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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT4| Everyone Else Would Beat Catspajamas


relies on auto-aim

I have a question about the 1 barracks early expand build. Lately, I've been getting up one refinery on 13 like the 3 barracks build but waiting to get the 2nd one much later. This is so I can still get stim rather quickly. Am I wrong in doing that? Should I wait until like 18 or whatever like I should be?
2x gas
Ever win a game so stressful you have to quit playing? I lost two ZvZs in a row to stupid shit, and on my third ZvZ in a row I caught him off guard with early roaches against his banelings. He beat back my first attack but I killed enough drones to basically guarantee a win. Yet at the last second I saw he got a super early Lair and that freaked me out. But my next wave of Roaches and lings sealed the deal.

still, my hands were shaking and I had to gtfo. Gonna play some WoW to calm down


Ever win a game so stressful you have to quit playing? I lost two ZvZs in a row to stupid shit, and on my third ZvZ in a row I caught him off guard with early roaches against his banelings. He beat back my first attack but I killed enough drones to basically guarantee a win. Yet at the last second I saw he got a super early Lair and that freaked me out. But my next wave of Roaches and lings sealed the deal.

still, my hands were shaking and I had to gtfo. Gonna play some WoW to calm down

That was me after like every game =\

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Ever win a game so stressful you have to quit playing? I lost two ZvZs in a row to stupid shit, and on my third ZvZ in a row I caught him off guard with early roaches against his banelings. He beat back my first attack but I killed enough drones to basically guarantee a win. Yet at the last second I saw he got a super early Lair and that freaked me out. But my next wave of Roaches and lings sealed the deal.

still, my hands were shaking and I had to gtfo. Gonna play some WoW to calm down

This is me after a win. Even against silver players

Golden & Stalife join Team Light (xeris team...ugh)


Been going CC first against Zerg lately. It's dicey, but man, if you hold their first push, you're in great shape.

Been noticing that you can catch some people off guard if you have a bunker or two at the front of your expo, when the mutas come and hit your line, if they just a-moved into your SCVs, you can retreat to the bunkers. If they mutas give chase, they get shredded by the bunkers if the player is trying to micro at the front or something. I almost want to start putting a bunker right next to each CC that 4 marines can just dive into when the mutas show up. Set the SCVs to auto repair and they can't hang around too long.


2x gas

bad and outdated build order haz, no one does the 4 rax anymore. It was toss specific and people realized ghosts and medivacs are more important for winning.

2x gas
rax (excluded if going for faster fac)


bad and outdated build order haz, no one does the 4 rax anymore. It was toss specific and people realized ghosts and medivacs are more important for winning.

2x gas
rax (excluded if going for faster fac)

As a Gold League Superstar, here's how I'm doing the CC first right now. It's probably far from optimal, but it's yielded me the best results against both early rushes and standard play.

2x gas
Bunker x2 (rally marines to bunkers)

From there I just use my Barracks to build tech labs and reactors for my additional factories and starports and I abandon bio units completely. I'll also use one of the Barracks to narrow the choke by my two bunkers.

Getting Hellions out quickly seems like an absolute necessity so you can catch their Banelings if they try to bust after they see you go CC first. If they try to drone up, well, Hellions are OP if you get into their mineral lines.

Again, it's probably not optimal, but for Gold/Platinum opponents I've done well with it.


relies on auto-aim
bad and outdated build order haz, no one does the 4 rax anymore. It was toss specific and people realized ghosts and medivacs are more important for winning.

2x gas
rax (excluded if going for faster fac)
He needs 4 rax since he's in Silver and has been doing 3 rax stim 1a.
He can tech later. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ez mode. Marines ALL DAY.


Is there a way to find out what percentage of players are playing each race by league? I've had 5 Zergs in a row and 8 of my last 10. I've also had almost nonstop matches on Antiga, which is weird.
What are the chances of Blizzard giving us an update on the HOTS beta during their coming Acti/Blizz Q4 report ?

I remember they announced the WOL beta was coming soon back in their early 2010 conference call and sure enough a week later the beta went public.


Was less an impressive hold, more a won game almost lost and salvaged at the last second.

Dimaga has been playing terribly this series, shouldn't be on the ropes against a second-tier EU toss.


Bitter and Rotterdam really won't stop being Dimaga favored. Yesterday when he lost against Hero Bitter was basically crying.


Bitter and Rotterdam really won't stop being Dimaga favored. Yesterday when he lost against Hero Bitter was basically crying.
sounds familiar

replace bitter and rotterdam with artosis and tasteless.
replace dimaga with nestea.

you will get the gsl edition.


Junior Member
DTs are good until detection, ultras are good if zerg actually got them(yes I know it takes awhile to tech to them)

Also, since you mentioned colossi, I'd put them lower, as they suck as a unit.

BCs and Carriers are under appreciated and are actually really good units.
DTs are good against Zerg period... Overseers are huge floating stalker targets. And no, Ultras are only good with proper Infestor support. Marines, Ghosts Roach masses, Stalkers masses, Immortals... so many things just rip through them and they are slow.

Play some Zerg or watch a ton of pro matches, then come back for Zerg unit evaluation.


DTs are good against Zerg period... Overseers are huge floating stalker targets. And no, Ultras are only good with proper Infestor support. Marines, Ghosts Roach masses, Stalkers masses, Immortals... so many things just rip through them and they are slow.

Play some Zerg or watch a ton of pro matches, then come back for Zerg unit evaluation.

