Yeah well, as mentioned in a previous post, I'm not really sold on the subject of the new XCOM. But as I have played a shitload of the first and second ones in their times, I can't exclude the possibility of warped memories.
But this... I don't know. For starters I tend to think a lot of abilities could use a more detailed description. Then there is the loss of the base construction, that always was a nice customize (or dress your doll if you prefer) feel. And the fact that you can have multiple interceptor but just one base, which on normal difficulty makes me always use the same squad against training some B-teams. And even if I did that, yeah, maybe I'm just bad but the encounters can be pretty punishing and the only time I sent several rookies on site I went that far from a disaster. The original could be really difficult but there was always simple encounters to train your red shirts.
And maybe that's a good thing that you can't manage more team, because if I can totally imagine the first one combats could be long, this one drags on quite heavily. Encounters are longggg, can't see the prospect of doing 2 or 3 times as much a very pleasing thought.
And finally the writing. Yeah maybe the first one was wordy, I have no recollection of that aspect, but man do this one feels like your typical modern game, always babbling, always putting your face in its pretty generic plot and characters. Cinematics, logs, so many logs, I wonder why they didn't include detailed reports of the crew diet while they were at it...
I'm focusing on the bad (for me) here, that's not to say the game overall is bad. I'm just... not sold. X-Com was a mad fun ride to me, XCOM feels a lot more like work.