You know PC gaming in general has changes people when they feel that having under 500 games (in their Steam lbirary9 they feel it's not much.
yes. we all do that.
The people buying Blood Bowl Dark Elves will never actually install it.
Yep, quite a few people were unable to use this new and "improved" system to actually add their games, and with the problems the steam community servers seem to be having recently, the chances of it succeeding are even smaller.
Great idea, humblebundle people!
An update on the ongoing Black Flag RU retroactive region-lock saga: Ubi has added two new region-locked pre-order subs (one for each edition of the game) to the registry and updated the RU/CIS store pages accordingly. Here's the DDE, for example:
The previous subs haven't been updated as yet, but this wouldn't have happened if they were going to remain as-is, which is to say that it seems the region lock is going to be removed.
Assassin's Creed Black Flag Digital Standard Edition Pre-Order (RU+CIS) said:
Assassin's Creed Black Flag Digital Deluxe Edition (RU+CIS) said:
I stopped at stage 7 then went back to stage 1, I actually think about what games I want on my account and remove shit that I don't want.
Am I doomed to live in an infinite loop now?
Welcome. The stages of steam:
Stage 1. You will selectively pick your games. You might pick up one or two that you have been holding out on. You'll play and enjoy them quite a bit.
Stage 2. You'll get your first big sale (end of November). At this time you will be like a kid in a candy store. You'll pick up a few games you never thought you would buy. Some people on NeoGAF will convince you to buy some games you never even heard of because they are "amazing". You will learn to wait for the daily deals the hard way.
Stage 3. You now have more games than you can play. Instead you'll spend your time wondering about sales and selling off cards you have been idling for.
Stage 4. You will now discover indie bundles. Because they are mostly titles that don't interest you, you'll resist purchasing them. But then you will see they have bonus games and you will jump in just for the thrill of it. Your library now grows.
Stage 5. Your second big steam sale (Christmas). This time you will pick up everything you missed the first time around or need to rebuy on steam. Some purchases will make you angry and cause regret. The next day you will wake to new deals and make the same mistake again. You will now be on the steam thread, telling people to wait for the daily deals. You might even recommend people buy "The Void" which is a game you picked up in the earlier sale. You have never played it.
Stage 6. Your library is now huge and you have no chance of completing all these games in your lifetime. But despite this, you start playing games again. Not for long, but you start trying them all out and working through it. The games that you like you will try to 100% and collect the badge. This is your steam "golden time".
Stage 7. Big sales now mean little to you because you have all the games you want already. Indie bundles are just an opportunity to give away spares to Modbot and help out other gamers. Having exhausted your options, you have stopped playing new games, you'll stick with a few select favourites or rehashes like Pokemon on other platforms.
Stage 8. In this phase you begin to hunt for rare or obscure games. It isn't an obsession, you just want to round out your collection and have something unique.
Stage 9. It is an obsession.
Hope that doesn't spoil it too much for you. Try to look surprised at the end..
Today is GabeN's birthday! All congratulate the all-year Santa!
No gaben birthday sale tsk tsk.
Would've been fun to see a Gaben's Favorite's Sale.
Activision Sale, just like they did on Steam Anniversary! What a shame it was considering some hype levels that were created.
Welcome. The stages of steam:
Stage 1. You will selectively pick your games. You might pick up one or two that you have been holding out on. You'll play and enjoy them quite a bit.
Stage 2. You'll get your first big sale (end of November). At this time you will be like a kid in a candy store. You'll pick up a few games you never thought you would buy. Some people on NeoGAF will convince you to buy some games you never even heard of because they are "amazing". You will learn to wait for the daily deals the hard way.
Stage 3. You now have more games than you can play. Instead you'll spend your time wondering about sales and selling off cards you have been idling for.
Stage 4. You will now discover indie bundles. Because they are mostly titles that don't interest you, you'll resist purchasing them. But then you will see they have bonus games and you will jump in just for the thrill of it. Your library now grows.
Stage 5. Your second big steam sale (Christmas). This time you will pick up everything you missed the first time around or need to rebuy on steam. Some purchases will make you angry and cause regret. The next day you will wake to new deals and make the same mistake again. You will now be on the steam thread, telling people to wait for the daily deals. You might even recommend people buy "The Void" which is a game you picked up in the earlier sale. You have never played it.
Stage 6. Your library is now huge and you have no chance of completing all these games in your lifetime. But despite this, you start playing games again. Not for long, but you start trying them all out and working through it. The games that you like you will try to 100% and collect the badge. This is your steam "golden time".
Stage 7. Big sales now mean little to you because you have all the games you want already. Indie bundles are just an opportunity to give away spares to Modbot and help out other gamers. Having exhausted your options, you have stopped playing new games, you'll stick with a few select favourites or rehashes like Pokemon on other platforms.
