My mass effect always ask for permission to launch on my win8.1 pc, but the "run as administrator" check box wasn't checked. How do I make it run properly?
I'm really trying to find some decent words to describe these emotional feelings but lately I can't express what I feel in words, I'm speechless actually. I'm even ashamed that my vocabulary is too weak to find a proper sentence to describe what I'm seeing right now.
Wow, I'm hooked in Game Dev Tycoon.
And apparently my Fire Emblem ripoff Water Stones is a hit, much more so than my Mario ripoff Adventure Land.
Wow, I'm hooked in Game Dev Tycoon.
And apparently my Fire Emblem ripoff Water Stones is a hit, much more so than my Mario ripoff Adventure Land.
My mass effect always ask for permission to launch on my win8.1 pc, but the "run as administrator" check box wasn't checked. How do I make it run properly?
I tried that,but the steam overlay still doesn't work.Did you turn UAC off?
So I'm with the family beta sharing thing, and for the other computer it shows my games, but on mine, it only shows the installed game. Any idea whats happening here?
Interesting read about the TTOTD release.
At the top of your library page does it show "Installed?" If so click it and select "All Games."
They actually fixed by far the most common bug with it earlier this year. I haven't had any weird behaviour or trouble since then (although admittedly I don't try too often).
Nope, All Games.
Try to launch one of the installed games. If you get a prompt to request access, press the relevant button. It happened to me, the access was granted automatically. I think it has to do with me not actually playing those games.
I'm not sure I follow how to get a VPN with a Russian IP for that deal. Oh well, I literally only have about $3.16 in my bank account right now, so I'm pretty sure I can't buy a VPN account and deal with this anyway.
I'm not sure I follow how to get a VPN with a Russian IP for that deal. Oh well, I literally only have about $3.16 in my bank account right now, so I'm pretty sure I can't buy a VPN account and deal with this anyway.
It didn't get the big campaign other games might have, but it was hardly sent to die. That teaser image got a fair amount of pre-release buzz going. The release date was timed to coincide with Halloween sales and it was discounted by 50%. More if you count GMG vouchers. That may not be an unprecedented sale for a brand new release, but I certainly haven't seen anything deeper outside of pricing errors.Wow, that was very interesting. No wonder Typing of the Dead came out of nowhere for Halloween, it very nearly didn't happen at all. I'm guessing Sega didn't promote it due to it's questionable development situation. I know I'm glad they made it afterall.
It didn't get the big campaign other games might have, but it was hardly sent to die. That teaser image got a fair amount of pre-release buzz going. The release date was timed to coincide with Halloween sales and it was discounted by 50%. More if you count GMG vouchers. That may not be an unprecedented sale for a brand new release, but I certainly haven't seen anything deeper outside of pricing errors.
Pretty smart. I'm not sure more traditional methods of promotion would have been as successful anyway. (Anyone remember the Fuse ads on GAF? Probably not...)
I have 48 games to give away on Steam, apparently; just went through my list of bundled Steam Keys I haven't redeemed. So, yeah, I might do that here soon. Anyone found a preferred set of rules for Modbot? Like, is "givers only" generally encouraged?
I have 48 games to give away on Steam, apparently; just went through my list of bundled Steam Keys I haven't redeemed. So, yeah, I might do that here soon. Anyone found a preferred set of rules for Modbot? Like, is "givers only" generally encouraged?
Yeah. In "List View" (between "Detailed View" and "Grid View") there's a drop down.
Usually the general rule is NOLURKERS
Then Givers Only is a personal preference
Usually the higher quality of the game or games determines what you should use.
Not in general, but I wouldn't be against it.
Most people prefer to at least do a no lurkers.
Interesting read about the TTOTD release.
Thanks, guys. I'm asking a couple friends if they're interested in some of the keys, but I think they own everything already.
I haven't got anything super huge on here, unless we're counting a couple games from the Origin sale. Just stuff like the Amnesia fortnight bundle, some Serious Sam games, Mark of the Ninja, etc, as well as some lesser stuff, like King's Bounty and Men of War.
What's the cheapest Vice City usualy gets during a Steam holiday sale or whenever they have Rockstar sale? Newegg has it for $3. Not that I'm in a rush to play it. I just miss it, but I could wait.
Also, the Max Payne 1 and 2 bundle for $4.50?
Since when is King's Bounty lesser stuff? I don't understand...
Lol, just when I bought max payne 3 the other day when it was a daily. How's gta 4 by the way? Will that be affected by the upcoming shutting down of gfwl?
Interesting read about the TTOTD release.
Lol, just when I bought max payne 3 the other day when it was a daily. How's gta 4 by the way? Will that be affected by the upcoming shutting down of gfwl?
I got 25% off on the title Volgarr the Viking and 33% off on the title Foul Play. Anyone want any of those coupons?
They seem to be the most common the past week.
Anybody else totally forgot to register for the Steam Machine Beta? I checked the day the badge was released and all I needed to do was launch a game from Big Picture. Totally forgot to do it and never even though about it once in the last month. Never saw anything mentioned in this thread or anywhere else to jog my memory. I know my chances were ridiculously slim but its still annoying!
Every time I have to set my profile public for some reason, it doesn't take like, 15 minutes before I get another random person contacting me, so yeah.Are game beggars a common occurrence on Steam? I've read stories in this thread before but I just encountered one and I'm usually pretty protective of giving my profile around.
Hey, I gave a 24 hour warning in the last thread.
Both ME1 and ME2 needs Steam to be ran as administrator in order to make steam overlay work on Win8.1, what the hell?
Well I Didn't see That!
Edit: The last thread? This one started 3 days before the beta ended.