Played. The question was played.
Care to play it? I want impressions.
Every time someone mentions Nights I think about Jeff Gerstmann going nuts.
Of course, he has like the exact opposite taste in games that I do, so I'd probably love it.
EDIT: Time to not be an asshole!
Many thanks to Dimitri2401 for Pid!
Black Flag is beginning to wear thing on me and SteamWorld Dig isn't enrapturing me as much as it has others. I haven't played a PnC game since Machinarium, though, so I'm not sure how valuable my opinion would be.
Meow. But I know where you're going with this so fair enough.
Black Flag is beginning to wear thin on me and SteamWorld Dig isn't enrapturing me as much as it has others. I haven't played a PnC game since Machinarium, though, so I'm not sure how valuable my opinion would be.
Edit: Err, "thin", not "thing", haha.
Your opinion is always welcome.
wax suarez looks creepy
What did you think of it? It was the most charming pnc game I've ever played, and I grew up on the genre(and Simcity).
Marry me, Amanita.
Loved the game and it ranks among the likes of Curse of Monkey Island as one of the finest adventure games I've ever played, despite its short length and occasionally obnoxiously obscure puzzles (the five-in-a-row puzzle pre-patch, oh god). I'd love to go into more detail, but it's been years since I've played it, although as I expounded the other day, the hint system is brilliant, and the visual style divine:[IMG]
Marry me, Amanita.[/QUOTE]
Do you really want Saoirse to catch you saying things like that?
"Uh-huh. Right. Good luck explaining your way out of this one, JaseC."
He moves better than I do!
Haha, she knows she's numero uno:
Oh jesus DS4 drivers came out with touchpad mouse support
Think I might have to blow my winter sale money on a DS4 now
It's the last download at the end of the first post.
tru love
Just started playing The Witcher for the first time in preparation for the third game. Damn this game did not age well and it's so janky. I giggle when I see Geralt sheath his sword by grabbing it by the blade and throwing it behind his back.
Today I decided to share my library with a friend, with Family Sharing. It's good to know someone is going to enjoy all those games, even if that's not me.
I watched a video of this the other day, and I thought it looked decent. I'm hankering for a new vehicle simulator.
Has anyone played it? JaseC probably owns it, but he doesn't play games.
Is there any list of all licensed games in Steam? I'd like to see if I have any licensed gamesHaha, not with its current price tag. It's on my list, though.
Is there any list of all licensed games in Steam? I'd like to see if I have any licensed games![]()
That's great of you! Here's hoping he follows your advice.I'm slowly getting one of my console-gamer mates on the Steam train. He's considering building a gaming PC and I told him that if he does I'd share my account.
Not to my knowledge, unfortunately, which is why I made my own.
It's time for you to create one![]()
Damn, I was wondering why my download bar was messed up by the skin only to realize I was running a really old version of the skin.None that I know of, unfortunately. I usually just check for an update when something gets broken by a Steam update.
Out of interest, has anyone here ever won a giveaway on I realise the number of people entering each giveaway makes the chance of winning extremely low, but I wanted to check it's not actually a scam or something!
Yeah, a few, but it's been over a year since I won anything I think. I did win Silent Hill: Homecoming there. These days I only remember to check once a month or so.
Controversial opinion of the day:
Duke Nukem Forever is... not bad.
Out of interest, has anyone here ever won a giveaway on I realise the number of people entering each giveaway makes the chance of winning extremely low, but I wanted to check it's not actually a scam or something!
Out of interest, has anyone here ever won a giveaway on I realise the number of people entering each giveaway makes the chance of winning extremely low, but I wanted to check it's not actually a scam or something!
Out of interest, has anyone here ever won a giveaway on I realise the number of people entering each giveaway makes the chance of winning extremely low, but I wanted to check it's not actually a scam or something!
Today I decided to share my library with a friend, with Family Sharing. It's good to know someone is going to enjoy all those games, even if that's not me.
fludvigsen (developer) said:
JaseC's blurb for Kentucky Route Zero is spot on, games like this make me wish I were better with words so I could describe the way I felt. I played act two tonight and finished it just as the sun was rising which felt nicely contrasted with the scene in the moonlit woods. I can't wait to discuss the third act with people when it drops [soon].
Didn't spend much time on the zero, I probably will have to replay it.
Controversial opinion of the day:
Duke Nukem Forever is... not bad.
I finished the main campaign and the DLC and messed with the multiplayer a little (there are still a handful of people playing online!), and actually had a pretty decent time. The off-color humor in the main game really feels forced (they seemed to be trying way too hard - the DLC was a little better about that, IMO) and there was a slightly disjointed quality to the main campaign that's hard to put into words. There were spots where it felt almost like they had a bunch of completed assets lying around, and had to come up with ways to cobble them into a story. (One interlude at around the midpoint of the game in particular struck me that way.) But the gunplay was fun (especially after enabling the extended inventory option so that I could carry 4 weapons instead of 2), and the conceit of Duke's ego as a regenerating health meter really worked well. (I particularly liked how you could increase his ego through environmental interactions that pumped up his self image - admiring his reflection in a mirror, shooting a perfect game of pool, etc.) The game's never going to win any awards for innovation, but as run and go FPS's go, you could definitely do worse for yourself (assuming you can chuckle at, or at least look past, some pretty puerile humor).
Definitely. They said around a year initially. I'm sort of playing it when I'm in the mood and it has been working out quite well. I'm not sure how I feel about replaying them now I think about it. It might expose some weaknesses in the structure of conversations which aren't meant to be thought about too much. I only find myself hanging on a decision a couple of times each episodes.Hard to believe it's been 10 months since the first episode hit -- time flies! I was hoping the game would be complete by now, but alas. I may resume my playthrough when Act 3 hits, but on the other hand I've waited this long so I could probably survive on other games until all five are out.
Teleglitch is a great game but man it gets distressing to play. Still haven't made it to the 5th level :/
...It's safe to admit we liked Duke Nukem Forever here?
I think going into it with expectations of "Worst game of all time" helped with my enjoyment. Note the deliberate use of the words "liked" and "enjoyment" rather than "good game" or "underrated".
Controversial opinion of the day:
Duke Nukem Forever is... not bad.
I finished the main campaign and the DLC and messed with the multiplayer a little (there are still a handful of people playing online!), and actually had a pretty decent time. The off-color humor in the main game really feels forced (they seemed to be trying way too hard - the DLC was a little better about that, IMO) and there was a slightly disjointed quality to the main campaign that's hard to put into words. There were spots where it felt almost like they had a bunch of completed assets lying around, and had to come up with ways to cobble them into a story. (One interlude at around the midpoint of the game in particular struck me that way.) But the gunplay was fun (especially after enabling the extended inventory option so that I could carry 4 weapons instead of 2), and the conceit of Duke's ego as a regenerating health meter really worked well. (I particularly liked how you could increase his ego through environmental interactions that pumped up his self image - admiring his reflection in a mirror, shooting a perfect game of pool, etc.) The game's never going to win any awards for innovation, but as run and go FPS's go, you could definitely do worse for yourself (assuming you can chuckle at, or at least look past, some pretty puerile humor).