Stage 8. In this phase you begin to hunt for rare or obscure games. It isn't an obsession, you just want to round out your collection and have something unique.
Stage 9. It is an obsession.
Hope that doesn't spoil it too much for you. Try to look surprised at the end.
Or half a call of duty in Australia.
Hey all, I'm back from a (way too short) vacation. What did I miss?
Hey all, I'm back from a (way too short) vacation. What did I miss?
I found sites from where I can import Korean and Turkish versions of Football Manager!
I found sites from where I can import Korean and Turkish versions of Football Manager!
I found sites from where I can import Korean and Turkish versions of Football Manager!
As much as we joke about the collection side, I'm not convinced that playing football manager isn't worse than collecting all of them.
There is some crazy amount of shit in those games.
I found sites from where I can import Korean and Turkish versions of Football Manager!
As much as we joke about the collection side, I'm not convinced that playing football manager isn't worse than collecting all of them.
There is some crazy amount of shit in those games.
good lord...
imagine playing all the versions at once
Hey all, I'm back from a (way too short) vacation. What did I miss?
-Finish 2 race sets in Grid 1 (they are getting kind a long, but the super cars are nice)What are your gaming plans today?
What are your gaming plans today?
I'll be online at various points throughout the day, and have this game. I can help you out if you'd like. I haven't played it yet (on Steam), so if it needs me to be at a certain point, I probably won't be there.Speaking of that, we need one more Half-Minute Hero player to get a rare achievement (play online with three people on your friend list). Any takers? If everyone is online today, I could attempt to get that out of the way.
Speaking of that, we need one more Half-Minute Hero player to get a rare achievement (play online with three people on your friend list). Any takers? If everyone is online today, I could attempt to get that out of the way.
What are your gaming plans today?
Sweet, I'll add ya once Steam Community won't be garbage.I'll be online at various points throughout the day, and have this game. I can help you out if you'd like. I haven't played it yet (on Steam), so if it needs me to be at a certain point, I probably won't be there.
Feel free to add me (Steam name is same as my username).
Just finished The Swapper, great story and atmosphere (often creepy and sometimes relaxing, dunno if I'm weird). Concerns about the story though :
- If I understand correctly we're a clone of Scavenger which discovered the abandoned space station where everyone was killed by the Watchers. Scavenger found the two brains, used the swapper to create a clone maybe by mistake thus creating us. She put us in the escape pod and that's when the game start, but why are concious ? All the clones created in game are empty shells, how come we're not like every other one ?
- What happens if you swap yourself with one of the rescue crew at the end (I chose the suicide ending) ? Do we get 2 "personnalities" like Scavenger ? How does the game end ?
- I didn't really understand that part but when Watchers get "disconnected" from the chain, they kill humans just by communicating with them ?
Why are people hating on Game Dev Tycoon? From what I heard it only is similar to the iOS game because it has the same focus, otherwise it's mostly its own game.
Okay, well we have three already but link me your Steam profile (or you can just add me, I'm the only PixyJunket there) and I'll PM/invite you if somebody doesn't pop online today.Yeah sure, I can help out with the HHH achievement if needed.
I'll probably play some NBA 2K14 and SpelunkyWhat are your gaming plans today?
The way I interpreted the ending you didn't get:you literally removed that spaceman's soul from his body and inhabited it with your's. Incredibly fucked up and totally fitting the moral discussion of cloning and souls in the game.
Welcome. The stages of steam:
Stage 1. You will selectively pick your games. You might pick up one or two that you have been holding out on. You'll play and enjoy them quite a bit.
Stage 2. You'll get your first big sale (end of November). At this time you will be like a kid in a candy store. You'll pick up a few games you never thought you would buy. Some people on NeoGAF will convince you to buy some games you never even heard of because they are "amazing". You will learn to wait for the daily deals the hard way.
Stage 3. You now have more games than you can play. Instead you'll spend your time wondering about sales and selling off cards you have been idling for.
Stage 4. You will now discover indie bundles. Because they are mostly titles that don't interest you, you'll resist purchasing them. But then you will see they have bonus games and you will jump in just for the thrill of it. Your library now grows.
Stage 5. Your second big steam sale (Christmas). This time you will pick up everything you missed the first time around or need to rebuy on steam. Some purchases will make you angry and cause regret. The next day you will wake to new deals and make the same mistake again. You will now be on the steam thread, telling people to wait for the daily deals. You might even recommend people buy "The Void" which is a game you picked up in the earlier sale. You have never played it.
Stage 6. Your library is now huge and you have no chance of completing all these games in your lifetime. But despite this, you start playing games again. Not for long, but you start trying them all out and working through it. The games that you like you will try to 100% and collect the badge. This is your steam "golden time".
