Almost 7 hours in Dark Souls and I basically hate Accent now.
I'm at one point where I have to
traverse the white light but hey, people always told me to stay the fuck away from the white light, so I'm there, very far away from the nearest bonfire and I can't bring up the nerves to push A to go on. :'(
Also, in the middle of all of this, there is a dark knight that isn't supposed to guard anything but I want to kill him nevertheless. I followed this lame strategy found on the interwebz where they said to lure him to a narrow bridge where he just couldn't fit and let him fall down.
Well, it doesn't work at all. He passed the narrow bridge and hit me with his huge greatsword from above, breaking my guard and oneshotting me. Thank you interwebz.
Meanwhile, I'm cursing like a compilation of The Wire corner boys and dockworkers, and everytime my gf says "oh you're dead,
again?", and I always fake zen patience explaining to her that "no, see, in this game you're
supposed to die so it's fine. really", but instead I'm thinking "oh please go back interior-designing your Sims 3 house or checking documents for Arstotzka and stuff, this here is some friggin cool game for cool men with huge beards and extreme skillz".
Man I love this game. More than I could have wildly imagined.