The Mario Paint Fly Swatter game is better at that kind of cathartic release.
SHould I buy the HL1 Anthology for Oppossing Force and Blueshift? Are they any good? Do they contain any important history pieces?
I'd say it feels like a mix between One Hundred Years of Solitude (the book), O Brother Where Art Thou?, Interstate 60 and Big Fish (all movies) with a Monkey Island-ish vibe (just the vibe though, there are no puzzles or anything). If that make sense of course, lol.
As for it being emotional well, it's not like The Walking Dead in that regard, because the narrative is highly unconventional in KR0 as opposed to that game, but it sure is emotional in its own way.
Not really. it's just Barney Calhoun in one of them.
Thanks. No need for them then.
SHould I buy the HL1 Anthology for Oppossing Force and Blueshift? Are they any good? Do they contain any important history pieces?
Yep, game plays well, incredibly snappy. It's just there's not much other than that. I did love Lara by the end though.Tomb Raider is a 7/10 game.
hey stumpakow or any other knock-knock backers, have you gotten your steam key yet?
I wanna play![]()
haven't gotten anything from them yet, steam keys or otherwiseWas it not in the email with the rest of the download links?
Keep in mind I haven't had a chance to download any of it because I'm not at home for the weekend, but i assumed it was among those in the email i got.
I think having the pilot jacket made the game a lot more enjoyable for me. She looks mad cool in that getup.
Will RE 5 be playable when GFWL shuts down? And did the Batman games ever patch that out like Bioshock 2?
The former. I haven't found any game (except maybe Super Hexagon) where I can say "I'm actually good at this!". For someone who started playing video games since he was 4 (I'd say 3, but I'm not sure about that), I can't say I have much to show for it. Maybe it's a matter of practice, who knows.Is it that you're not good at games, or that games just aren't good?
Playing Bioshock on hard just seems like a chore.
BioInf on hard tested my patience in some spots, namely due to the added damage the enemies dealt making the shield practically useless -- one hit from just about anything was enough to deplete it, even when I'd maxed out its upgrade slots.
Up to capcom, batman... Soon?
Anyone who complains about a game's writing has to first state their opinion on Borderlands 2's writing. If I could code this into GAF user profiles and make it part of the TOS, I would.
Yes I am! I totally am, at least when it comes to video games.
I guess you're right, yes. I think I have a spare piece of humanity, so I could try using it to summon someone who could help me.
But still, I definitely need to learn how to fight on my own; how to roll properly, when to strike and when to run or heal myself. I also need to learn about upgrading my equipment and weapons, because I take a lot of damage and barely deal any.
Thanks for the tips, but the problem is that I can't hit the first one without being hit myself. I already have a lot of trouble staying alive, so I can't focus on attacking him at the same time.
Thanks to all of you, guys! Gonna try these tips next time I play the game.
hey stumpakow or any other knock-knock backers, have you gotten your steam key yet?
I wanna play![]()
It's not just you. Game wasn't good and I have no clue why some people thought it was so amazing.Well, something might be wrong with me. I just beat Brothers: AToTS (~2.5hrs) and... I was pretty bored through most of it. I got tired of the controls pretty quickly, and the puzzles rarely felt good. The graphics were well done, and there were some really stunning scenes, but that's about it. I'm watching the WTF right now and I feel like I played a completely different game.
I blame Serious Sam 3.
If you have both gargoyles around it may get messy, because I didn't know which was the first one, so I didn't know who to hit first..
About to order a 120 Hz 3D monitor, from what I understand the 120 Hz will benefit all games in general or is that just due to the improved response time in general? There are of course many games I can play at 120 FPS with a GTX 670 but the most modern games often fail to hit even 60 consistently.
For people who use Nvidia 3D Vision, how big is the framerate hit in general?
There's a good way to identify which is which (both from the front and from the back), the first Gargoyle has a shield on it's left hand and also has a tail, the second Gargoyle lacks both.
Nothing excels in this game. Gameplay is a rehash of existing games, writing is bad, and shaky cam. Why do you need shaky cam in a game?Tomb Raider is a 7/10 game.
