Hero Prinny
It seems SE removed the beta build and dev tool from the depot, if I'm reading this right.
i never got around to finishing this game cause someone stole my vita's memory card, i didn't replay it cause cmon, wtf do i look like going through another 60 hrs of gameplay. Same thing happened to me with ff7 but with that one it was that my ps3 hard drive got corrupted, from my understanding i was at the 2nd to last boss fight too. I had more than 80 hrs into that one, i was a damaged man for like a good week cause of that one to this day I actually don't know how the game actually ends. I mean obviously i know the main stuff like sephy dies and shit like that. I recently bought the ps4 version, maybe I'll finally beat not only ff7 but 9 as well. its been long enough that i forgot most of what happened in 9 anyway, also i actually don't even know how 9 ends although i think the announcement of the pc/mobile port spoiled the ending cause i don't once remember watching that scene with dagger going on an air ship by herself.