I remember someone talking about this before but not the instructions (go figure).
What do you need to edit to make the games grid view of your Steam Library have no gaps between the game images?
In Australia - I wish Steam would stop advertising CoD: Ghosts as $45 on the splash screen because when you click on it - $89.95
That's strange. It's not even $45 in the U.S.. $60 here. If you want it for $60 and you can paypal the money let me know.
That's strange. It's not even $45 in the U.S.. $60 here. If you want it for $60 and you can paypal the money let me know.
...and yet somehow forget to actually set them to private. My, what big antlers you have. *waves*
Actually, I was just admiring woo's burgeoning badge collection when things went down. Very nice, old chap.
I remember someone talking about this before but not the instructions (go figure).
What do you need to edit to make the games grid view of your Steam Library have no gaps between the game images?
Yeah, I just peeked at the achievement list and I would expect them to stay that way, if not go lower.The majority of achievements for Valdis have 2% or less earned.
They are highlighting the upgrade to the digital hardened pack. Ironically that is cheaper in Australia at only $45 to get you to the full $134.95.
I suppose you can't buy a US sub and then upgrade it with an Australian one to save $15?
Either way you'd have to be nuts. Especially to buy the $60 season pass rather than just upgrading.
Don't remind me of that, please. I'm still bitter about missing Tim's conference.ok, last week it was tim schafer, this week we got raph koster here in argieland
feels good man, what an amazing and inspiring guy
keep 'em comin'
I know not what stash and shortcuts are, and would rather kill myself twice than find that out. But even if you didn't want to keep a lot of bookmarks, you still had notes, which was (and still is, on the older versions) an extremely useful feature for keeping little memos of stuff you want to check out later, or things you wanna keep but don't want to make a bookmark of.That's one of the aspects of Opera that I adore. I like not being able to bookmark. I have my daily sites on the Speed Dial and the things I wish to look at later I shove in the Stash. Anything I wish to keep for later reference goes in my Shortcuts folder. I used to accumulate gadzillions of bookmarks with Firefox so I like this leaner way of working.
I know this is common knowledge, but boy the Steam community hubs are filled with um, well I'm on GAF so I need to be Ultra PC, so uh, "dunderheads."
I know this is common knowledge, but boy the Steam community hubs are filled with um, well I'm on GAF so I need to be Ultra PC, so uh, "dunderheads."
Yeah. I can't help it sometimes, even though I should know better.Only visit if you have a trouble with a game and trying to find a fix, otherwise stay far away.
But anyway, the key word here is "choice", or in the case of Opera Next, lack thereof. Other key words are "options" and "customization", all things that the newer versions got rid of.
Gaben at the end of every Steam sale:
Gaben at the end of every Steam sale:
Would've been godlike if he was jumping into a pile of money.
Playing Magicka due to the free weekend, I still have no clue how to rock this game properly.
If you were to compare Valdis with another game, what would it be?
I always thought that the Magicka controls were kinda crappy.
I still love Magicka and it's a shame a lot of people haven't played it, a lot of people give it disdain because
- It was a mess at launch, random bugs and such which were fixed.
- Game was impossible to play on your own.
- The game is on sale like every other week on Steam (+ shit-ton of DLC).
Having played it with 3 other friends that I knew well, I must say it was one of my best co-op experiences. The game has this comical grandeur type of quest - like LOTR meets Futurama. I think me and my friends got very engaged with the quest on hand and even tried tactics to solve problems with bosses which was half of the fun, even when we did die, we didn't feel as if the game was broken but more to do with us and the spell strategy that we used. Small stuff like accidentally setting your team mates on fire on sending a meteor shower that wipes your whole team out makes this quite a enjoyable game.
The Swapper is legit.
I'm glad that slowly but surely all the thread regulars are getting around to playing it and loving it. I was a day 1 dickrider and it was disheartening to see one of the best indie games in recent years to get overlooked.
I'm glad that slowly but surely all the thread regulars are getting around to playing it and loving it. I was a day 1 dickrider and it was disheartening to see one of the best indie games in recent years to get overlooked.
So Valdis is pretty much my dream rpg?
To be fair, even being overlooked it still made a profit and paid off its publisher in 2 days.
My 25 hour gaming marathon/live stream for Extra Life will start in about 10 minutes over at Twitch.
Won't be posting again as I'll be in game.![]()
Yeah, I remember seeing you pimp it for a while. Great puzzles, beautiful claymation-like look and a neat story. Still 18 peeps on my friendlist who have it wishlisted *sigh*
Guy's name is Zack Parrish. You can buy the ST here, if you want. Use the discount code "steamy_release" for a 50% discount.One thing that took me by surprise is the soundtrack. Can't remember the name of the composer credited in the introduction, but the music is great! I usually don't expect much from the music department on the indie front, but all the music is really nice, especially in the Abandoned Garden.