Its still a day 1 and I'm hype for everyone enjoying the game, the leaks and the reviews didn't stop me from getting it, but 100% effected me playing $99 for the version that had early access.
I except what this game is as a Fallout and Elder Scrolls fan, folks need to really understand this......we like this concept not based on how it looks or it being 100% seamless or some shit (you literally have loading in Fallout 4 btw and in Skyrim a mod aka Open City Mod existed to remove loading when you went to city gates) so....for must of us this is a none issue and we know it doesn't look "next gen", shit this game literally looks like a PS4 game around launch, but folks need to get this......we don't fucking care.
So I hope many of you one day get it about Bethesda's concepts, they are not out here winning "best looking" anything BUT they have the functions, they have the design, they have the concept and I feel maybe that is a focus many are lacking and ignoring.
So the ability to join guilds, factions, go to space, build ships, dog fight, board ships you wrecked to kill the crew and even steal the ship is already more then any other single player AAA game is doing in this setting.
Saying that "oh yea, its a Bethesda game" solidifies it as a day 1 for many of us. We love their works, NPCs and how they interact, look at the issues with this game, look at the bugs, look at how dated it is.
Maybe some of you should really start to question why we are sooooooo hype for this even after what i just stated. How many games are so fucking good with design, you are willing to overlook something like that? Odd to say yes, but I don't really know of much developers that do a concept so well, fans are willing to forgive dated looks or something. This really one of the few developers we can really go to for this core concept, if anyone knows a game that is number 2 to Starfield doing the exact thing, I'd love to know lol