The way Ubisoft makes some games is just frustrating, I can't believe how they can think "yeah, let's add tons of boring repetetive stuff" is a good thing. I still like Assassin's Creed series somewhat, I've even played through AC2, ACB and ACR. AC1 was just terrible to play, while impressive for its time for graphics and stuff. Have been playing AC3 for 5 hours now, and I can see why it hasn't been received well. It's insulting with it's "walk 5 meters, watch a scripted event, wait until the game loads, walk another 5 meters". But I will continue it, and make a final judgment when I get to Connor and stuff. It will be seen if I can make it through, not touching the side stuff though, that I only did in AC2 and now I'm burnt out of that.
Also Far Cry series is even more horrible. I tried FC2 but it was unplayable to me, game had nothing to offer expect borefest. FC3 seems like a totally better game in mechanics and graphics but wouldn't buy it, got it free in PS+ tho.
So yeah, won't touch Watch_Dogs either until it's bargain price or reviews/players confirm it's not like AC/FC. Because it looks just like that, lifeless borefest with just enough interesting content and gameplay that you want to play it.
Rayman Origins and Legends are a nice exception though, fortunately.
And yeah...while dominance can be bad, I'd prefer uPlay and Origin to die as well. Won't be happening in the near future, I think they'll try to push them even harder in upcoming years.