I Googled "Railworks DLC Range" and that appears to be the London to Brighton DLC that comes with the game if you buy it on Steam. Not sure if the Munich-Augsberg DLC is also included in there somewhere.
24010 Game Train Simulator 2013
208290 DLC Train Simulator 2013 - ICE3 Train
208288 DLC Munich - Augsburg (Munich-Augsburg Route Add-On)
208286 DLC Sherman Hill (Sherman Hill Route Add-On)
208280 DLC Railworks DLC range (London to Brighton Route Add-On)
65234 DLC RailWorks 3 Super Express Train DLC
24084 DLC Railworks UK LED Signals
24045 DLC Railworks TestTraK DLC
24010 Game Train Simulator 2013
208316 DLC Railworks 3 LegacyAssetsFoliage
208306 DLC Railworks 3 LegacyAssets US (US Loco & Asset Pack)
208286 DLC Sherman Hill (Sherman Hill Route Add-On)
208280 DLC Railworks DLC range (London to Brighton Route Add-On)
65232 DLC RailWorks 2 Northeast Corridor DLC (Northeast Corridor Route Add-On)
24086 DLC Railworks AssetPack01
24084 DLC Railworks UK LED Signals
24021 DLC RailWorks Isle of Wight Addon (Isle of Wight Route Add-On)
For those of you in UK (I am guessing that this applies to most of Europe as well) who are considering to pick up the Cognition Season Pass, there are significant savings to be had if you buy it directly through Phoenix Online. You will save around £5.00. It is US $20.00 (~ £12.50) versus £17.24 on Steam.
You will get Steam keys.
Any experiences with Brothers A tale of two sons? I'm thinking of picking it up after reading the review on giantbomb.
Could they be Double Fine Amnesia Fortnight bundle prototypes?
I have them but I never actually even installed them, so I don't know about what is supposed to happen clicking on them.![]()
So, anyone knows if RionaaM is an unlockable character in Teletubbies 2: Po's Maniacal Rampage confirmed or do I need to buy all DLCs to get him?
did some googling and looks like yes they are - they only show up on the client
I guess they are dead now - the only prototype that became full must be Costume Quest
Arcanum is on gog sale again, now is your chance if you missed all previous!
Will wait for the Steam version.
Is Modbot only for steam keys or can it be used to giveaway non steam key - e.g. I have a key for a game that is a direct download and with an installation key
So, you are sure it will be on steam? interesting!
You can give away non-Steam keys via ModBot, but just make sure they're clearly labelled as such.
No, sorry, I got my wires crossed with Anachronox.![]()
Is Legend of Dungeon worth it for Singleplayer? Does it have online MP? It looks sooooo sexy
Aww yeah, Pac-Man DX+ ordered for just over £4.00 (gotta love GMG referrals) - can't wait to get my Pac-Man on!!!!.
Completely forgot this was coming in a few days.
Thanks for the inadvertent reminder, you two. Almost missed that voucher for the third time or thereabouts. (So I'm making this post in hopes that it'll remind someone else. You've got just under four hours.)Welp, this post made me preorder it too. $8 (with the 20% off voucher) sounds like a nice price for it.
I'm not sure it's great idea. I might feel compelled to play it again if it comes to steam, and what I remember about Anachronox mostly...it's really scary game.No, sorry, I got my wires crossed with Anachronox.![]()
No, sorry, I got my wires crossed with Anachronox.![]()
I loved that game.
Is this the best Quake II engine game, or can anyone think of anything better?
Thanks for the inadvertent reminder, you two. Almost missed that voucher for the third time or thereabouts. (So I'm making this post in hopes that it'll remind someone else. You've got just under four hours.)
I can't tell, is it sarcasm?
I loved that game.
Is this the best Quake II engine game, or can anyone think of anything better?
No, true to god, I loved Anachronox.And I think Q2 engine was a stopgap between immensely innovating Q1 and immensely influential and easy to use Q3
I've not played it, but id Tech 2 had its fair share of awesome games back in the day: Heretic II, Kingpin, Sin, and Solider of Fortune come to mind, though Sin in particular I recall being very buggy prior to being patched.
Yeah, IIRC in the unpatched game quicksaving took up to 5 minutes.
Street Fighter X Tekken on sale? Hmm, very tempting. Anyone know if a PS3 fight stick works on PC?
Edit: apparently not on sale? Read earlier that it was.
Anyone else in on the Starlight Inception early access? I want to like this game but ugh, it's so... soulless.
I know it's early days and all but actually playing the beta has killed any enthusiasm I had for it when I backed the kickstarter.
Is there a Train Simulator 2013 Bundle going on somewhere? The first page of SteamGifts is filled with it.
It was added to the Groupees KISS 2 bundle.
So the Focus Entertainment bundle is next week?
OK, I laughed. I think it's an exclusive Gamestop preorder bonus.So, anyone knows if RionaaM is an unlockable character in Teletubbies 2: Po's Maniacal Rampage confirmed or do I need to buy all DLCs to get him?
So the Focus Entertainment bundle is next week?
It took weeks after the X bundle showed up to actually get it. So who knows.
I don't get it. How much to get a Steam key of Train Simulator 2013 in that bundle?
I've been lately addicted to Spacechem. Well, I'm not playing it on Steam, but on my Android phone (5", and still looks a bit small). It looks harder than it is, do you have to break your mind to get most of the puzzles, but it is very fun.
Also, yesterday I finally downloaded Sleeping Dogs. Expecting to play it this weekend with my Xbox controller.
Great games. Don't forget the High Res pack for SD.
I really hope that localized Steins;Gate comes to steam, not announced yet, but it simply has to. It's too good VN not to be released everywhere.
Will my Samsung R540 laptop able to move that?
Slowly but surely I'm learning the ways of Steam. So today it's Modbot, giving away the following, hope i've done right and then i'll post a few more keys
Anyone else in on the Starlight Inception early access? I want to like this game but ugh, it's so... soulless.
I know it's early days and all but actually playing the beta has killed any enthusiasm I had for it when I backed the kickstarter.
Hopefully this works, this is my first giveaway! This is a bit of a thank you to all of the pillars of the Steam community who post here on a regular basis. Although I'm a nervous nelly and don't post much, I lurk here just about everyday and love reading about new releases, great deals and mini reviews.
Good luck everyone!
Does State of Decay have online coop?