To experience the visceral uneasiness of barely scraping out your survival.Nothing excels in this game. Gameplay is a rehash of existing games, writing is bad, and shaky cam. Why do you need shaky cam in a game?
Well, something might be wrong with me. I just beat Brothers: AToTS (~2.5hrs) and... I was pretty bored through most of it. I got tired of the controls pretty quickly, and the puzzles rarely felt good. The graphics were well done, and there were some really stunning scenes, but that's about it. I'm watching the WTF right now and I feel like I played a completely different game.
I blame Serious Sam 3.
It's not just you. Game wasn't good and I have no clue why some people thought it was so amazing.
Oscar-caliber script.
Should have played it on hard mode. I never bothered with normal. It was actually a good challenge, I died at least once in half the enemy encounters (and others were a real bitch and took me upwards of five tries).Nope it was none of those things. I just wish I could have died once in TR that wasn't from missing a QTE or from me not paying attention because I was falling asleep from boredom. The tacked on RPG checklist features like crafting made an already easy and challenge-less game a joke. A toddler with barely functioning motor skills could have finished that game.
I just want to game in 21:9, really tempted as a upgrade to my 16:10 22 inch samsung.
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.
I'm pretty sure that a 120hz monitor will give you nothing if you're rendering games at 60fps. The monitor/videocard will just double those frames up when displaying. To get a true advantage in using it, you'd need to render games at 120fps, which means you'd need a beast of a videocard to do it on most games, which is my most defining aspect for the "I don't need a 120hz monitor" argument.
The other two arguments are the fact that I think that 3D was just a fad and that there's no scenario that benefits from a 3D monitor. Also, there's no IPS monitors that go at 120hz, and IPS is a much better technology than T-N when it comes to color reproduction. The benefits of T-N are the faster response rates (which I personally don't believe are sufficient to make a difference) and 120hz, which I already explained. Also, constant 60fps is already an amazing jump from the "cinematic" 27fps that consoles provide.
But that's just my opinion. There are people who swear by the Response Time of T-N panels in 120hz. And, believe me, there's even people that think 3D is.. not terrible!
I still stand by my "Get a 24 inch, 16:10 60hz IPS panel" argument I presented in the thread earlier today (because of course I wouldn't change my mind from earlier this afternoon to now..)
Of course I know you need to render at 120 FPS to actually get that major advantage, as I said there were many older games I can run at the framerate, but I thought some had said the 120+Hz panels would lead to an overall boost in response.
And I'm someone who very much supports 3D and think it can add a lot when done right both in gaming and film(watch Pina or Gravity!) so it's something that stands out as an advantage to me.
So why are you even asking questions? A T-N 120hz monitor is the only option.![]()
Every mode is easy mode. Headshoting enemies with pistol is very easy, since TR is also a cover based shooter. All you need is a pistol and a shotgun(for the boss fights).Should have played it on hard mode. I never bothered with normal. It was actually a good challenge, I died at least once in half the enemy encounters (and others were a real bitch and took me upwards of five tries).
I also played without using the survival instinct or whatever it's called. Ended up using it only for some of the collectables. The game has inherent level design issues (it tries to feel organic but it's just confusing and arbitrary with all the random barriers), but it did make it a little more challenging, too.
The questions were about the specifics. Ie, can anyone who uses Nvidia Vision 3D speak about the performance hit or does 120 Hz does feature that general increase to responsiveness.
I just want to game in 21:9, really tempted as a upgrade to my 16:10 22 inch samsung.
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.
I was playing Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines today, and I was in the Cyber Cafe', where I realized that the Steam Machine as well as the controller were being thought of YEARS ago... I give you the evidence.
AND those controllers have NO buttons..
That's right. A console that can play VTMB on a television. Coincidence? I'll let you decide.
There are actually some Steam and Gabe Newell references in the game. Maybe they really knew something![]()
Well, it was a Source engine game.
Not only that, but it was the first Source engine game.
Valve can't even be the first with their own damn engine. Do they make anything? Do they even exist?
Holy cow. There's so much new stuff in Terraria. I played like 3 hours today and all I see is new stuff everywhere. Everyone who hasn't played it since the update should do so immediately!