Game is too unoptimized for its own good.The trees are ugly in Crysis. Game looks a lot cooler in screenshots downsampled.
Stutters a bit when moving around too :<
Game is too unoptimized for its own good.The trees are ugly in Crysis. Game looks a lot cooler in screenshots downsampled.
Stutters a bit when moving around too :<
Locking isn't helping really much. Part of the problem, maybe, is that I'm using a halberd as the main weapon, and its light attack is straight, while maybe using a fast short sword (like the katana hidden after a hard jump here in Blighttown), with a wider slash, could be more useful.
Game is too unoptimized for its own good.
Lol at the fucked up RE: ORC price.
You still have a day left, but I think it's going to be Dead Rising.dang, I was hoping for a further discount on Remember Me
RE6 is cheaper than ORC?
You still have a day left, but I think it's going to be Dead Rising.
You still have a day left, but I think it's going to be Dead Rising.
2 days left in fact
RE6 at that price is a steal. Surprisingly fun game but I haven't played it in co-op yet, hoping to convince my friend to get it at that price.
Is RE6 that bad?
That's what I like about you Derrick.
I'll never understand you.
HOWEVER. Assignment ADA is is the only good thing about the game IMO.
What's that? Do you mean her bonus campaign? That was the worst one in the game for me. Outside of a cool new boss fight the rest of it was such a chore to do. Busted ass stealth segments and outside of chapter 1 most of the rest of the game is just shit you've seen 3 times already (provided you save that campaign for last, it's unlocked right away on the PC version)
Finding a 007 Legends key for ~$45 or less is proving difficult. I was originally going to import a physical copy from Oz Game Shop for $40, but I left it too long and now there are none left. Next I bought a key for 32 Eurobucks or so, however I cancelled the order when I was asked to provide not only a scan of my passport but also a photo of me holding said passport.
Really makes you think that steam should post a warning regarding GFWL games....although I guess nothing official has been said about the servers going off-line.
Is RE6 that bad?
Order Details:
James Bond: 007 Legends (PC) (x1) , £21.24 + £1.49 shipping
Order Reference: <snip>
Your total bill is £22.73 [~AUD$38]
So RE6 > Revelations right? Already played RE6.
Dead Rising 3 is still an Xbone exclusive right? I wonder if Capcom will put DR2:OtR for $5 during the winter sale.
It could come to the PC later if Microsoft decides to be generous.
I can't decide on Revelations or RE6. Haven't played either, and I can only get one.
Haven't touched 6 in any form but you should try out the demo for Rev, it put me off from the game despite the praises; the enemies had terrible spongy reactions, which was incredibly disappointing since 4 has some of the best.I can't decide on Revelations or RE6. Haven't played either, and I can only get one.
I can't decide on Revelations or RE6. Haven't played either, and I can only get one.
It could come to the PC later if Microsoft decides to be generous.
RE6 seems like RE5 (a game I finished in COOP and loved) but dumber. Also, GFWL is coming down, so there won't be COOP For it much longer (unless they patch it out).
RE6 doesn't use GFWL.
RE6 seems like RE5 (a game I finished in COOP and loved) but dumber. Also, GFWL is coming down, so there won't be COOP For it much longer (unless they patch it out).
I picked up both RE:R and RE6 a couple months ago for more than this and havent played yet