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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT4| Everyone Else Would Beat Catspajamas


Remember when InControl argued that using rape as a gamer term for "owned" is offensive and inappropriate?

Still doesn't make it analogous compared to the other words. Not like you can call some a rape, or maybe you can. Plus the term has multiple definitions.

Example: The over use of nitrogen in agriculture rapes the land of nutrients vital for production over time.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Wait... why is this so upsetting?

Like Destiny has been like forever and "no" one is complaining.

Kinda my feeling now for most people. If its ladder/personal stream, do whatever you want/say but dont be surprised if sponsors/teams lean away. Now if it is a tournament or professional setting, thats something else.



Almost forgot to post. I was too busy playing Special Forces Custom. Festor is so fucking op I keep accidentally sniping hatches. I almost got it beaten but I needed to buff the fortress. Once I maxed out I didn't know what to do with the excess amount of minerals I get. Now I know I gatta throw down defenses before the Leviathan comes out.

The Weekly NeoGAF Starcraft II Nights
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Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Well the samsung is slightly going bad. Pixels are going white from time to time. Probably gonna keep it as spare tv lol.


Its highly inappropriate and equates a violent sexual assault to losing in a video game, belittling the severity of the word. Women in particular are turned off by angry nerds who say rape. Broodwar was a huge success in large part because of it's ability to appeal to female viewers.

Still doesn't make it analogous compared to the other words. Not like you can call some a rape, or maybe you can. Plus the term has multiple definitions.

Example: The over use of nitrogen in agriculture rapes the land of nutrients vital for production over time.

Are we playing a semantics game? Using Rape to describe dominance, as used by gamers and sports fans is unacceptable - as are the other words Destiny once used. I'm listing it alongside racial slurs not to make direct 1:1 comparisons.
Are we playing a semantics game? Using Rape to describe dominance, as used by gamers and sports fans is unacceptable - as are the other words Destiny once used. I'm listing it alongside racial slurs not to make direct 1:1 comparisons.

If you go by the definition of the word rape (besides describing the act of sexually abusing someone) then it fits perfectly into that context without being offensive.

Edit: There is no context that i can think of that makes racist slurs appropriate. Calling someone a nigger can only mean one thing. Saying someone or something got raped can have different meanings.
If you go by the definition of the word rape (besides describing the act of sexually abusing someone) then it fits perfectly into that context without being offensive.

Edit: There is no context that i can think of that makes racist slurs appropriate. Calling someone a nigger can only mean one thing. Saying someone or something got raped can have different meanings.

I don't see what's so hard to see about the point that the word "rape" as used in a gaming, sports, or competitive setting is indeed offensive, and sexist; it glorifies dominance while equating the rape victim to a "loser." This isn't new ground, it's an old discussion; multiple athletes have been suspended, fined, or forced to apologize over using such language because it's not considered acceptable in public discourse.

I'm not saying I'm personally offended; few things offend me, I've been called a nigger and almost laughed, to be perfectly honest. My initial point was that Destiny justified his use of the words in a juvenile way, arguing the words weren't offensive because his intention wasn't sexist, racist, or homophobic. The problem is that each word (including using rape as a description of competitive dominance) is offensive based on societal norms in many (if not most) places. Again, I am not saying the root word "rape" is offensive or a slur like nigger or faggot.
Just watching the replay of the Kas vs Idra game and i still can't understand how he lost that 1st game. He really has played shockingly bad this tournament. Seeing him revert back to his roach/hydra/corruptor style has to be a highlight.

I don't see what's so hard to see about the point that the word "rape" as used in a gaming, sports, or competitive setting is indeed offensive, and sexist; it glorifies dominance while equating the rape victim to a "loser." This isn't new ground, it's an old discussion; multiple athletes have been suspended, fined, or forced to apologize over using such language because it's not considered acceptable in public discourse.

I'm not saying I'm personally offended; few things offend me, I've been called a nigger and almost laughed, to be perfectly honest. My initial point was that Destiny justified his use of the words in a juvenile way, arguing the words weren't offensive because his intention wasn't sexist, racist, or homophobic. The problem is that each word (including using rape as a description of competitive dominance) is offensive based on societal norms in many (if not most) places.

Fair enough. I'm just saying that in general i don't really see it as offensive at all.


I think a lot of girls would find the overuse and trivialization of the word rape as offensive as homophobic or racist slang.
I'm just going to say this reflects poorly on you. It's the sort of opinion probably best kept to yourself.