I actually play random, have for quite some time. That being said I've used all the units, ultras tear apart people unless they went mass immortal(lol stalkers countering ultas, only in numbers of 2-4 maybe)

without upgrade it takes 4 swings(assuming terran has combat shield) for an ultra to take down a marine

marines do 7 dps, meaning it'd take 71 seconds for one marine to kill an ultra, or 71 marines in one second

stimmed a marine does 10.5 and takes 10 damage(meaning only three hits from an ultra) taking 47 seconds to kill an ultra with one marine (based on 0 armor ultralisk)

now, I don't feel like going through every upgrade I'm going to do max vs max upgrades on each

Marine max armor, 3, damage 9 max, 55 health max, stim takes 10
Ultralisk max armor 6, max damage 21, heath 500

So at max a marine only does 3 damage per shot
At max an Ultralisk does 18 damage per hit against a marine

anyway I'm in the unit tester

no upgrades on either unit, (did minerals cause marines cost 0 gas) and equal supply results in ultralisks destroying marines, 6 alive, out of 8 vs 48 marines

1/1 upgrades for both ultras win with 5 living

2/2 upgrades 5 living

3/3 7 living(with 4 at low health

max upgrades on marines and ultralisk 7 ultralisks remaining

so...ultralisks are nice

let's add in medivacs and maraduers

9 maraduers and 18 marines and 6 medivacs lose to 8 ultralisks...so..yea(can't find how to stim, that'd probably make it closer, but the ultras still had 6 full health at the end)

you're just plan wrong dude(eqaul minerals, almost eqaul gas)


I hate when I'm playing a ladder game and I'm leading most of the game but one poor engagement on my part costs me the game in the long run:[

I was playing a terran that went mech. got the high temps for the feedback but I forgot to research storm for the SCVs. Either way that was the least of my problems.

I took his 3rd out and went up for his forth but left half my army down by the 3rd so he killed that.

Should have just pulled back instead of getting greedy. Either way I could have took his army if I didn't let half of it die while I sent the other half all zealots to destroy his planetary.



Everything is moe to me
now if only ultras could actually hit stimmed bio.

maybe you can write all my opponents mid-match and tell them not to micro.


Junior Member
maybe you should actually play the game once and awhile

Pfffffffffffffftttttttttttt... should we say the same to you?? Have you EVER seen proper kiting of Marines vs Ultras?? Do you even know what kiting means??? Or... are you trying to follow in the footsteps of ChronicleX??? Or... are you ChronicleX??? o_O
*dunn dunn dunnnnn*


So, I'm going to get back into playing this, but for some reason I just don't want to play as terran. Am I just being stupid or can I switch to zerg? y'all may recall I'm new to SC and am pretty bad.

So should I stick with terran, or is it OK to switch to zerg?


Pfffffffffffffftttttttttttt... should we say the same to you?? Have you EVER seen proper kiting of Marines vs Ultras?? Do you even know what kiting means??? Or... are you trying to follow in the footsteps of ChronicleX??? Or... are you ChronicleX??? o_O
*dunn dunn dunnnnn*

Chronicle never did math to prove anything he said ever.

I know what kiting is, however I know now to ignore your posts if you're not going to take anything seriously.


Junior Member
Chronicle never did math to prove anything he said ever.

I know what kiting is, however I know now to ignore your posts if you're not going to take anything seriously.
You don't get it, I am taking what you say at face value. Without Infestors, your Ultras will never hit those marines even once.

Math means nothing in face of how a unit plays out in an actual game. Don't judge things from your level, I don't do either. I look at pro games and draw my conclusions from people who actually can play.
Pfffffffffffffftttttttttttt... should we say the same to you?? Have you EVER seen proper kiting of Marines vs Ultras??

This argument is silly. Yes, if marines are microed properly and/or are protected by buildings that distract the ultras, they're pretty decent. But in late game with many things goin on at the same time, perfect micro is hard. That said, there are worse terran units to use vs ultras than marines.

So should I stick with terran, or is it OK to switch to zerg?

Stick with terran dude, re-join the Terran brotherhood.


Everything is moe to me
the bronze gallery opinion on ultras is cute and all, but they really are terrible vs bio.

stalker/zealot is tough too, they really arent good. -.-


Junior Member
This argument is silly. Yes, if marines are microed properly and/or are protected by buildings that distract the ultras, they're pretty decent. But in late game with many things goin on at the same time, perfect micro is hard. That said, there are worse terran units to use vs ultras than marines.
You don't even need special micro, simple kiting is enough. No buildings or special protection required :-(

Against Banes at least my oponent needs a good split or it's bye bye Marine ball if you have enough to tank the damage output. Against Ultras it's merely kiting back. It's not hard to do and when you are fighting Ultras, what else should you do in that moment other than micro your marines? 15-20 seconds is more than enough for your marineball to evaporate an Ultra ball and if allow for a queue depth of 1, you have to actually macro once per minute. More than enough to properly micro even a huge battle.
Zenio with the gold league strats. Dude, you killed his Nexus and forced him to cancel it. Why not go home after that and get your own hatch


The list of companies in day9s after hours gaming league is pretty impressive, hopefully it encourages sponsorship from at least some of them:
AHGL SC2 teams Part1: Adobe, Amazon, AMD, Best Buy, Digital Extremes, Dropbox, EA, Epic, Ernst & Young, Facebook, FactSet, Google, IBM

AHGL SC2 teams Part2: Intel, Legend 3D, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Mozilla, NVIDIA, Palantir, Pipeworks, Qualcomm, RapidShare, Shopify

AHGL SC2 teams Part3: TwitchTV, Twitter, Western Digital, Zappos, Zynga. PHEW this season kicks ass :D


bad and outdated build order haz, no one does the 4 rax anymore. It was toss specific and people realized ghosts and medivacs are more important for winning.

2x gas
rax (excluded if going for faster fac)

But what uniiiiiiiiiiiiiits?
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