I doubt is it really?
I doubt is it really?
been playing this on my phone and honestly the whole F2P model it uses aint that bad as some make it out to be. Game is totally playable and fun
I thought to myself "hope it comes to steam" as I played today but then I realized it'll probably be an Origin title
So how is Valdis Story?
So this is how it starts. "Hey guys, this EA game that's not on Origin yet isn't so bad!"
not only that but Battlefield 4 is grEAt
not only that but Battlefield 4 is grEAt
not only that but Battlefield 4 is grEAt
4 months from now (ignore the lack of images because blah):
I wish the title of the Steam thread were real!![]()
lol is it really?
Knowing WB, the game will be brought back and then removed from subs two weeks later.![]()
I will be so sad if that happens
I contacted Vin Diesel via his official facebook page, but he does not respond to my MP and he will never do it...![]()
I think I'm done with contacting publishers. I never get a response.![]()
been playing this on my phone and honestly the whole F2P model it uses aint that bad as some make it out to be. Game is totally playable and fun
I thought to myself "hope it comes to steam" as I played today but then I realized it'll probably be an Origin title
Well it's not supposed to be a cakewalk so there's no shame in that. If it was your first time playing an XCom game [as it was for me] you could do worse than start from scratch once you've got your head round the basics. I did that and found I had a far better time of it second time round. Not that it matters either way as long as you're enjoying the game. I hope you are as I had a blast.
If you were to compare Valdis with another game, what would it be?I think it's excellent. It has awesome combo mechanics and boss fights with a leveling system with different skill trees. There's also another playable character right from the start and 2 more scheduled for later on.
been playing this on my phone and honestly the whole F2P model it uses aint that bad as some make it out to be. Game is totally playable and fun
I just realized playing Arkham City in BPM lowers my framerate by an average of 10fps.
dx11 lowered my framerate by like 50fps or something :<
And they delayed the game for these "features".Yeah, DX11 and Physx are completely broken in AC.
There's always hope.Is there a hope for 66% off on KOF on the winter sale?
Has any patch been put out to fix the issues in DXHR DC?
Performance issues, I've heard.What's wrong with it?
dx11 lowered my framerate by like 50fps or something :<
been playing this on my phone and honestly the whole F2P model it uses aint that bad as some make it out to be. Game is totally playable and fun
I thought to myself "hope it comes to steam" as I played today but then I realized it'll probably be an Origin title
Does anybody now that the Amazon digital version of "Of Orcs and Men" is DRM free, or the Steam version? Because I really want the game but only if it comes with a Steam key.
Performance issues, I've heard.
Does anybody now that the Amazon digital version of "Of Orcs and Men" is DRM free, or the Steam version? Because I really want the game but only if it comes with a Steam key.
Well, me too, it seems like DC is based on an earlier build, a lot of the previous patched problems now resurfaced.Oh dear, I've bought it but haven't played it yet =/
How did this happen? It's mostly a collection of the base game with DLC + improvements =/
This is not steam, like GMG, this is securom (no cyanide game is DRM free).
Anyone else getting Error Code: -109 and general lack of response from Steam Community at the moment?
at least I can go back to stalking fellow GAFfers' profiles.
I was going to suggest looking at my post history for yesterday, but then I remembered I spent half of the day poking at deluded people in various Rare threads, oops.So how is Valdis Story?
I've died on two bosses so far and both times came back better for it (and with no additional leveling). I'm assuming the boss fights continue to rely on the deep intricacies of the battle system over pure stat boosting, but I'll keep an eye open for anything that spikes up too harshly.
That said, the plant boss drove me a little batty considering my own combos kept launching me into the poison pits.
But again, with that, slowing down and focusing a little more on heavy attacks worked out much better.
Prepare to have me not shut up about Valdis Story for the next week, next month.
The game is too sick on all fronts.
I just had a boss battle that wouldn't have felt out of place in a Platinum game.
Then five minutes later, I fought another boss of the same caliber.
And it wasn't even some story bravado or a crazy stage ending event, it was just "Hey, it's been a few minutes, here's something awesome to do."
So Valdis Story has skill trees, but also weapon upgrade trees.
I'm taking my sword down the critical/assassin path, apparently.
In addition, the game seems to be pretty open where I am right now, I do have a goal but I'm kind of running around through random other areas finding new mobility upgrades and keys as I please.
Armors are kind of neat too. First of all, they all seem to be behind platform/dash challenges. And they're not simply incremental upgrades, each armor set has unique stats and/or abilities. So new armor is not "better" armor, just different. You can upgrade each armor with materials that enemies drop for incremental upgrades too.
For being so inspired by Igarashi Castlevanias, Endless Fluff has gone to great lengths to take almost every little aspect of the standard formula and put interesting, unique spins to them.
Boss battles remain a highlight. although I could use some new combat or combo abilities to freshen up a bit.
And with the armor I just found, I now have triple skill cancelling/dashing.
And this is why we have private profiles on Steam.
I'm gonna go with the nastiest definition of ATM. And yes, the new Opera is as nasty as that thing.
5 versions of the "new" thingie and still no proper bookmarks? Man, this is like a bad nightmare. Hopefully we'll all wake up soon.
Somebody on my friends list suggested to me some weeks ago that I should use a photo from when she was 13/14 to freak people out a bit, but I forgot about it until last night and changed my mind when I happened upon this one (taken last year).
It is my first time. I had two keys for Alan Wake sitting here that I'm not sure if were ever redeemed. The person to who it was supposed to be wasn't very interested on the games.
I liked it, and I'll go back to it, but I'm not really in the mood for getting my ass kicked. :lol Decided to switch over to Kingdoms of Amalur for a while, since I haven't played that yet. Also a good game, though a bit too cartoony for my tastes.
Anyone else getting Error Code: -109 and general lack of response from Steam Community at the moment?
...aaand it's fixed again. How curious. Well, at least I can go back to stalking fellow GAFfers' profiles.
...and yet somehow forget to actually set them to private. My, what big antlers you have. *waves*
Actually, I was just admiring woo's burgeoning badge collection when things went down. Very nice, old chap.
How thoroughly decent of you old boy. Fancy a snifter? What? What?
I was meh about cards and badges for months but recently decided to craft them for games I really like[d] and now I've got the compulsion to craft more of the buggers :/.
Has any patch been put out to fix the issues in DXHR DC?
(PC) Windows 8.1 users are experiencing mouse problems, with the cursor jittering and lagging.
Windows 8.1 affects games that do not use raw mouse input. A link to fix this problem has been provided by the community and information can be found at
Is there a way to get Steam to stop pausing my downloads when I start up a game without having to alt-tab out?