Watching Evo alongside nearly 100k people online convinced me SC2 will continue to lose popularity and remain a niche esport. Fighting games and dota are quite casual friendly, meaning people play a lot with their friends and watch streams. SC2 has too high of a learning curve due to being an rts, and the online system turns players off. The player base seems to just stagnate
To make matters worse, I'm starting to realize watching SC2 can be boring. I love the mid and end game, but the beginning of every game is boring unless it's ZvZ or PvP where aggression starts fast. As a test, find a random good BW tournament match and skip to the 5min mark. You'll see a battle most of the time. Whereas with SC2 nothing is happening at the five minute mark, as tech is chosen a couple minutes later. Personally I love playing SC2 early game, and prefer the macro style over BW but in terms of watching, it's boring
Most of the gsl matches this season have been amazing right, but all of them start with mundane openings. Sure I get a bit excited/worried when I see a protoss take one gas at their natural against a Zerg, but to casual viewers they must be bored out the gate.