I don't even know what to say... This is down-right crazy. My extremely hyperbole, quick "opinions" about the terran changes below. I'll probably make a more detailed post later on, with all the races.
MedivacNew ability:
Emergency ThrustersSpeed boost that increases movement speed and acceleration to 4.25 for 8 seconds. 20 second cooldown.
More buttons to press! Huge buff because now it'll take even less time for terran to drop when they're close air. We're talking god damn near instant at this point.
The Medivac’s Caduceus Reactor upgrade at the Starport Tech Lab:
Health restored per second from 9 to 15.
Energy cost reduced from 3 health per 1 energy to 5 health per 1 energy.
Cost increased from 100/100 and 80 seconds to 150/150 and 110 seconds.
This is now
the craziest upgrade in the game. Absolutely ridiculous.
Base speed increased from 2.95 to 3.375
I don't get this change. With reapers having health regeneration, and being able to see on cliffs, I thought they were already really good in TvT/Z. And to be fair, reapers issue was never the speed... now it's just insanely fast, even though no one ever complained about their speed.
Widow Mine
New upgrade: Drilling ClawsDecreases burrow time from 3 to 1 second.
The Widow Mine was too powerful... so we made it even more ridiculous with this upgrade???
250mm Strike Cannons has been removed.
About fucking time.
When in High-Impact Payload mode, the Thor switches to a different anti-air gun (250mm Punisher Cannons) that has 10 range and deals 24 flat damage.
Gonna be interesting to see this in action.
Seeker Missile has been redesigned:
Can now fire from 10 range.
I am completely mind blown. What's the range of it now, 8?
The Armory now only has one weapon and one armor upgrade for both air and ground upgrades for both Factory and Starport units.
This is an insane buff to mech (along with everything else they added, obviously)! Me, along with so many other terran players have been asking for this since early-SC2 and it finally happened :lol
edit: Also, I'm going through the protoss note and I see this joke:
Dark Shrine cost is now 100/100, down from 100/250.
Really Blizzard? You say you're gonna buff DTs and you buff them
this way? If anything, this will only increase the amount of DT cheese, and I thought that wasn't their plan with this buff?