Guess Ill post it here too.
GSL Off the Record starts in like 20mins
This week with MKP and Tasteless as the 2nd host
Arid wasn't really given a fair chance. People wont accept maps that don't stick to a formula. Discourages new gameplay discovery.
There is free stream...?
I hope yoshi knows about this...and his chance to play MKP![]()
If you get any of the light passes you have to wait 3 days for off the record.
Ditch Xel and Taldarim
Taldarim is the most equal map in the pool if you do an analasies over 36k games.
Except its the worse map in the pool for pvp.
Don't play Protoss then.Except its the worse map in the pool for pvp.
Arid wasn't really given a fair chance. People wont accept maps that don't stick to a formula. Discourages new gameplay discovery.
Case in point ^^ =)
You connect the main to natural on both spawns with two tumors Panda, I just tried. You can also block the ramp with a single queen (!). Not only that theres perfect spots for zergs to place overlords to grant vision behind the LOS blockers so if anything they're presence is neutral for zerg or even good. At least argue that the chokes are too small or something, jeez.
One player comes up with really minor, petty complaints which aren't true or aren't problems and the other never even gave it a shot he could just sniff out the imbalance a mile away.
Funnily enough, most of what I saw on TL was bitching from terrans and tosses about zerg on the map. No one gave it a chance.
Your arguments just got seriously shut down as grade A bullshit, good choice to discontinue.
But there is a free SQ stream. At least there is an option for it.
The vast complicated interactions of early game ZvT are so complex o.o~~you're an idiot talking about things you dont understand, its a waste of time. you act like blocking a ramp with one queen is super special awesome, but you can do that on most maps. you're just too dense to wonder why people don't do it or too ignorant to have known how common it is.
"Limited ovie scouting"... come on this just gets more and more inconsequential. Against terran your second ovie would be over your natural regardless until it finishes and you will have your third out and there well before any hellions could arrive should you choose to anyway. Even our poor little bronzies will see that for the reach it was.tell me more how LoS blockers are good for zergs, i love building 2 spines and being forced into limited ovie scouting and still getting my mining denied by 2 quick hellions.
lets hear more pearls of map commentary from a protoss who complains about tal'darim.
MULEs now harvest the same amount of minerals on both high yield minerals and normal minerals.
We’ve been looking into the effects that high yield expansions have on gameplay, in particular how the added efficiency of MULEs on these mineral patches can affect matchups. This is also a common piece of feedback we’ve received from both pro players and the community.
We’ve been closely monitoring several sources of information: GSL tournaments which feature maps that do not have high yield mineral patches at all, major tournaments that still use high yield expansions, and our own ladder maps data now that our 1v1 ladder features a tournament-like map pool.
Based on these observations, we’ve made the decision to keep MULE resource generation the same regardless of mineral type, while allowing high yield mineral patches to remain on our ladder maps. This change helps keep the risk vs. reward the same for all three races when acquiring expansions that feature high yield minerals.
Snipe damage changed from 45 to 25 +25 Psionic
We felt the Snipe ability was countering zerg broodlords and ultralisks slightly too well. Especially at the pro level, we were seeing a lot of games where terran players were playing very defensive games while massing ghosts to counter most of the options zerg players had at their disposal.
While we like to see creative and innovative use of units, we felt that in this case Snipe was becoming too effective against zerg’s most expensive units. When adjusting the ability, we tried to settle on a number that would allow using Snipe to remain a viable tactic, though not as powerful as it is now. With this change, brood lords will fall in ten casts of Snipe rather than six (taking into account health regeneration), while an ultralisk will die in 19 casts, up from 11. This also significantly increases the number of ghosts and stockpiled energy needed to pull this tactic off, which we feel confident about because, previously, terran players rarely needed to consider the energy on their ghosts units.
Phoenix now has a range upgrade at the Fleet Beacon
In the past, we’ve discussed whether protoss needed a more immediate change to give them additional ways of dealing with mutalisks in PvZ, or whether it was more appropriate to make changes to that matchup in Heart of the Swarm. After investigating, testing, and reviewing both community and pro feedback, we’ve decided to include a change in this patch.
The phoenix will now have 6 attack range after purchasing an upgrade, which should allow them to more easily deal with a large number of mutalisks. In the previous patch, when protoss players attempted to move their armies out across the map, their bases became extremely vulnerable. Existing options to cope with massed mutalisks were costly and not always effective. This range upgrade should help even the odds by giving protoss players the option to reactively build phoenixes in smaller numbers, and with some micro, allow them to more efficiently defend against mutalisk swarms. Upgraded phoenixes should also offer protoss players the potential for better map control in the PvZ match up.
Still, we also wanted to make sure that producing mutalisks in PvZ remains a viable strategy, and believe that it is. While it might not be a good idea to brute force a protoss opponent with a ton of mutalisks, pairing them with units such as infestors and/or corruptors will help counter the advantage the new range upgrade provides.
APM / CPM changes
There was a lot of concern and debate regarding whether APM should be an accurate number or it should be a fun, play style distinguishing factor like it has been traditionally. After hearing a lot of feedback from both sides, we decided to bring back classic APM, and change our current APM (that doesn’t count spam clicks) to be called Commands Per Minute, or CPM.
This way, pro players who want to show off how fast their hands move can do so, while at the same time players who really just want to know how accurate and efficient their actions are can look at CPM.
As always, we will continue to follow player discussions on our forums as well as fan sites and beyond, and we look forward to your constructive feedback regarding these changes. As with all balance-related changes, we've made these decisions with great care and consideration to ensure a great playing experience for players of all skill levels.
Phoenix now has a range upgrade at the Fleet Beacon
I'm putting this in the running for most passive-aggressively hilarious patch note ever.There was a lot of concern and debate regarding whether APM should be an accurate number or it should be a fun, play style distinguishing factor like it has been traditionally. After hearing a lot of feedback from both sides, we decided to bring back classic APM, and change our current APM (that doesnt count spam clicks) to be called Commands Per Minute, or CPM.
This way, pro players who want to show off how fast their hands move can do so, while at the same time players who really just want to know how accurate and efficient their actions are can look at CPM.
The good: only 2 snipes now to kill an infestor
The bad: snipe now useless against all other units
Of course no one would do this but 2 snipes to kill a zergling lol
blizzard doesn't listen to bad players, they rather wait and see how it turns out.Idra said terran turtling with ghosts was imba last march, blizzard only see it now. Hopefully one day they see the error of their ways and give full control of the game to him.
Yeah its strange how they chose to change the snipe damage vs ghosts, templar, infestors and queens rather than do 45 damage/25 to massive, which would only affect bl and ultra as they are only two biological massive units.
terran favoured in the matchup for years, zerg unbeatable.
A map without a ramp is a fucking joke. I like it against zerg and Terran but in pvp it is a map that forces 4 gate or 3 gate blink only.lets hear more pearls of map commentary from a protoss who complains about tal'darim.
So Ghosts don't counter every single zerg unit anymore?
That seems mostly reasonable.
Zerg you know what that means now. Terran qq and soon after a marine buff.
Zerg you know what that means now. Terran qq and soon after a marine buff.