That just streams for you, right?
Damn :lol
That just streams for you, right?
kpop? let me go get a bucket to puke in
Why do you have the overlay and such going all the time? Actual video is so tiny...
was the scene switcher not working??? T.T fuckkkkkk
EDIT: I just realized that new patch fucked it up, Its supposed to go fullscreen when the game loads. and to the shrunk view for the menus
nobody said anything T.T
Oh well next time itll be fixed guys.
What program does that? Xsplit?
lol i was talking to holden. I was like interesting setup...
(._.) what happened to your avatarrrrrrrrrr
Haha I seriously can't believe nobody mentioned it.
Haha I seriously can't believe nobody mentioned it.
I figured if it wasn't supposed to be like that, you would have noticed when checking the stream sounds for that one guy.
this was posted right?
damn some of these guys need to realize they are in the public eye when they have sponsors....
can't joke around when in the public eye.
Panda you going to NASL both saturday and sunday?
Panda you going to NASL both saturday and sunday?
Should I join you?
combatex will be there.Should I join you?
combatex will be there.
Came back after weeks of hiatus. 2 ZvZs in a row that lasted 30+ minutes. First was a classic tech battle as we went to Brood Lords, then he caught me out of nowhere with like 30 Mutas. Second was on Cloud Kingdom, long ass pro longed by Infestor sniping. I finally regulated him to one of the farther expansions on the map (bottom right) and didn't want to waste my units trying to go down that ramp and getting fungal'd in spines. So I expanded everywhere and just waited for Brood Lords.
I miss your beautifulness and majestic laugh.I miss you guys.
PvT FFE opening reps
This timing after the build is there to punish a greedy player I can tell by how long it takes for him to get his 2nd gas which in turn tells me his is playing mineral heavy
This rep has the same greedy play by Terran. I even scout the 3rd. You can punish play like this with the same timing.
This rep is based on if you're sure that your opponent is not allining or playing super greedy (Aka quick 3rd base) before gas. Once you see this you can take your 2 gas before gate which sets you up nicely for robo play. You overmake probes and defend
Take your 3rd after he does. Instantly saturate it with your overmade probes. You should be able to get into the lategame nicely with better upgrades.
Tashi, mushrooms are bad.
Less Mushrooms more Ladder! They aint gonna get you too gold you know! ;D
just kidding <3
Agreed 100%.
Its crazy how this game can turn on you. Last week I could barely lose...last 2 days I can barely win.
PvT FFE opening reps
This timing after the build is there to punish a greedy player I can tell by how long it takes for him to get his 2nd gas which in turn tells me his is playing mineral heavy
This rep has the same greedy play by Terran. I even scout the 3rd. You can punish play like this with the same timing.
This rep is based on if you're sure that your opponent is not allining or playing super greedy (Aka quick 3rd base) before gas. Once you see this you can take your 2 gas before gate which sets you up nicely for robo play. You overmake probes and defend
Take your 3rd after he does. Instantly saturate it with your overmade probes. You should be able to get into the lategame nicely with better upgrades.
Haha, better yet, I beat Diablo with 5 stacks of NV (it was a real pain in the ass, this was before 1.0.3 loot-buff) and he dropped two yellows and both of them sucked ass. Like, real ass.Nothing worse than owning The Butcher with 5 stacks, and he drops some lv56 yellows. Why should I keep playing at that point?
What's that star for?
Oh wow, that's pretty neat! Thanks :3!
It's also a lie.
the star means he qualified for TSL.
Hover your mouse over the star
I didn't know you were a meanie as-well!
I didn't know you were a meanie as-well!