Kick the dragon on the bridge ass and get the claymore. If you're brave enough.
are you trolling? Isnt it "roll left" in PVE and "roll right" in PVP?
Have him follow you while you jump off all over every ledge you can find around.
Kick his ass from just outside the tower door because he's afraid of the light or something.
Equip a halberd and kick his ass from outside the tower door.
Get naked.
I just clicked on your tag, god damn!Get naked is seriously a viable piece of advice in this situation though, despite you not liking the skinny legs.
I just clicked on your tag, god damn!
To put things in perspective, I saw the Unreal Engine 4 Infiltrator demo running in real time on a 780, getting up to 60fps at some spots.Its mostly the recommend 780 that is causing issues.
Increasing the RAM for x64 requirements is a great change, and most rigs at this point would be in that range.
50GB of space seems like another welcome change, I am assuming they are piping in large textures. I hope they have the foresight to separate the large texture downloads from the main game, for those that are suffering behind a cap.
The CPU requirements, especially for Watch Dogs, were causing tears, but most people don't understand what they have. People were literally asking if an OC'd 4770k would be enough to run Watch Dogs due to miss-communication and ignorance.
Requiring a 780 is just ridiculous, that card is an order of magnitude above the next-generation consoles. I'm guessing you will need a 780 to max these games at 1080p/60 fps.
To put things in perspective, I saw the Unreal Engine 4 Infiltrator demo running in real time on a 780, getting up to 60fps at some spots.
My 4670K and GTX 770 am cry.
So basically Watch_Dogs and CoD:G is our new Crysis.
ugh reading those spec threads, the panic reactions and the snarky reactions to those reactions is annoying me.
Starting from the Valve announcements to these specs, it hasn't been a good time for PC-GAF.
No pre-order, no bonus stuff thing, everything is already in the game and available to everyone
As luck would have it, I just "finished" Volgarr about 30 seconds ago.
It isn't perfect. The controls need to be remapped from the defaults and even then they are a bit fiddly. The jump arc never feels completely right and quirks like rolling making you face the other direction seem like odd choices (as if they did it just for one boss).
I'll also say the challenge is a little uneven. The first world is a learning curve and the second world is extremely tough. But after that it is pretty clear sailing till the end and you don't really hit anything new or taxing.
However those negatives really don't tarnish the experience. Basically it is still a complete joy to play from start to finish. The graphics, the music, the diversity of challenge...everything is designed in the right way and there was a lot of skill that went into the overall production.
I recommend it highly.
It's a great time for PC. It's good that specs are going up, it hasn't changed in many years. Yeah people who would exceed the recommended are now getting around recommended or just below it. Things move on, it's a good thing. Although I don't think COD and WD is the game to do that though lol. Isn't this what we wanted from next gen, out ports to be pushed further.
I mean it wasn't a good time reactions wise. All the topics have been shat up.
I'd rather not :lol
Even though I already have it, I hope Shadow Warrior goes on sale soon so more of you guys jump on it. Game is so good.
15TB and I'm starting to run out of space. Who knew unmetered internet would be so indirectly expensive!
Edit: I really need to replace my 2TB Steam drive with a 3TB or, preferably, a 4TB. Since I don't have any more room left in my Eleven Hundred, the 2TB drive won't have a home, though my brother left his old PC here so if it still works, maybe I'll turn it into a NAS machine.
That's what I want on Xmas sale:
Castlevania: LoS
Kingdoms of Amalur
Brave New World ~$5
Might & Magic X
some more too, but these are kinda urgent.
Are we wishing for Christmas present snow?![]()
That's what I want on Xmas sale:
Castlevania: LoS
Kingdoms of Amalur
Brave New World ~$5
Might & Magic X
some more too, but these are kinda urgent.
Now go and beat the real final level/boss.![]()
I'd certainly recommend snapping up Might & Magic X during its Early Access period (the full release is currently pencilled in for early 2014) as purchasing said version nets you the DDE for free as well as a Steam copy of Might & Magic VI, which, if Rayman 2 is any indication, will never be made available for individual purchase (though it may be endemic to the DDE in general rather than an Early Access bonus).
I'd certainly recommend snapping up Might & Magic X during its Early Access period (the full release is currently pencilled in for early 2014) as purchasing said version nets you the DDE for free as well as a Steam copy of Might & Magic VI, which, if Rayman 2 is any indication, will never be made available for individual purchase (though it may be endemic to the DDE in general rather than an Early Access bonus).
Got to gem them numbers up eh? Saying that I almost preordered Dungeon Siege III just to get the first 2 but eventually the popped up and a damn sight cheaper too. Rayman 2 though will forever be coveted I imagine. Bloody Ubisoft. It's not like they don't have 1-3 on GOG or anything.
Salvation Prophecy is released in Steam. It was featured in Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle.
The developers are working in getting Steam keys for those who purchased the groupees bundle.
Sadly for me, Salvation Prophecy wasn't one of the games I bought in that bundle >.<
Also I found out that I have a steam key for Underrail from the same Groupees bundle![]()
I built a new PC and popped in the HDD which was in my laptop before including my complete Steam library. Now when I start Steam I can directly start a few games but the most say they are updating which ends in a complete download of the game although the data is still in the steamapps directory. Some games don't even show up as installed. Any idea if I can fix that - I really don't want to redownload all that stuff :-/
Check that your library folders are correctly set up and remember to re-opt into any betas that you have been participating in before hitting install game.
Does anybody know where i can preorder Ass Creed IV (with Steam Key) for cheaper than in the Steam Store? Green Man has it for cheaper, but it's only with a uplay code i believe.
Does anybody know where i can preorder Ass Creed IV (with Steam Key) for cheaper than in the Steam Store? Green Man has it for cheaper, but it's only with a uplay code i believe.
10 TB here. Get on my level scrub.
EDIT: Whoops. 11TB actually.
No SSD at all? 1998 called, they want their HDDs back!
What do you mean with that?![]()
The Steam folder on the HDD is like a year old - did the folder structure in Steam change since then?
No SSD at all? 1998 called, they want their HDDs back!
How many SSD drives are needed to match up with 12 TB data?
Call me when they get affordable 1 TB SSD's, for now i can't be bothered with fast startup times as I rarely turn off my PC (maybe once a month?).No SSD at all? 1998 called, they want their HDDs back!
Does anybody know where i can preorder Ass Creed IV (with Steam Key) for cheaper than in the Steam Store? Green Man has it for cheaper, but it's only with a uplay code i believe.
Most Ubi-games bought in other stores wont come in a steam key
The Steam version is not region-locked so you can buy it through a trader.
I thought all newly released Ubi titles were all UPlay codes and the only way to get a Steam copy was to buy it from Steam? If not I might have hope of getting rid of the inevitable UPlay code I'm going to be lumbered with for Watch_Dogs.