Nice, I totally skipped the link to his post!![]()
Some ModBot notes:
I slightly changed the way ModBot does draws. Previous to now MB did 2 regular draws and 1 raffle draw as needed every 45 seconds. Now ModBot does a maximum of 3 draws every 45 seconds as needed. This reflects that raffles are becoming more popular. It will make mega-giveaways slightly faster, although not so fast as to remove the mystery of watching the draws slowly pull and ratcheting up some tension.
just make some dlc plsssYeah a bigger and better Gunpoint 2 would be amazing with the mechanics. I guess like they say, you should always want to leave the people wanting more *stares pointedly at Ubisoft*
Was away for a couple days and just got back. So, SteamOS, SteamMachines and SteamController...
I am speechless.
The controller looks really interesting. Would love to hear some impressions, see some videos or try it for myself to fully understand it though. Singed up for Beta access and crossing my fingers now.
Oh, and btw, awesome giveaways the last pages. (Next time I will have to plan my vacation more carefully as to not miss them)
What happened to the supposed Focus bundle?
All these positive developer impressions of the Valve controller
Next week maybe.What happened to the supposed Focus bundle?
Dark Souls II was a lot easier to play with the regen mode., Devs are adding a more simpilifed combat mode as well.
lol Todd just changed his avatar!
Yeah and I must say Todd is the first gaffer to totally beat google inverse image search :-(
I use it more and more with all the intriguing avies of Gaffers, but here, the search engine cries for help. So Todd, if I'm not blind and this is indeed always the same girl you use as an avatar, WHO is she ?
The people want to know.
Don't drag the people into this, the people already know. Jenna Fischer.Yeah and I must say Todd is the first gaffer to totally beat google inverse image search :-(
I use it more and more with all the intriguing avies of Gaffers, but here, the search engine cries for help. So Todd, if I'm not blind and this is indeed always the same girl you use as an avatar, WHO is she ?
The people want to know.
That's Pam.Yeah and I must say Todd is the first gaffer to totally beat google inverse image search :-(
I use it more and more with all the intriguing avies of Gaffers, but here, the search engine cries for help. So Todd, if I'm not blind and this is indeed always the same girl you use as an avatar, WHO is she ?
The people want to know.
Thanks, The_Monk. This was a nice thing to wake up to.Good luck to all of you, amazing fellow GAFfers.'m kinda late on the Steam news but is there talk of a cheap box that you can connect to your TV and stream games from your PC to? Like nvidia shield?
That's Pam.
Now, what is my avatar from?
Don't drag the people into this, the people already know. Jenna Fischer.
Does anyone know if PES 2014 already came out for PC? If so, why isn't it on Steam?
Konami pls.
Went to EuroGamer Expo yesterday...
There were a ton of new indie games as well, can't wait to pick them up on Steam, couldn't take photos of WatchDogs but it really is amazing.
Just submitted a thorough-ass bug report on the Family Sharing beta for an issue I ran into.
#useful beta member
Available in retail for the last two weeks, there's even a 0.01 version of community patch.
Konami rep said on twitter they will try to put it on Steam whenever he knows when it will come out. smh
Yeah and I must say Todd is the first gaffer to totally beat google inverse image search :-(
I use it more and more with all the intriguing avies of Gaffers, but here, the search engine cries for help. So Todd, if I'm not blind and this is indeed always the same girl you use as an avatar, WHO is she ?
The people want to know.
MRORANGE, thanks for the impressions. What are the DS4's sticks like?
Better than the DS3's the rings really do help so your thumbs won't slip, slightly stiffer as well.
Your post was lost in the shuffle of the controller news, so I just want to say congrats!
I've played this a bit with the keyboard and was getting ok, but I dropped it for a few months and came back to it last night. I decided to try the controller, and it seems as though using the shoulder buttons gives me slightly more precision (it feels like a tap on the keyboard moves the arrow more than a tap on the button). I think I may try to convert and play with the controller.
I know Rionaa beat the game also. If you (or anyone else who beat this game) read this, what control setup did you use?
Sorry I am the guy who is going to invade you and shield push you off the ledge just before reaching the bonfire.
Goddamn, DkS is my favorite game ever
Don't know but the art style looks awfully familiar to my ex-comic reader eyes.
And Rickenslacker stop, you're not seeing the full picture, I took the Jobs approach : you didn't know you wanted to know before I asked, that's how wonderful I am.
Oh shit. The beta is already out for the first thousand?Just submitted a thorough-ass bug report on the Family Sharing beta for an issue I ran into.
#useful beta member
Does anyone know if PES 2014 already came out for PC? If so, why isn't it on Steam?
Konami pls.
Overall if you wanted a nextgen consoles for visuals then your are going to be severely disappointed. If you have a PC that can play games on high or above. At this moment consoles are playing a catch-up game, even games like Killzone had visual problems such as terrible rain effects and slowdown in MP when things became too congested. Xbox One had other issues like no AA in BF4 Multiplayer although it was playing in a 64 multiplayer match at 60fps.
Oculus Rift is amazing, but the two problems I had were the low resolution screens inside the devices which hindered the experince, considering your eyes are so close to the optical device and screen you really do need a high density screen. I'm not even sure HD will suffice maybe 4k/8k. But for immersion it's fantastic, definitely a new way to play games
Dark Souls II was a lot easier to play with the regen mode., Devs are adding a more simpilifed combat mode as well.
I'm kidding.
The new playstion controller is almost perfect. The triggers are miles better and tons better than the bumpers, not on par with 460 triggers imo, it's also very light and the trackpad is going to be great for PC gaming if it ever gets drivers.
Oh shit. The beta is already out for the first thousand?
Is that ModBot at the end of the gif?
Again I come to a point where I'm not sure what Steam game I should play. Between being somewhat ill and awfully busy, it's kinda hard to sit down and play something for several hours straight, so I end up trying different games for a bit at various times.
They haven't bothered realeasing it on Steam yet, but it's available on Gamesplanet.
Konami sure knows how to reach the PC digital userbase!
I honestly cannot understand this.
They haven't bothered realeasing it on Steam yet, but it's available on Gamesplanet.
Konami sure knows how to reach the PC digital userbase!
I honestly cannot understand this.
Yeah, it's like the only place where they don't have to compete with FIFA. Also, Football Manager is one of the most played games on Steam.
How blind is Konami?