea what was happening outside my natural. Now, I'm really trying hard to look hard at my opponent, so watching the map and my army trying to scout... my macro has definitely slipped a bunch, but I feel much less stuck in my "box". That's a pretty cool feeling.

Also I word on zerg macro for my terran friends: Imagine if all your units built from the same production building and that building had infinite reactors.


... now my plan is hold him in with 3 base roach and win with 4 base roach/ling/swarm hosts/corrupter (does that sound good?).

Interesting combo.

It would be cool to just try plopping down at the bottom of the ramp to his natural and use Swarm Hosts to lure his army out.

Only get Corrupters if you see Colossus production though. I would say first try going just Ling + Roach and eventually Infestors, and then just transition to Ultras or Corruptors if he goes Immortals or Colossi, respectively.

Edit: And OVERLORD DROPS in his main while I hold his front!? I can do that! I need to practice.

That would be fun but first I would try to just get really good at denying them a 3rd. :)


Yea, I don't mean to say "that's easy. I can play like steffano". I mean to say "that's easy, I can take a fast third and keep him from taking his". I basically already did it in the replay I posted. Just got the 3rd way too late and then attacked his front instead of holding him at 2 bases. But my plan was to win with 2 base roach, now my plan is hold him in with 3 base roach and win with 4 base roach/ling/swarm hosts/corrupter (does that sound good?).

I personally think corrupters are pretty terrible and should only be gotten to augment a muta based army that has secured air dominance. Most of the time I see them used to augment a ground army all they seem to do is lose the game for the Zerg. But tons of zerg seem to be in love with them for some odd reason so I dono.


I personally think corrupters are pretty terrible and should only be gotten to augment a muta based army that has secured air dominance. Most of the time I see them used to augment a ground army all they seem to do is lose the game for the Zerg. But tons of zerg seem to be in love with them for some odd reason so I dono.

I think it's because mutas are so squishy, and if you're only going air to defend against his air then curropters are really good anti-air... but yea they normally don't do anything for me and just end up dying to marines/stalkers.

I was trying (in the imaginary game in my head) to replace infestors/broodlords with swarm hosts because I suck with infestors and I want to kill him before I get to broodlords, AND I think they mesh well with roaches. Roaches are low gas cost high larvae/supply, where swarm hosts are high gas low larvae/supply (considering the endless spawning locusts) but they both benefit from the same range upgrades. They're built from infestation pit which leads to hive and 3/3.

Ugh, at all these "great ideas" that I probably can't pull off.


I think it's because mutas are so squishy, and if you're only going air to defend against his air then curropters are really good anti-air... but yea they normally don't do anything for me and just end up dying to marines/stalkers.

I was trying (in the imaginary game in my head) to replace infestors/broodlords with swarm hosts because I suck with infestors and I want to kill him before I get to broodlords, AND I think they mesh well with roaches. Roaches are low gas cost high larvae/supply, where swarm hosts are high gas low larvae/supply (considering the endless spawning locusts) but they both benefit from the same range upgrades. They're built from infestation pit which leads to hive and 3/3.

Ugh, at all these "great ideas" that I probably can't pull off.

Skip the roaches and go straight into Hydra + Swarm Host


thanks for the laugh
hey zergs, you have four (+1 enroute) phoenixes hit your front on three bases. you throw down instant spores (because you're morons and david kim couldn't trust you to build an evo chamber first) and i pick up a couple of queens, a few drones, annoy some overlords and fly away.

what do you not want to happen next?

i always used to roll out with immosentry and take a third, but with the mothership core and potency of hydra busts, i'm rethinking this.


Skip the roaches
J/K I'll check it out

hey zergs, you have four (+1 enroute) phoenixes hit your front on three bases. you throw down instant spores (because you're morons and david kim couldn't trust you to build an evo chamber first) and i pick up a couple of queens, a few drones, annoy some overlords and fly away.

what do you not want to happen next?

i always used to roll out with immosentry and take a third, but with the mothership core and potency of hydra busts, i'm rethinking this.

I'd say I don't want my counter attack to be stuffed.


I have completely missed that there's a bunch of SC2 blunder videos out there, some hilarious stuff, thanks for the heads up.


I have just fought against a Protoss who denied me my third 4-5 times, and every time I destroyed one of hiis expansions with my mutas, 2(!) additional popped up.

...It was like a 40+ minute match, and I still managed to win, with a bane/ling/muta-based army, I guess even in the case of 2base vs 5-6 base, if you keep your opponent in his toes, does not let him tech to colossi, and never lose your mutas till the point of no return, you can still win. Damn it, this was one hell of a match.

And never at any point of the game did I have more than 2 mining bases. :O
(Also, what is up with the new APM system? I had 270 this time, but that is bullshit. Should be around 130-150 max.)
I have just fought against a Protoss who denied me my third 4-5 times, and every time I destroyed one of hiis expansions with my mutas, 2(!) additional popped up.

...It was like a 40+ minute match, and I still managed to win, with a bane/ling/muta-based army, I guess even in the case of 2base vs 5-6 base, if you keep your opponent in his toes, does not let him tech to colossi, and never lose your mutas till the point of no return, you can still win. Damn it, this was one hell of a match.

And never at any point of the game did I have more than 2 mining bases. :O
(Also, what is up with the new APM system? I had 270 this time, but that is bullshit. Should be around 130-150 max.)

I didnt see the replay but I think the reason you likely won is the protoss was too obsessed with replacing his expansions even though he wasn't capable of defending them. If he denied your 3rd all he really needed to do was max out on 2 or 3 bases and 1A into your army and you would have lost for sure. I lost in a similar way to that protoss once.


I didnt see the replay but I think the reason you likely won is the protoss was too obsessed with replacing his expansions even though he wasn't capable of defending them. If he denied your 3rd all he really needed to do was max out on 2 or 3 bases and 1A into your army and you would have lost for sure. I lost in a similar way to that protoss once.

Yep, it definitely was that case. He should have just massed units and that is it instead of trying to finish me n+1 times.
MVP gonna get stomped so hard.

Match 1 -
(MVP) Dream vs
(LG-IM) First

Rematch of the IEM Katowice Final!

Really good comeback from Dream. That 3rd by the protoss was way too greedy. He knew his opponent had a larger army and was basically all-in so why risk a 3rd instead of rebuilding your own army?


Really good comeback from Dream. That 3rd by the protoss was way too greedy. He knew his opponent had a larger army and was basically all-in so why risk a 3rd instead of rebuilding your own army?

I suppose he was counting on Dream playing really passive. From what I've seen from First, he makes a lot of strange decisions that loses him games that he generally should have won.
Exactly, retire at my peak. Its only downhill from here.
Select another server and play with the weight of the world off your shoulders, without risk, whilst occasionally logging on to your native region to bask in the glory of your achievement. Just hang out at the multiplayer title or ladder screen. well, at least until the season ends.
I suppose he was counting on Dream playing really passive. From what I've seen from First, he makes a lot of strange decisions that loses him games that he generally should have won.

That did seem like a really weird ass decision. Seemed like he would have been fine if he pulled back and built his third after he busted down the front and killed the tech lab


Good lord... Those storms... My heart.....

Huge mistakes by Dream just letting all his Vikings die and putting his bio army in that choke point position.
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