I'll never understand why they decided to reboot DMC and outsource it. It doesn't make sense, imho
And ya, it is funny, sorta
Inafune wanted a western touch to the DMC series because apparently the games don't sell enough worldwide.
I'll never understand why they decided to reboot DMC and outsource it. It doesn't make sense, imho
And ya, it is funny, sorta
Inafune wanted a western touch to the DMC series because apparently the games don't sell enough worldwide.
grief we're finally black 3ds bros
Inafune wanted a western touch to the DMC series because apparently the games don't sell enough worldwide.
They outsource anything: Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Remember Me and now DMC. All of them turn out to be solid garbage but Capcom is relentless.I'll never understand why they decided to reboot DMC and outsource it. It doesn't make sense, imho
And ya, it is funny, sorta
When is Halloween? Shouldn't the sale be this week?
They outsource anything: Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Remember Me and now DMC. All of them turn out to be solid garbage but Capcom is relentless.
When is Halloween? Shouldn't the sale be this week?
They outsource anything: Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Remember Me and now DMC. All of them turn out to be solid garbage but Capcom is relentless.
When is Halloween? Shouldn't the sale be this week?
They outsource anything: Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Remember Me and now DMC. All of them turn out to be solid garbage but Capcom is relentless.
Didn't they had to help with DmC internally? I remember reading something along these line on gaf.
Itsuno (director of DMC2-4) apparently oversaw development but I'm pretty sure that was just a PR move by Capcom to try and settle the fanbase down. Itsuno was busy directing Dragon's Dogma at the time, so I doubt he had any real input.
Edit: Speaking of Capcom, I've never understood why on earth they don't port the Ace Attorney games to every system possible. I'd quadruple dip on those games.
Yea I want to play the Ace Attorney games, aren't they on iOS too and not android?
October 31 so more like 2 weeks away.
-Dead Rising 2 was well-received and added a much needed co-op mode that was wonderful.
-Remember Me was a project they picked up.
-They are perfectly capable of turning out solid garbage themselves. See: Resident Evil 5.
Edit: Speaking of Capcom, I've never understood why on earth they don't port the Ace Attorney games to every system possible. I'd quadruple dip on those games.
No idea. I don't know how well they'd go down on PS3/360 but a Steam release seams like a perfect fit. The Wii versions of the first 3 are Ace (complete with Wii remote "Objection!!!" flailing) and the recent iOS version is great either on an iPhone or iPad. It can't cost that much to get a PC version up surely?
Don't worry, not unlike now with Steam sales, in a few years Capcom will realise the same thing other publishers have already noticed -- that belated PC ports are a good idea.
Seriously really surprised more Publishers haven't jumped on the idea yet.
Especially with games that had PC releases earlier.
I'm hoping Platinumgames stuff will be on steam, Inaba seem to be interested in the idea of self publishing games on steam, they really need to make this happen.
I'm hoping Platinumgames stuff will be on steam, Inaba seem to be interested in the idea of self publishing games on steam, they really need to make this happen.
Also if ammo is a problem make sure you grab the skills for more drops.
-They are perfectly capable of turning out solid garbage themselves. See: Resident Evil 5.
Well, we know that Sega is sitting on an internal PC port of Bayonetta. I wouldn't be surprised if the same is true of Vanquish and Anarchy Reigns, too.
Atsushi Inaba said:
Itsuno and co did help out with the development later on to polish out the game, they fixed some of problems with the combat and design, the game would've been a lot different if Capcom didn't help out, it's a really competent action game.
Yea I want to play the Ace Attorney games, aren't they on iOS too and not android?
No idea. I don't know how well they'd go down on PS3/360 but a Steam release seams like a perfect fit. The Wii versions of the first 3 are Ace (complete with Wii remote "Objection!!!" flailing) and the recent iOS version is great either on an iPhone or iPad. It can't cost that much to get a PC version up surely?
In fact wasn't there a research thread kicking around here a few months ago?
Itsuno and co did help out with the development later on to polish out the game, they fixed some of problems with the combat and design, the game would've been a lot different if Capcom didn't help out, it's a really competent action game.
Yea I want to play the Ace Attorney games, aren't they on iOS too and not android?
Yeah, though there's not much to it (points 2 and 4 in particular are one and the same). Inaba's comment seems to suggest it's just a matter of ironing out the kinks, but Sega is apparently not interested.
Still not going to touch DmC unless it's part of PS+ though.
I think they'd be perfectly fine on the PS3/360, the first three were originally GBA games after all.
Yeah, though there's not much to it (points 2 and 4 in particular are one and the same). Inaba's comment seems to suggest it's just a matter of ironing out the kinks, but Sega is apparently not interested.
Why would you do that when you could've paid the lowest it's ever been ($12) this weekend and played it at the FPS action games WANT to be played at? :/
Terrible game and horrible attempt at being a DMC aside, the 60FPS REALLY helps that game.
If you have less than zero interest why would you even waste the time downloading even for free?Why would I spend money on a game I have less than zero interest in? If I just happen to get it for free from PS+, fine, but I'm not directly spending a cent on it.
If you have less than zero interest why would you even waste the time downloading even for free?
So, basically Twitter campaign bomb Sega to do it but Sega doesn't listen to their fans so it'll never happen.
Ah well at this point I think anything Platinum related that would find it's way to Steam would be a smaller title at the moment outside of the Rising port. Though that's not all bad as with the very limited time they had on Rising they turned out a very tight game mechanically and I've just finished the Wonderful 101 and that's certainly a game you can't say is lacking for content. Or fun.
Why would I spend money on a game I have less than zero interest in? If I just happen to get it for free from PS+, fine, but I'm not directly spending a cent on it.
Did you convince Nintendo into sending you a complimentary 3ds to review it on?I guess I won't be Steaming much.
My review copy finally arrived today after the post service I use here in Norway fucked the delivery up. Was suppose to get it 1 week ago. Better late than never though.
I guess I won't be Steaming much.
My review copy finally arrived today after the post service I use here in Norway fucked the delivery up. Was suppose to get it 1 week ago. Better late than never though.[/QUOTE]
Can you ask Valve to send you a review copy of Steambox with HL3 installed?
Did you convince Nintendo into sending you a complimentary 3ds to review it on?
No, since I bought a 3DS months before I started my blog. No need for a 3DS XL right now, but it seems like a cool system.
Your blog looks cool, I wish I could understand it.
So does Nintendo.
Sod it I succumbed to buying Papers, Please. Despite trying to talk myself out of it by reasoning "What if it's 50, 66 or even 75% in a later sale" before realising it would be about £2 difference and I had already wasted more than that on "treating" myself to lunch.
Just started it up. Epically oppressive music, good start. What's that? Endless mode? Good grief there goes my day.
I remember pokemon. I think I played it in my youth.
What new steam releases are you people looking forward to? I've been out of the loop somewhat because of grand theft auto.
Well, Deadly Premonition is not so far off, if you are interested in. As DeusEx HR director's cut.I remember pokemon. I think I played it in my youth.
What new steam releases are you people looking forward to? I've been out of the loop somewhat because of grand theft auto.
I remember pokemon. I think I played it in my youth.
What new steam releases are you people looking forward to? I've been out of the loop somewhat because of grand theft auto.
Well, Deadly Premonition is not so far off, if you are interested in. As DeusEx HR director's cut.