RE: Deus Ex upgrade option–-director’s-cut-pc-digital-release-details
I never asked for this... but glady take it
RE: Deus Ex upgrade option–-director’s-cut-pc-digital-release-details
RE: Deus Ex upgrade option–-director’s-cut-pc-digital-release-details
$5 for essentially NG+ for me? All in baby.
where'd you see the details on this? wasn't in my newegg email
I dont see this anywhere on the newegg site.
$5 for a New Game + on one of the best games in recent memory? Okay.
Agreed. I never got around to missing link so this will be great.
If you don't have Missing Link, it's $10.
RE: Deus Ex upgrade option–-director’s-cut-pc-digital-release-details
Wonderful news with a price point I can agree with. If only Square's other choices applied similar logic. (I'll continue to hope that they have secretly fixed the shitty ending with something decent.)RE: Deus Ex upgrade option–-director’s-cut-pc-digital-release-details
Improved bosses as well (apparently). Plus integrating Missing Link as part of the main story is even better.
Improved bosses as well (apparently). Plus integrating Missing Link as part of the main story is even better.
TyphoonYeah, that'll be nice. Though I may not mind cheesing my way past them again...they sure did fall easily if you had that...spinny..explody...skill. Whatever the hell that was, it's been a while
RE: Deus Ex upgrade option–-director’s-cut-pc-digital-release-details
I wonder if the upgrade cost will be discounted during sales.
Deus Ex: HR Director's Cut has a page:
In all honesty, I thought it's even worse, seeing as PC gaming isn't a thing there.
If you don't have Missing Link, it's $10.
Sweet. Now I'm glad it's taking me so long to finally start playing this, haha.RE: Deus Ex upgrade option–-director’s-cut-pc-digital-release-details
RE: Deus Ex upgrade option–-director’s-cut-pc-digital-release-details
Improved bosses as well (apparently). Plus integrating Missing Link as part of the main story is even better.
Think I'm done for a while unless dmc gets a dealio. Been sitting on too many games.
So is the non-colonies version of Lost Planet still worth getting? I know it has less content, but does it lack any gameplay changes that are important? I'd rather not get the more expensive GFWL version, but I also don't want a gimped version that isn't worth playing.
So is the non-colonies version of Lost Planet still worth getting? I know it has less content, but does it lack any gameplay changes that are important? I'd rather not get the more expensive GFWL version, but I also don't want a gimped version that isn't worth playing.
Nice, I might crumble early and upgrade. I was disappointed that I stopped playing because of a bug. Stealthing out of an area that I just stealthed into isn't that fun, neither is finding out the sidequest I was after was broken all along.RE: Deus Ex upgrade option–-director’s-cut-pc-digital-release-details
I would hope so unless they're mean. Civilization V and Trine 2 discount those options whenever sales popup.I wonder if the upgrade cost will be discounted during sales.
Identical as far as solo goes. Colonies has an enhanced multiplayer (crossplay with 360+a/some? new game modes). Multiplayer is dead anyway.
RE: Deus Ex upgrade option–-director’s-cut-pc-digital-release-details
Do we know if The Missing Link entry in the library will finally merge with the main game?
I've been waiting to do a replay of Deus Ex as well.
It doesn't sound like the colonies content is worth getting. Multiplayer is dead anyways.
"You haven't been sitting on enough games."
3chopl0x said:RE: Deus Ex upgrade option
Does multi have bot support?
But not GOOD enough. Needs to be all platforms that sold digital. PS3 original digital owners are up the creek without a paddle in this case.
No. And neither does Extreme Condition: Non-Colonies Edition. Nor Lost Planet 2.