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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT4| Everyone Else Would Beat Catspajamas


343i Lead Esports Producer
Well I haven't noticed the gsl charge on my bank account, so perhaps something weird happened. If I get home from work and it still hasn't been charged/processed, I'll purchase the $15 ticket again and hope to god I don't get double fucking charged.

I watched the first game of Fin v Leenock and oh man, I need to see how this ends.

Fin gets an Overkill extermination on Leenock which allows him to go in and pull the final flag.


I'm curious how long Yoshi got banzored then. Didn't seem that serious since duck was mildly joking about it, but yeah no reason to get upset over someone's preferences for control schemes.

Maybe, somewhere out there, there is someone who will prove all the naysayers wrong and be gdlk at D3 with a pad. I could play FFXI(mmorpg) with my 360 controller no problem, and often preferred doing raid like stuff as a Samurai on my 360 instead of my PC, because of how you can set up skill chains and macros to work with just left and right trigger squeezes. It ended up working to be more fluid and easier on me when playing that class, although other classes that wouldn't be the case like say Puppet Master which needed more management of the Puppet abilities and yourself. Still I did it a few times on 360 pad and it wasn't that bad.

It all depends on how they design it and work it out. D3 doesn't seem like a game that would be held back by a controller method.

Now SC2 on the other hand...lol. I praise anyone who can get into Masters with some voodoo using a dual shock 3 only. :p


343i Lead Esports Producer
Is competitive Halo actually like... interesting to watch?

Depends if you're a fan of the game really. I compete so it's interesting for me to see different strategies, jumps and techniques but it's also amazing to see the raw skill of some of the Halo pros. Also, seeing a great strategy work and great teamwork is really some special in Halo. At least to me it is.

After playing SC2 and watching SC2, the commentators from Halo have such a hard job. The game does nothing to help them with their jobs. It also doesn't help that there are 8 players to keep track of. I do think though that we'll see a resurgence of 1v1 at a tournament level. Maybe even Free For All.


These next few days are going to be tough on you Tashi, the threat of Diablo 3 hitting consoles is over us. We'll probably taking our frustration out on you.


GAF team games are the best

2 highlights of me and amp's cheesing games today

1. Cannon rushing a terran/protoss

I was random, got protoss, amp choose protoss

we decided to cannon them, I built a plyon in their wall with a 1 space gap on both sides(so they couldn't wall it off still) while amp built another plyon with a 1 space gap on the other side of it

what happens next is they pull some of their probes to kill the plyon i had built, well I had a surprise for them I built a GATEWAY in their wall, and built a cannon right next to the gateway, next to the plyon(limiting the surface area to the cannon, and finish off my wall in their wall with another plyon on the other side of the cannon being built

while this is happening amp had built a cannon on the low ground and was protecting my unpowdered cannon(they managed to kill the first plyon). Amp was aggresive with his cannons and had put cannons behind the terran's mineral line.

This happened withint 4:12 gametime, that was how fast that match lasted.

2nd epic tale of cheese

Amp and I cannoned a terran and a protoss again, I proxied my forge in their base(while building a plyon at my base to avoid suspicion. Amp was late with his probe so he was chasing them around wasting their mining time. IN the meantime I had advanced my cannons to the terrans base, who proceeded to lift off. Now amp and I started plyoning EVERY EXPANSION that he could get to. Now if you know me and amp you know what happens next, we rushed to DTs.

I snipe his plyons powering the protoss's forges and robo bay, and kill them promtly while amp killled all their probes. The terran had flown to a gold base and had an orbital command, but was getting harassed by amp's zealots. The protoss also had built a starport(so his robo bay was late and got sniped by our DTs). So we kill the protoss base, while he was attacking us with his void ray+zealot army, and we had DTs running around the map. The terran loses his orbital to DTs as he kept allowing me to take a swing here and a swing there(trying to let his ally kill all the DTs by scanning.

The DTs killed the entire protoss ground army(it was beautiful) 2 DTs, they took out 1-2 so we had to send another(as they got some scans off). In the meantime me and amp were rebuilding our bases in their original base. As we lost our whole fucking base.


I have been laddering a lot for almost a week now. I feel that my goal of getting into gold league can't be that far of,at least I hope so. I'm first in my division and I just beat a platinum ranked player.

I've had a couple of losses to Protoss cheese but I'm starting to be able to fend off most early aggression pretty well now. Whoever posted about the that dargleins micro trainer a couple of pages back, you have my thanks! I'm force fielding all the time now with pretty decent success rate.


Comparative Pitfall! was so much better than this newfangled BW shit.

No such thing as "balance patches."

So damn hardcore.


what game was that? (what did it look like)



Is there any resource with up to date common build orders? Looking for a starting point to get back into 1v1, after a yearlong hiatus (~Silver-Gold level noob).

I did play Zerg...but I'm almost considering giving Protoss a try, simply because I can dictate games more instead of playing a reactionary Zerg. Not sure yet.

edit: I suppose I could just watch replays. What's a good resource, besides Google? :D Also, are there any useful mods/utilities out there for managing replays? It's kind of a pain to download -> browse for folder -> save -> open up SC2 and search for it.

edit2: looks like I can just open them with SC2. Cool.


Is there any resource with up to date common build orders? Looking for a starting point to get back into 1v1, after a yearlong hiatus (~Silver-Gold level noob).

I did play Zerg...but I'm almost considering giving Protoss a try, simply because I can dictate games more instead of playing a reactionary Zerg. Not sure yet.

edit: I suppose I could just watch replays. What's a good resource, besides Google? :D Also, are there any useful mods/utilities out there for managing replays? It's kind of a pain to download -> browse for folder -> save -> open up SC2 and search for it.

edit2: looks like I can just open them with SC2. Cool.

I haven't looked at it in a while, but I think this thread on TL is pretty good for getting a few standard strategies under your belt.
GAF Night is tomorrow already!


I might miss my 2nd Gaf night already D:. Have a thing for work that's going to run late and then going to the grocery store and then I might just collapse when I get home :lol.

So I'm still playing 2v2/3v3s with friends. I started playing my first 1v1s after getting placed in gold (still makes me angry that as a noob I was placed in gold), lost the first 2 to some mistakes that I know I need to work on and then won the 3rd.

I'm in this game for the long haul though, freaking love every bit of it. Biggest thing I want to work is reacting towards events happening and defense. So if I'm playing zerg, when I need to have missle turrets up on my line to protect from mutas, etc.
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