Stay frosty, this generally means they are pushing a patch through
Awesome! Sounds good.
Grief, you living on Cloud 10 now? Hearthstone invite, free Club Nintendo codes,
EDIT: 2/3?
Stay frosty, this generally means they are pushing a patch through
Awesome! Sounds good.
Grief, you living on Cloud 10 now? Hearthstone invite, free Club Nintendo codes, possible B:AC patch coming through?
What happens when you own everything On Steam Jase? What then???
First Uplay, then Origin.
First Uplay, then Origin.
I wonder what this command is
They turned that on for both Bioshock 2 and Batman: AC GOTY before the latest patches. I can't find it on other games that are pushing patches.
That's dedication if I've ever seen one. And after?
I assume you own everything on gog and desura already!
Am I just tired? Or is the FFVIII app gone? Hidden?
I don't remember what the app id was. still getting updates
12 days ago App was deleted, previous name: FINAL FANTASY VIII
Revisit the Moscow Metro in these three original missions play as Anna, Pavel and Khan with Ulman in these gripping side stories to Artyoms quest.
The Chronicles Pack includes three original single-player missions, each from the perspective of a different character from the Metro story. Play as Anna, Pavel, and Khan with Ulman at your side in these gripping side stories to Artyoms quest. Note: This purchasable item is included in the Season Pass
So not only can I not invite people to groups using Firefox/IE, I also can't accept trade offers. :/
Same here. I usually like stealth games a lot but for some reason I didn't enjoy MotN as many people over here on gaf, even though I recognize its worth.I'm just not feeling Mark of the Ninja for some reason.
The game is great, no doubt about it, I'm having up sneaking up to and disposing of the henchmen, but I just can't bring myself to start the game whenever my game time comes up.
Anyone else feel that way?
Anyone recognize these achivements?
Bunch of achievements
Use a better browser:Opera
Revisit the Moscow Metro in these three original missions play as Anna, Pavel and Khan with Ulman in these gripping side stories to Artyoms quest.
The Chronicles Pack includes three original single-player missions, each from the perspective of a different character from the Metro story. Play as Anna, Pavel, and Khan with Ulman at your side in these gripping side stories to Artyoms quest. Note: This purchasable item is included in the Season Pass
Guys, anyone got issues with their total hrs played on any game? I get 99 hrs on almost every game that I haven't even played for 10.
Am sad.
Guys, anyone got issues with their total hrs played on any game? I get 99 hrs on almost every game that I haven't even played for 10.
Am sad.
Craig Pearson said:With X Rebirth a capital ship can have over 100 discrete surface elements that can be individually targeted and destroyed. If you want to trap a capital ship where it is and prevent it from escaping, the player can target and destroy its jumpdrive and engines. If the ship is heavily armed, the player’s best course of action could be to destroy some of its turrets first.
Craig Pearson said:A squeeze of the trigger and I can tell that Rebirth’s combat is going to feel satisfying: a metallic scree flies out from the mounted cannon, sounding like nails in a blender. As it strikes the drone, I can make out the shards ricocheting off, flying into space. There’s an extraordinary amount of detail.
Craig Pearson said:I slip between the station’s spokes, admiring the construction and being utterly thrown by the notion that this sprawl of industry, by far the biggest thing I’ve ever seen in an X game, could be built by a player. But it’s true: every station you’ve seen in trailers and screenshots is indicative of what the game will enable you to build. You just need the skill.
Craig Pearson said:My ship was now docked on the side of the station, and I’m walking about in first-person on a little pad with a few NPCs. It’s only then that I notice that the fight I ignored is going on around me. I stand and stare, forgetting the conversation and watching the station’s automated defences lashing out at the intruders. It’s the first glimpse I have at the wider universe going about its business, something I was worried I wouldn’t get to see. I take a great deal of joy in discovering it in a guided demo, because it shows that Rebirth’s heart is in the right place. You don’t play this sort of game to be the centre of the universe, but to be part of the world. To be able to find it in what should be a scripted sequence of events is incredibly heartening.
Urban Chaos is available for purchase.
Everybody does, but the figures return to normal once you load up the games.
Guys, anyone got issues with their total hrs played on any game? I get 99 hrs on almost every game that I haven't even played for 10.
Am sad.
First steam game I've bothered[/I MG]
Feels good.
X looks amazing.[/QUOTE]
How difficult was it? 5.6hrs seems rather short for 100%, I might try to go for that too.
The summer cards are still at the same price and the foil cards seem to have gone down a lot. Don't get into economics people.
There were some people who have bought cards before the summersale for like 50$ and thought that the more people have access to it, the bigger the demand was and the higher the price would be....
Sucks to be them![]()
Actually... I seem not to have this problem, otoh, may be I haven't noticed.
There were some people who have bought cards before the summersale for like 50$ and thought that the more people have access to it, the bigger the demand was and the higher the price would be....
Sucks to be them![]()
How does that even make sense? If more people have access to it, demand wouldn't go up, but down, and with that price. Exclusivity drives price up.
How does that even make sense? If more people have access to it, demand wouldn't go up, but down, and with that price. Exclusivity drives price up.
Ok my hype has seriously increased.