Ban Puncher
Chicken nuggets for dinner.

If I had one piece of advice to give to anyone playing XCOM 2 it's to not wait to build Resistance Comms.
Random GameFAQs poster said:For all we know, XSeed might surprise us. With the Cold Steel arc containing quite a few references to 3rd, they have an additional incentive to consider that game. For all we know, the fact that Spacedrake changed his avatar from Joshua to Kevin after SC's release might be a hint they're plugging away at it in secret already. It took them some time to announce SC after all and this time, they'll probably be even more inclined to keep it under wraps until they have a rough estimation of when it'll be finished.
So, near the name of a friend on my Steam friend list, it appears a (1).
Some moments before it was a (2).
What does that mean?
I told him and he didn't change his nick.
IE I see his name like this JaseC(1)
Even at full price they couldn't manage to produce a multiplayer game with enough content and replayability for it to be even remotely sustainable. Although to be fair, the entire business model of map-packs and the likes tend to hurt any chance of long-term communities more so than anything; especially in a game that was incredibly lacklustre on the content-side of thigns at launch.i kinda wish they went the opposite direction and just doubled down on the multiplayer and just made the damn thing cheaper
like overwatch price
Some people are really grasping at straws...
Will our new mods be able to bring grief back?
yeah but the gameplay was SOOOOOOOO good manEven at full price they couldn't manage to produce a multiplayer game with enough content and replayability for it to be even remotely sustainable. Although to be fair, the entire business model of map-packs and the likes tend to hurt any chance of long-term communities more so than anything; especially in a game that was incredibly lacklustre on the content-side of thigns at launch.
It should be rejected from everything for being a shit game.
Fuck that's a lot of mods
I'm definitely getting banned sooner rather than later now
But it's cool. I don't like you nerds anyway
So, near the name of a friend on my Steam friend list, it appears a (1).
Some moments before it was a (2).
What does that mean?
I was asked if I wanted to be a mod. I asked if I could proceed to ban everyone except Doogie and I was told no.
I asked if I could put a picture of a giant spider in every one of my posts and I was told no.
I finally asked if I could at least ban anime from steamgaf and I was told no.
So I passed. Apparently mods cant do anything fun.
The curated marketplace that Jim fucking Sterling wants.
If true I can't believe they capitulated. There goes 75% of the budget down the drain. Is TitanFall 2 an EA thing? I remember reading a rumour a while back something like.
Satellite Reign worth buying?
I wish somebody would curate YouTube. at least the bloody comments section. Jim Sterling might not make the cut thought.
EA distribute it but Infinity Ward owns the Titanfall IP outright.
I know that silly what my inquiry is about, seeing as it was an EA Partners dealio, was the deal for 1 game, multiple games, another game based on performance of the first, does anyone outside of EA & Respawn even know? End of the day no matter how well received TitanFall was it's not Battlefield, in the sense that it's going to take a miracle to flourish tied to Origin on PC.
Only literal psychopaths could withstand the stress of curating YouTube comments. Speaking of, if I don't buy any video games over the next few months, this is why.
I know that silly what my inquiry is about, seeing as it was an EA Partners dealio, was the deal for 1 game, multiple games, another game based on performance of the first, does anyone outside of EA & Respawn even know? End of the day no matter how well received TitanFall was it's not Battlefield, in the sense that it's going to take a miracle to flourish tied to Origin on PC.
Only literal psychopaths could withstand the stress of curating YouTube comments. Speaking of, if I don't buy any video games over the next few months, this is why.
My guess would be that EA has right of first refusal. And speaking of EA Partners stuff, Crysis turns 10 next year, so I wonder how much time is remaining on EA's publishing contract.
One good thing about The Division is weve always considered the PC as a separate platform. We do have to keep it in check with the consoles; it would be kind of unfair to push it so far away from them. But its been good having a dedicated PC build for this game.
ur a shit gameIt should be rejected from everything for being a shit game.
i kinda wish they went the opposite direction and just doubled down on the multiplayer and just made the damn thing cheaper
like overwatch price
The first game felt like the campaign wasn't included due to time and budgetary reasons, yet one still could see traces of it.You'll get your tacked on campaign and you'll like it.
The good news: we've found a new programmer, and they've been working on porting N++ to Steam for the past month or so. There are still a few more months of work -- we want to add all of the planned post-launch-update stuff that got put on hold when our team imploded -- but we will definitely be bringing N++ to Steam. We're still looking at other platforms too.
Did anyone post that N++ is in development for PC? Because that's cool.
Did anyone post that N++ is in development for PC? Because that's cool. But why did I have to go to a German console forum which I kinda hate to find this news which was posted on GAF to begin with? SteamGAF is slipping.
You'll get your tacked on campaign and you'll like it.
Only literal psychopaths could withstand the stress of curating YouTube comments.