Yeah totally disagree with the bolded. Keep in mind I'm a black man from America with a deep understanding our American history, so that's my background.
Trust me, we didn't organically agree to assume Christianity willingly. It was foisted on to us by slave masters. And overtime it became part of our "culture". But yeah....agree to disagree on this one. Probably going a bit off topic anyway.
but don't you see that, in saying this, you
are agreeing with me! the cultures of central/south america didn't organically agree to assume christianity, either! like the blacks from africa, they already
had a culture! this was an ideology, created by 'others', being foisted on them. &, like the africans, they came to absorb & adapt this ideology
within the context of their culture...
you really don't believe that this's exactly what's going on right now, via ivory tower, academia-created 'ideology', with its own self-ordained 'clergy' (aka 'intellectuals' (aka 'grifters')), 'liturgy' (aka 'terminology') & 'sacred texts' (aka 'required best-seller reading')? you really don't see it as both a deliberate attempt to distract & create divisiveness (as well as construct an entirely new white-collar industry for all those clueless recent college grads)? you really don't believe that this's actively, stridently being foisted on our culture, via the complete co-operation of western governments & major media, in the exact same way christianity was back then? to serve the exact same purpose - subjugation? that, rather, it's something that's just perfectly naturally risen up from the street?...
ideologies are belief systems. they are not cultures, they are the creations of individuals (catholics, marxists) within cultures. they can definitely influence & shape cultures. but they're not, themselves, cultures. which's why no 2 'capitalist states', or 'communist states', are completely identical...