I'm almost done idling all my gave that have cards. Just need Bastion which thankfully only has 3 cards to drop. Then i'm going to cut all the chaff and see what deserves to be sold and what deserves to be a badge.
Currently my only dilemma is Cherry Tree Comedy Club.
The cards prices are pretty high so it's a good profit, but I kinda want the badge for the game. What should I do GAF?
spacebucks > imaginary prizes
i'm in a race to make another 30 cents to get psychonauts 'free'. i could just pay those pennies, but tbh i don't want the game unless it's funded by space dollars as i won't play it for a long ass time
spacebucks > imaginary prizes
i'm in a race to make another 30 cents to get psychonauts 'free'. i could just pay those pennies, but tbh i don't want the game unless it's funded by space dollars as i won't play it for a long ass time
I hate when that happens. I'd really like the badge for Skullgirls but the card prices are far too high for me to be able to justify it. I guess it really depends how much you love the game and whether it's worth dumping in the extra cash or not. I couldn't justify it personally but everybody is different.
Guys, don't look now but I think I saw the second Volgarr down.
Bleed - 24 entrants total.
I'm almost done idling all my gave that have cards. Just need Bastion which thankfully only has 3 cards to drop. Then i'm going to cut all the chaff and see what deserves to be sold and what deserves to be a badge.
Currently my only dilemma is Cherry Tree Comedy Club.
The cards prices are pretty high so it's a good profit, but I kinda want the badge for the game. What should I do GAF?
I haven't been this excited in like 10 years.
Winning draw shows 151 entrants total.
Oh holy shit my thingie turned orange
Oh holy shit my thingie turned orange
Oh holy shit my thingie turned orange
Get yourself to a doctor
Oh holy shit my thingie turned orange
This is E3 for SteamGAF.
I'd sell 'em, and if/when they drop to rock bottom just buy them all, you'd still probably turn a profit
I didn't get the bonus games for Humble Indie Bundle 9Did you have to pay more than the average previously to get em or what?
I didn't get the bonus games for Humble Indie Bundle 9Did you have to pay more than the average previously to get em or what?
Lucky bastard!Haha, Rayge won twice. Congrats.
Oh holy shit my thingie turned orange
o shit I won
Oh holy shit my thingie turned orange
Already did, but it's empty. Let's hope Detective-GAF can find out which games she likes, so we can start a gifting rampage.Congrats to the winners.. please consider paying it forward for people who are generous like this. If you feel charitable, check out the wishlists for people who make giveaways like these happen!
Raygen shouldn't have won twice--the fifteen minute throttle must be still a little messed up. No harm no foul.
Maybe it's been more than 15 minutes between the pms being sent?