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STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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To speak more plainly, the marketplace is becoming flooded with too many games, a lot of which aren't very good.

The chaff will sink to the bottom like the infestation, war Z fiasco. Some people will get burned but the majority will avoid these things. Keeping up to date with steam GAF threads can help you avoid such pitfalls :)
Still some keys leftover from the last thread....no longer a Raffle.

By the way, are we able to add gift keys from the new Humble Bundles to ModBot? For example the new WB Humble Bundle Keys allow me to gift them to an email address. I read the ModBot post, but did not see any info regarding new Humble Bundle gifts.

Is there something up with ModBot? I entered for Crusader Kings back in that raffle (and I'm sure others did), but it looks like either no one got the key or ModBot didn't edit the post.


The_Monk being awesome as always.

The sleep point is actually interesting for me. My whole life I've struggled with on and off bouts of insomnia, which usually takes the form of for a week or so out of the month I'll have a bunch of days that I'll wake up at like 2am and be totally unable to go back to sleep. During the day I honestly don't game much, as I'm busy with family and life, so that early morning insomnia time is probably where I play 90% of my video games these days. The thing is I kinda wonder if making that my "game time" is actually making my insomnia worse. Essentially by rewarding myself with fun video games when I give up on sleep and get out of bed I'm conditioning myself to not even try to get back to sleep.

Try wearing something like these at night. That's my first suggestion to computer-users with insomnia.

Here's the gist of the idea behind it, to get you started: http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletters/Harvard_Health_Letter/2012/May/blue-light-has-a-dark-side

For <$10, it's worth it for anyone that habitually stays up later than they'd like in front of screens to give these glasses a shot. I'm sure some of you are familiar with F.lux; actual glasses make that program seem totally useless. The hardest part is getting into the habit of putting them on at night; also, since you literally can't see blue, it can make certain applications/games tricky to use (as an example, the Keurig in the kitchen looks like it's turned off when I'm wearing these--the blue LEDs are literally invisible).

Joe Molotov

I like how most of the achievements in Eryi's Action are just getting killed in various ways. Should be pretty easy to get those, lol


Good so far. Not much action going on which is a good thing. Means at this point everyone should be making it back home just fine. Only downside is the hours are still all over the place. Somedays i'm so tired I just sleep until my next shift. Still I have SteamGaf so i'm pretty happy about that. The antics here always brighten up my day

Good to hear that we are keeping you sane, stay safe!


listen to the mad man
Is there something up with ModBot? I entered for Crusader Kings back in that raffle (and I'm sure others did), but it looks like either no one got the key or ModBot didn't edit the post.

cicero won Crusader Kings, GAF went down during the edit attempt and thus ModBot couldn't edit it out.

[b]GA: Claims Process: I am going to give Magicka  Plus Crusader Kings II to cicero. Added to PM Queue.    02:19:22.998217 1384881563.0[/b]
GA: Claim Process: Begin post edit mark, looking for post to edit out   02:19:23.008163 1384881563.01
GA: Claim Process: Did not find an edit URL, begin thread search        02:19:23.008949 1384881563.01
GA: Claim Process: I am looking for the key MB-D401BB5C658C7C60 02:19:23.009375 1384881563.01
GA: Claim Process: I am opening http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=701650&page=999999&nojs=1  02:19:23.009453 1384881563.$
GA: Error during giveaways      02:19:43.462121 1384881583.46
GA: Heartbeat   02:19:47.628114 1384881587.63
GA: Claim Process Throttle: Poster has won 2 times in last week.        02:19:49.964707 1384881589.96
GA: Claim Process Thottle: Use 900      02:19:49.964909 1384881589.96
GA: Claim Process Throttle: Poster must not have a win since 1384880689 02:19:49.964950 1384881589.96
GA: Apparent last win is 1384547103 so OK       02:19:49.965990 1384881589.97
[b]GA: Claims Process: I am going to give Fez to Accoun. Added to PM Queue.        02:19:49.975710 1384881589.98[/b]
GA: Claim Process: Begin post edit mark, looking for post to edit out   02:19:49.983236 1384881589.98
GA: Claim Process: Did not find an edit URL, begin thread search        02:19:49.984005 1384881589.98
GA: Claim Process: I am looking for the key MB-3A1C5D9CEEF1ACE2 02:19:49.984392 1384881589.98
GA: Claim Process: I am opening http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=701650&page=999999&nojs=1  02:19:49.984437 1384881589.$
GA: Claim Process: No results, go back one page to 192  02:20:13.277305 1384881613.28
GA: Claim Process: I am opening http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=701650&page=188&nojs=1     02:20:13.277460 1384881613.$
GA: Heartbeat   02:20:32.630277 1384881632.63
GA: Error during giveaways      02:20:33.720300 1384881633.72


This is one reason of several why it makes sense to re-submit your keys to ModBot if you are going to repost instead of just reposting them (*cough*), because ModBot would have caught that the keys were given away and rejected them for resubmission.


Nice guide. Except the last part, I live on the south hemisfere, and it's getting REALLY hot in here.