Meh whatever. My last GF had been sexually assaulted and i have attended many volunteer events for people who have had similar things happen (for a company called vocal). I consider myself pretty sensitive about these issues but when a friend uses the word rape when watching a sport with me i can't say it bothers me at all.

Edit: I've done more for victims of abuse then most people will in their whole lifetimes so i find it your post to be a little insulting.


Just watching the replay of the Kas vs Idra game and i still can't understand how he lost that 1st game. He really has played shockingly bad this tournament. Seeing him revert back to his roach/hydra/corruptor style has to be a highlight.

Fair enough. I'm just saying that in general i don't really see it as offensive at all.

That's you. Many people do, so it's better to not use the words, especially since there are alternatives.

For SC2 to grow to Broodwar levels of long term sustainability and mass appeal, it has to be able to attract a wider audience and lose the man-baby stigma. That won't happen if people are raging over losing and saying offensive words on stream for thousands of people to hear. People want to be able to watch this with their families, kids, girlfriends, etc. and that's not really possible if you've got people talking like Destiny.

Broodwar's audience was ~50% female because they managed to keep it professional and carefully manage it's image and market it's players. Being able to get both males and females means more advertising dollars, which means sustainability. The current SC2 scene is losing too much money to last much longer. Investors are only backing these tournaments because of the hope of it growing enough to become self sustaining and even one day profitable, but that can't happen if the audience is limited because of childish and easily corrected things like offensive words being said in public turning off viewers and advertisers. If HotS is out this Fall and by the end of the year professional SC2 isn't any closer to sustainability, I expect 2013 will suffer cut backs in prize pools and possibly salaries.

I would rather professional SC2 succeed than have it fail because Destiny and those like him want to be able to say this on tournament streams.
Played a weird game on Cloud Kingdom, ZvT. My drone scout was killed his SCVs before I could see whether he had taken a gas or not, so I was on edge. Luckily my overlord reached the back of his base shortly thereafter, at which point I scouted both gases taken. This was around the 5m mark so built extra queens and got my evo chamber at 6m, preparing for cloaked banshees. They never came, then 4 super later Hellions appeared. I figured what the hell, maybe he's going mech...so I took my third.

Few minutes later I scout him taking a late third, then my mutas fly past like 7 Ravens lol. He turtled on three base and had the entire area guarded with missle turrets so I couldn't scout. Still expecting mech I took another base, got a lair around 17m, got a bunch of Ultras and a few Blords.

....then I saw him leave his base with a billion 3-3 marines. Luckily I had a couple Infestors, but even if I didn't I'm sure I would have held. I crushed the army, a-moved to his base and found like 4 PFs. Won easily but jeez, what a weird..build. Usually when Terran turtles on 3 base with a bunch of hellions, they hit with a billion Thors. At least, that's what I've seen multiple times. I've never seen someone turtle just to mass marines and Ravens.


Meh whatever. My last GF had been sexually assaulted and i have attended many volunteer events for people who have had similar things happen (for a company called vocal). I consider myself pretty sensitive about these issues but when a friend uses the word rape when watching a sport with me i can't say it bothers me at all.

Edit: I've done more for victims of abuse then most people will in their whole lifetimes so i find it your post to be a little insulting.
You're right. I apologize for what I said. I was taking your posts the wrong way, and didn't mean to be that big of a jackass in my reply.


If only Idra's mechanics could keep up with his brain, he would probably be playing a lot better than he has been (he is casting with Apollo at IEM).
If only Idra's mechanics could keep up with his brain, he would probably be playing a lot better than he has been (he is casting with Apollo at IEM).

I don't think idras mechanics are the problem. His biggest problem is the fact that he is stuck in the past (roach/hydra/corruptor against toss for example). He also isn't nearly aggressive enough and doesn't know how to finish people when he's on top. That and everyone now and then he just has a brain snap where he throws away his whole army.

It's his decision making in crucial moments he needs to work on.


Everything is moe to me
season are really short now...

edit: btw fun gafnight, and GG jason didn't know you had better macro then panda lol :)

maybe if my micro player wouldnt move out with every dozen units he got just to lose them all to a surround...

or broke rocks for me...

or did any meaningful damage at all...


Team Invidia has announced Moonglade as the fifth player in their lineup. Hope he gets back in the scene more after dropping off the radar last year.

Current line-up:
  • Nv.Rossi
  • Nv.YoonYJ
  • Nv.Pinder
  • Nv.deth
  • Nv.mOOnGLaDe
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