A very small update
Sorry for the delay. Why is this the case?
We still need to obtain an EIN (tax related thing) from the IRS in America before we can continue. With the US Gov Shutdown, this is impossible, so we can't continue until the US Gov & IRS comes back online. And even then, for us foreigners, obtaining an EIN is no easy feat. Unfortunately this is a totally necessary step for us to get a fair deal on Steam selling our game, one that we refuse to skip just to get it out early. So again we apologise for the delay but at this very moment, it's completely out of our control.
As soon as things progress in a positive manner, we will of course update you here. For now, it's a frustrating situation made worse by the fact there's a shutdown on IRS communications and that we're not American citizens.
Thanks for keeping an interest, we of course, want it to happen as soon as possible too

We have no idea when that will be though.