Stage 7. Big sales now mean little to you because you have all the games you want already. Indie bundles are just an opportunity to give away spares to Modbot and help out other gamers. Having exhausted your options, you have stopped playing new games, you'll stick with a few select favourites or rehashes like Pokemon on other platforms.
Stage 8. In this phase you begin to hunt for rare or obscure games. It isn't an obsession, you just want to round out your collection and have something unique.
Stage 9. It is an obsession.
Hope that doesn't spoil it too much for you. Try to look surprised at the end.
Or half a call of duty in Australia.
Okay, well we have three already but link me your Steam profile (or you can just add me, I'm the only PixyJunket there) and I'll PM/invite you if somebody doesn't pop online today.
I finished Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons today.
The game is awesome. It has a really great sense of adventure, it kind of feels like a puzzlier, more cinematic version of Ico (except I didn't really like Ico). It's also really short, I got through it in like two sittings.
Welcome. The stages of steam:
Stage 1. You will selectively pick your games. You might pick up one or two that you have been holding out on. You'll play and enjoy them quite a bit.
Stage 2. You'll get your first big sale (end of November). At this time you will be like a kid in a candy store. You'll pick up a few games you never thought you would buy. Some people on NeoGAF will convince you to buy some games you never even heard of because they are "amazing". You will learn to wait for the daily deals the hard way.
Stage 3. You now have more games than you can play. Instead you'll spend your time wondering about sales and selling off cards you have been idling for.
Stage 4. You will now discover indie bundles. Because they are mostly titles that don't interest you, you'll resist purchasing them. But then you will see they have bonus games and you will jump in just for the thrill of it. Your library now grows.
Stage 5. Your second big steam sale (Christmas). This time you will pick up everything you missed the first time around or need to rebuy on steam. Some purchases will make you angry and cause regret. The next day you will wake to new deals and make the same mistake again. You will now be on the steam thread, telling people to wait for the daily deals. You might even recommend people buy "The Void" which is a game you picked up in the earlier sale. You have never played it.
Stage 6. Your library is now huge and you have no chance of completing all these games in your lifetime. But despite this, you start playing games again. Not for long, but you start trying them all out and working through it. The games that you like you will try to 100% and collect the badge. This is your steam "golden time".
Stage 7. Big sales now mean little to you because you have all the games you want already. Indie bundles are just an opportunity to give away spares to Modbot and help out other gamers. Having exhausted your options, you have stopped playing new games, you'll stick with a few select favourites or rehashes like Pokemon on other platforms.
Stage 8. In this phase you begin to hunt for rare or obscure games. It isn't an obsession, you just want to round out your collection and have something unique.
Stage 9. It is an obsession.
Hope that doesn't spoil it too much for you. Try to look surprised at the end.
What are your gaming plans today?
Welcome. The stages of steam:
Stage 1. You will selectively pick your games. You might pick up one or two that you have been holding out on. You'll play and enjoy them quite a bit.
Stage 2. You'll get your first big sale (end of November). At this time you will be like a kid in a candy store. You'll pick up a few games you never thought you would buy. Some people on NeoGAF will convince you to buy some games you never even heard of because they are "amazing". You will learn to wait for the daily deals the hard way.
Stage 3. You now have more games than you can play. Instead you'll spend your time wondering about sales and selling off cards you have been idling for.
Stage 4. You will now discover indie bundles. Because they are mostly titles that don't interest you, you'll resist purchasing them. But then you will see they have bonus games and you will jump in just for the thrill of it. Your library now grows.
Stage 5. Your second big steam sale (Christmas). This time you will pick up everything you missed the first time around or need to rebuy on steam. Some purchases will make you angry and cause regret. The next day you will wake to new deals and make the same mistake again. You will now be on the steam thread, telling people to wait for the daily deals. You might even recommend people buy "The Void" which is a game you picked up in the earlier sale. You have never played it.
Stage 6. Your library is now huge and you have no chance of completing all these games in your lifetime. But despite this, you start playing games again. Not for long, but you start trying them all out and working through it. The games that you like you will try to 100% and collect the badge. This is your steam "golden time".
Stage 7. Big sales now mean little to you because you have all the games you want already. Indie bundles are just an opportunity to give away spares to Modbot and help out other gamers. Having exhausted your options, you have stopped playing new games, you'll stick with a few select favourites or rehashes like Pokemon on other platforms.
Stage 8. In this phase you begin to hunt for rare or obscure games. It isn't an obsession, you just want to round out your collection and have something unique.
Stage 9. It is an obsession.
Hope that doesn't spoil it too much for you. Try to look surprised at the end.
Or half a call of duty in Australia.