cheap FUEL for Steam, which itself is not sold on Steam anymore.
It's probably the missing game from Indiegala Codemasters. Just be aware if you bought the Indiegala bundle.
cheap FUEL for Steam, which itself is not sold on Steam anymore.
cheap FUEL for Steam, which itself is not sold on Steam anymore.
On the other hand, I thought TR2K13 was pretty awesome, and enjoyed the set pieces and scripted scenes. It was also fun to get all collectibles, except for 2 of them that were hidden in ridiculous places and I had to find with a guide.Tomb Raider 2013 is pretty damn bad. If you are getting the bundle (which is ridiculous bang for buck), you're much better off playing the previous iterations which are actual Tomb Raider games rather than some uninspired attempt to appeal to the third-person shooter crowd.
Also, Lara Croft & The Guardian of Light is a really good spin-off even if you don't play it (as intended) in co-op, which includes revised puzzles. Shame the good-for-nothing reboot shelved all plans for its sequel, so sweep it up for 2 bucks while the discount still lasts.
This doesn't even make sense anymore.
cheap FUEL for Steam, which itself is not sold on Steam anymore.
Is Fuel fun?
uh-oh...Random question...
What do you guys use as a subject heading/PM title when PMing modbot
EDIT: I mean when PMing to join a raffle or obtain the game
It's fun to have in your library, at least.
It's fun to have in your library, at least.
"please to let suckle on generous metal teet"
"I shalt become your werewolf private dancer" (I think this one was from a The Wolf Among Us giveaway)
"please take your robotic hand off of my thigh"
"do not reject me"
"cover my prone nude body with robotic roses"
"no i will not take my hand off of your robotic thigh"
I think I should take it as a hint that I have won so few giveaways. I think modbot has become sentient and disapproves.![]()
I'd say that it's about time for an intervention, but given I'm nearing 700 myself... that would be a small pot calling a awesome, Australian kettle black.
Fun to have in my library? I am totally sold. Just bought with free coins ^^
"please to let suckle on generous metal teet"
"am i too late"
"this new drawing is mine"
"greco-robot wrestling for games"
"I shalt become your werewolf private dancer" (I think this one was from a The Wolf Among Us giveaway)
"bot luvin"
"please take your robotic hand off of my thigh"
"do not reject me"
"cover my prone nude body with robotic roses"
"no i will not take my hand off of your robotic thigh"
"i love giveaways"
I think I should take it as a hint that I have won so few giveaways. I think modbot has become sentient and disapproves.![]()
I used "giveaway" as the title of my first ModBot PM, then I'd select it with autofill the following times. Now it's just:Random question...
What do you guys use as a subject heading/PM title when PMing modbot
EDIT: I mean when PMing to join a raffle or obtain the game
Random question...
What do you guys use as a subject heading/PM title when PMing modbot
EDIT: I mean when PMing to join a raffle or obtain the game
I used "giveaway" as the title of my first ModBot PM, then I'd select it with autofill the following times. Now it's just:
I find it strange, that this collection doesn't include Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light.
Is Fuel fun?
Is Fuel fun?
Races are long and boring. But it's perfect for listening to podcasts while driving around and the massive world is cool.
cheap FUEL for Steam, which itself is not sold on Steam anymore.
MødBøt said:I am giving away a Steam gift. To enter this giveaway, be the first to quote this post with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- Don't be a dick
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:
Garry's Mød -- MB-A48T915860F6Ø927 - Taken by sibarraz
Jørdan;92354683 said:Will PM the Steam Gift link.
For future reference, you can use the steam gift link as the key when making the giveaway and it will work.
Jørdan;92354908 said:Hehe, thanks for the help however I'm not allowed to make giveaways so I created my own.
Jørdan;92354908 said:Hehe, thanks for the help however I'm not allowed to make giveaways so I created my own.
Currently $5.99 from Steam (3 Steam cards)
I've seen a few people asking about this game in the thread (including myself!) So I took one for the team, bought the game and played through it. I thought the impressions would be useful for some (Like NBA2k14 file this under "things I wish I had known before purchase):
Short and Snappy Version: Probably not worth buying at this stage.
I'm a huge fan of Volgarr the Viking, one of the best releases of the year. While it isn't going to be everybody's cup of tea, it proves to me that if you set out to use some ancient ideas and mechanics in a quality modern game, it can still come together to make an outstanding experience.
Tiny Barbarian DX does not quite manage the same impressive feat.
While it is similar in many ways to Volgarr, the approach is slightly different. While Volgarr attempts to make an excellent example of an ancient genre, Tiny Barbarian seems content to just emulate those long lost games. The influences are immediately obvious as you begin the short adventure. You will hear some quite excellent music, NES style graphics and user interface and an attack animation ripped straight out of Battletoads or Prince of Persia (It still bugs me that I can't remember exactly where it iss from!). None of that is a particular problem, but when the game doesn't go anywhere beyond that it starts to get disappointing.
By and large the game keeps things simple with only a jump and an attack and your usual platforming mechanics. The controls are tight enough, with only the fiddly climbing mechanic letting things down. The choice made here to hang onto a chain or vine is that you need to press up on the dpad. This is intuitive enough, but in practice it often fails leaving you to fall down into spikes or having to retry lengthy sections. This is especially apparent when using it as a boost to get on top of ledges which leads to needless frustration. It is something you will get used to as you take extra care of your inputs but it is a niggle that the game could have done without given its simplicity.