The same can apply, with just a slightly different story and different games in my opinion. ;)

Essentially by rewarding myself with fun video games when I give up on sleep and get out of bed I'm conditioning myself to not even try to get back to sleep.

I think you are right on this part and if you are playing a game you may not feel tired even if you are. You just don't notice so easy because your brain is distracted with something you are enjoying. I can relate with the Insomnia part since it's something that comes and goes with different times, based of the different stages of my life. In those moments it's important for you to be more strict with your schedule. Perhaps you are "cheating" because you just saying that "I won't be sleepy anything soon so better play some games instead."

Well, sure, I do agree that each one have their own way of choosing and playing, purchasing, etc. There's no right or wrong, it's just different way of how people will choose to spend their money. I would never buy a game like Sim City on Day One after hearing the problems they were having, but some people got it anyway, some people knowing about the issues, others not knowing. I'll just say that, as a consumer it's up to you to make the final choice and you should always vote with your wallet.


The_Monk, you are a saint.

My backlog method is pretty simple. I play whatever I want, while following a similar concept of generally leaning towards one or two single player games and one mulitplayer game.

It is key to know when to quit. Most of us have libraries filled with games that were $5 or less. Some of those games will end up having far more personal value to us than that, while a hyped up dud we overspent on might actually be worth $5 or less personally to us, had we been able to play them beforehand.

Just view your library as a single investment. Don't be afraid to realize you're not enjoying the most expensive game you own. If a $2.50 isometric RPG you bought on sale three years ago is more worth your time and giving you more direct enjoyment than an ill-advised $60 shootbang adventures purchase from this week, use your investment properly. You have all these games in your library; find the good ones.

Right. You probably own books or clothes or kitchen gadgets that you just don't ever make use of; are you beating yourself up about those? It's fine, it's a sunk cost. You shouldn't let previous games you didn't like or play hold you back from jumping into something new that looks appealing. You never what you next favorite game might be.


What are your wildest steam sale dreams? I hope MG:R drops at like, 50% off. That would be quite excellent.

looking at my wishlist these are the games I want to buy sooner rather later, I'll also include the percentage I can realistically see them dropping to and whether or not I'd buy them at that price:

Sir, you are being hunted -50% buy
XCOM: Enemy Within -33% wait
Batman Arkham Origins -33% wait
State of Decay -50% buy
Guacamelee -66% buy
Rise of the Triad -66% buy
Deadly Premonition -50% buy
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow -66% buy
Injustice -50% wait
Skullgirls -50% buy

these prices came to me in a vision quest.
or just wishful thinking really


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I remember my friend got me Indigo Prophecy on Steam a few years back, a game which I had beaten years beforehand and shown no interest in whatsoever since. All I could say to him was, "Oh boy, thanks." Guess it was all for the better now that the game is somewhat special.

It's self-published by Quantic on GOG. I can only assume the reason it hasn't returned to Steam in the same manner is that there are distribution rights issues to sort out with the floundering Atari.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Just got my third ever foil, from Skulls of the Shogun, which sells for about $4.

Pretty sweet, since I got the game for "free" by buying 3 other games with coupons obtained from HugeSeal.com for about $11.

Overall quite happy.
cicero won Crusader Kings, GAF went down during the edit attempt and thus ModBot couldn't edit it out.

This is one reason of several why it makes sense to re-submit your keys to ModBot if you are going to repost instead of just reposting them (*cough*), because ModBot would have caught that the keys were given away and rejected them for resubmission.

Thanks, Stump. Good to know.


too many avatar changes to keep up with...

we don't talk about the last two season of Dexter

We don't and it's totally right, but still, don't know why, even if her acting was standard at best, Yvonne Strahovski succeeded in "enlighting" up every scene in which she appeared.

Also, we shouldn't talk of anything Dexter-related starting from S05E01. What a shitty waste of time, goddamit.
Just got my third ever foil, from Skulls of the Shogun, which sells for about $4.

Pretty sweet, since I got the game for "free" by buying 3 other games with coupons obtained from HugeSeal.com for about $11.

Overall quite happy.

When Skulls of the Shogun first got trading cards, non-foils were going for $5 each.

I bought the game for $15 and got $20 back.
We don't and it's totally right, but still, don't know why, even if her acting was standard at best, Yvonne Strahovski succeeded in "enlighting" up every scene in which she appeared.

Also, we shouldn't talk of anything Dexter-related starting from S05E01. What a shitty waste of time, goddamit.

oh shes hot, no doubt. and I agree with your sentiments on Dexter. Watching Breaking Bad made me even more mad how Dexter ended.
Here, another great example.

This game looks amazing, but 50% is still not 75%. I can wait until it gets to 75% to buy it.

It deserves that amount of money, as it looks and (looks like it) plays awesomely. I just don't feel that I would pay that much for it.
My feelings exactly.


Here, another great example.

This game looks amazing, but 50% is still not 75%. I can wait until it gets to 75% to buy it.

It deserves that amount of money, as it looks and (looks like it) plays awesomely. I just don't feel that I would pay that much for it.

complete pack is 50% but DLC alone no :(
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