Interesting to see Sakaguchi is a fan of Crusader Kings 2
Does the Walking Dead Season 2 take your save from the first game into account at all? I played the first season on the PS3 so I'll have to redo it, or download a save with similar decisions if I choose to play the new one on the PC. Which after playing The Wolf Among Us at glorious, mostly hitch-free 60 FPS is very desirable.
Does the Walking Dead Season 2 take your save from the first game into account at all? I played the first season on the PS3 so I'll have to redo it, or download a save with similar decisions if I choose to play the new one on the PC. Which after playing The Wolf Among Us at glorious, mostly hitch-free 60 FPS is very desirable.
I don't think they said anything on the matter, but I think it would make more sense if it didn't.
How do you see friends most played games?I know you all wanted to see JaseC's exact AC4 playtime after those two images... well, ladies and gentlemen, I happily declare that it is 80 hours - significantly less than PriitV's seemingly mad other friend
(the 'no image' game is a developer thing lol)
How do you see friends most played games?
How do you see friends most played games?
What's the story with Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition? How "enhanced" is it? I have the disks around here somewhere, but when I installed them a year or more ago the game was a mess. I know I found at least one mod to help out with the widescreen issue, but text was still difficult to read.
Does the Steam edition come playable without needing to fuss around with it? And is it a better enhancement than BG1? I recall reading that the first game's enhanced edition was buggy as hell.
you're part of the reason a 6 is rated badBoth Duke and AC:M didn't really deserve the hate they got
My biggest complaint is the console version of Duke's load times were stupid.
The Enhanced versions is what you are looking for then. You install it and that's it. It's ready to go with widescreen and some other small modifications like being able to stack more ammo/scrolls/potions and new NPCs.
Some BG players will tell you that these versions are ripoffs because you can get all that and more from mods but I don't care. I like being able to just download it from steam and be ready to go in 5 minutes without having to hunt down mods. And it makes playing multiplayer with my brother easy.
As for bugs I've got 63 hours in BG1EE and 84 in BG2EE and there's small bugs here and there but they are pretty minimal. On the other end my brother got hit with a bug that reset the status of the game so all is quest were reset. It was pretty weird. But like I said, I've never had that bug in 80 hours of playing.
I just realized that wasteland being called "Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic" is pretty fucking dumb
wax suarez looks creepy
So I was finally getting round to listing all my cards in lieu of the coming seal and ran across this:
Standard Call of Juarez - Ray McCall Card
For some reason this card is worth more that 4x all the other standard cards from the game. Might be a group effort to corner the market, doesn't appear to be a single individual, or maybe just a strange quirk of the search engine. Can't complain, possibly worth more than my foil!
Anyone else thinks the beta steambox is really ugly?
I know you all wanted to see JaseC's exact AC4 playtime after those two images... well, ladies and gentlemen, I happily declare that it is 80 hours - significantly less than PriitV's seemingly mad other friend
(the 'no image' game is a developer thing lol)
Jase loves some Assassins Creed.
What's with the Snow Globe trading cards? Got #10. I assume for the holiday sale?
What do you even do in something as monotonous as AC4 for 200 hours? Tell me most of that is the multiplayer Jase.
edit: Aw damn it I just caught the no MP part. HOW do you play that single player for 200 hours? Are you getting every single collectible or something?
What do you even do in something as monotonous as AC4 for 200 hours? Tell me most of that is the multiplayer Jase.
edit: Aw damn it I just caught the no MP part. HOW do you play that single player for 200 hours? Are you getting every single collectible or something?
Just because you find something monotonous doesn't mean other people do or they can't enjoy a game.What do you even do in something as monotonous as AC4 for 200 hours? Tell me most of that is the multiplayer Jase.
edit: Aw damn it I just caught the no MP part. HOW do you play that single player for 200 hours? Are you getting every single collectible or something?
Does the Walking Dead Season 2 take your save from the first game into account at all? I played the first season on the PS3 so I'll have to redo it, or download a save with similar decisions if I choose to play the new one on the PC. Which after playing The Wolf Among Us at glorious, mostly hitch-free 60 FPS is very desirable.
All but certainly the case.
Well, 96 hours were lost thanks to Uplay eating my save, which forced me to start again, but, yeah, I like to shoot for 100% sync. The only game I didn't bother collecting everything in is the original as the flags are tied only to your health/sync bar, which maxes out as you progress through the story, anyway.
Do we get 1 every time we craft? How many are there? Any wiki up on it yet?
Do we get 1 every time we craft? How many are there? Any wiki up on it yet?
What do you even do in something as monotonous as AC4 for 200 hours? Tell me most of that is the multiplayer Jase.
edit: Aw damn it I just caught the no MP part. HOW do you play that single player for 200 hours? Are you getting every single collectible or something?
Daily reminder:
You can 100% the game in about 50 hours, including collectable.
Whatever happened to Halo 3 coming to Steam? No new activity since that was brought up before?
A reminder of the giveaway I've made =)
Personally I'd just open the box up and unplug the power leading to the led.Wow, the light ring is kinda... bright. Hopefully they dim that a little.
Game of Thrones The Role Playing Game
Winter is coming. Don't come expecting amazing graphics and unique gameplay elements. This game is for those that appreciate a nice Story in their games and that, is the strongest point in this game. The company worked directly with the author of the books and that's where they grab inspiration from. Not from the TV Show. If you are new to this Universe I do not recommend you to play this game. Start by reading some of the books, then move to the TV Show and then try the best.
You played the game correctly.
I played a bit of Left 4 Dead 2 today; joined an expert campaign server, and as soon as I joined, one guy was all "kick this guy, he's a troll", before starting a vote. The vote failed and he was just a douche the whole time I played. What the hell.
Daily Postal 2 75% off
I played a bit of Left 4 Dead 2 today; joined an expert campaign server, and as soon as I joined, one guy was all "kick this guy, he's a troll", before starting a vote. The vote failed and he was just a douche the whole time I played. What the hell.
Worth getting?
Yep, that's how L4D . Every single time. At least you didn't get team killed the second you entered the game. Worst, most hostile online community I have ever seen, truly abysmal. Absolutely not worth it if you aren't playing with friends only.I played a bit of Left 4 Dead 2 today; joined an expert campaign server, and as soon as I joined, one guy was all "kick this guy, he's a troll", before starting a vote. The vote failed and he was just a douche the whole time I played. What the hell.