Combat is straightforward with your enemies needing several hits to dispatch. Unfortunately it is also unsatisfying given there is little strategy involved in most encounters. Quite quickly I found myself jumping over enemies instead of taking them on. This was not out of fear of losing health, but simply to save myself the hassle of mashing attack two or three times. In harder games this is a valid tactic, if not a risky one. In Tiny Barbarian it just gets you through the level quicker.
Continuing the theme of negative thoughts, the levels themselves are a let down. While the pixel-art environments initially shine, elements are frequently repeated and the overly long and linear levels fail to reach any great heights (even the ones where you climb up). Even though the levels seem long, checkpoint levels are still frequent, so you will always be making progress. This can help some gamers, but on the other hand this leads to reckless play as you can blow past obstacles with little concern for failure. There are eventually some tricky sections to navigate (especially right near the end), but there is nothing that will hold you up for too long. Similarly the bosses fall very much into the "fail once, oh now I understand, this is easy" category with only the final one putting up any real fight (due mainly to the poor climbing mechanics!).
Of special mention are the frequent flying enemies the game throws at you such as eagles or bats. The concept is familiar enough, a constant steam of flying enemies will come in from the side of the screen and "swoop" at you, causing all sorts of annoyances. In particular there is a difficult section in the second area (you will know it when you get there) which might have you ripping your hair out... or un-installing the game. Like most of the things in the game, it is a nice nod to earlier gaming conventions, but it is also an example of choosing to focus on something that everybody hated at the time. Nostalgia is great if used right, but bad ideas will always be bad ideas and you'll quickly remember why people stopped putting those enemies in.
The game further mixes things up by providing elements like golden axe style mounts, but here too the implementation falls flat and it is under utilised. You can jump on the back of these beasts to lend you a hand, but it is generally more trouble than it is worth. You will often get knocked off due to bigger hit boxes and you can generally get by quicker without them. The game even throws in odd sections where a mount is given only to stop you seconds later forcing you to dismount. It is almost as if the game was pretending it wasn't broken up into zones so that you could think you rode your mount through one big level. It is an odd design choice the really stood out as you try to make sense of the overall design.
As a package, the game doesn't delivery a lot of content. The main menu promises several episodes "coming soon", which may be worth waiting for as you will get through the single hour or so on offer quickly. How much more of it you'll want to get through is quite debatable, but there is at least a base to be improved on if the final moments are an indication of what is to come. Rounding out the game is a rather simple "horde mode" which has you facing an endless stream of enemies. Given the combat is such a weak part of the game, it isn't something you will spend much time on.
Presentation wise, the graphics are what they are and don't really deliver anything you haven't seen before. On a positive note, the music is frequently excellent, even if it does get a bit repetitive on longer levels. If you are into your game soundtracks, you might just find some gems here.
Given my expectations I was disappointed with Tiny Barbarian. It isn't completely fair to compare so harshly with better examples of the style. But if you are going to attempt a retro aesthetic in this day and age you need to be bringing something new to the table. It isn't just enough to be "like a NES" game as we have plenty of those games to choose from and more on the way (including the original NES games!). Tiny Barbarian is still a decent experience, but the lack of ambition and attention to detail means it never rises to any great heights.
For now, one to watch as more episodes are delivered, but not one to purchase. Tiny Barbarian needs to deliver on both quantity and quality of content before it is a must buy.
Pretty clever. I bet most people skimmed over it, thinking it was just a normal ModBot giveaway. But I have to ask: why are you not allowed to create normal giveaways?
Haha, very clever, I didn't even realize it wasn't a ModBot giveaway.
Is there Indie Games november thread? I can't find it![]()
Jørdan;92355406 said:I think due the ø in my name it caused problems and ModBot was unable to process it, breaking it for a time. Afterwards it was set to ignore PMs from anyone with characters in their name it couldn't handle. ModBot still hasn't forgiven me I guess.
FFVIII on Steam would be cool, but I really want FFIX. I doubt Square would make a PC version of it though... OR WOULD THEY?
I'm excited to throw all my recently bought games in the trash tomorrow for Starbound.
FFVIII on Steam would be cool, but I really want FFIX. I doubt Square would make a PC version of it though... OR WOULD THEY?
I'm excited to throw all my recently bought games in the trash tomorrow for Starbound.
FFVIII on Steam would be cool, but I really want FFIX. I doubt Square would make a PC version of it though... OR WOULD THEY?
I'm excited to throw all my recently bought games in the trash tomorrow for Starbound.
Mmm... looking at my Sent Items folder, I see this (in chronological order):Random question...
What do you guys use as a subject heading/PM title when PMing modbot
EDIT: I mean when PMing to join a raffle or obtain the game
He can't. He once said he erased old PMs because of the message limit.Yea, Stump should totally release an all-time favourite compilation of Modbot PM titles.
I'll make the holiday sales thread btw
ModBot doesn't DO forgiveness. Have you tried PMing Stumpøkapow about it? I'm sure he could sort it out for you.
Regardless, I did like your "Don't be a dick" rule. That should be included in every giveaway, official or not.