You know its free on GmG right. Just in case you dont winBeen looking for this ,hope i win.
You know its free on GmG right. Just in case you dont winBeen looking for this ,hope i win.
You know its free on GmG right. Just in case you dont win
What's the thoughts here on Dark Void Zero? Seems like a pretty fun game for the low price. The other Dark Void looks pretty generic to me.
It's really good. It's basically if there was an old Capcom platformer like Ducktales or Mega man that you never knew existed.
You know its free on GmG right. Just in case you dont win
About it being free . is this a US only deal as it still costs 20 euro here in Europe.
You have to vote here: Golden Joystick Awards. After that, wait 24 hours and you will have your game (Choose between Mafia II and Civ V).
Thanks for Teleglitch. First death will be dedicated to you.
I get an error every time I try to do the GMG thing. So frustrating
So, I just crafted a badge and got a 90% discount on Serious Sam 3.
So, I just crafted a badge and got a 90% discount on Serious Sam 3.
I just learned that the developers behind E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy are working on an officially licensed Warhammer game on Unreal Engine 4.
This has the potential to be something truly special, if it is anything at all like E.Y.E.
EYE was just that, potential. But it was awfully bug ridden, though fun. I hope they don't fuck it up.
Dunno if posted, and while not exactly Steam related but: Get the Witcher: Enhanced Edition for free... with any purchase you make from
Good for those that don't care about non-Steam services purchases and don't own it.
You can get it for like $2-3 with SimCity 2000 Special Edition on sale right now, or whatever you had your eye on before but didn't buy yet.
Won Mafia 2 on SG before I saw that I could get codes from GMG. So now I've got 2 codes, giving one away. Have fun!
Not sure what to think of the stanley parable demo but for some reason i can't stop thinking about it.
My favorite part was when we had that long walk on the empty beach, just the two of us.
Not sure what to think of the stanley parable demo but for some reason i can't stop thinking about it.
I don't get this referenceAll he wants is Poland and it avoids war.
No idea, but probably not. I did miss it last time it had that discount though.Is there any other game on steam with a bigger difference between the asking price and what it regularly gets discounted to?
Are you making that up or are there other endings? Neither answer would surprise me.
It was a riff on the ending,when the narrator was recounting all those things you didn't actually do in the demo.
GMG always causes problems for Credit Cards. Use Paypal if you can.
How does the story work? New story line for Frank?
I have never ever bought a game on GMG because I can't get my credit card to work, and their support suck balls so I don't know how to solve this problem.Im trying to get a free game though, lol
I can't even send in the form to claim my game
On a related note:
Is that Kentucky Route Zero on the right? That game actually didn't have a demo. I wonder if it's about the already released acts being as short as they are.
I'm trying to work out the 3rd one,... looks like any fps between 1998 and 2005
I'm trying to work out the 3rd one,... looks like any fps between 1998 and 2005
That's Half-Life 1, quite obviously. I'm not sure if it is the original game or one of the expansions, but it's definitely one of those. It even has a Black Mesa logo on one of the crates. HL actually had a demo, too.
No One Lives Forever?
I'm trying to work out the 3rd one,... looks like any fps between 1998 and 2005
I don't remember this when playing HL1 :s
Because that's actually from a demo, called Half-Life: Uplink!
Here, I found a video with that exact location:
Is that Kentucky Route Zero on the right? That game actually didn't have a demo. I wonder if it's about the already released acts being as short as they are.
EDIT: Furthermore, the screenshot itself does look familiar, but it appears that the people in the picture are not actual KR0 characters. What's up with that? Am I going crazy?
Really MRORANGEI'm trying to work out the 3rd one,... looks like any fps between 1998 and 2005
It is Limits And Demonstrations which was more or less a demo/introspective of KR0
Got a free game from GMG. It took several hours since the website kept saying I didn't vote, but I already did.