Then it should be really hard to lose a save file.
The save file got corrupted. Unless I can somehow access an older version of it, it's lost.
Then it should be really hard to lose a save file.
The save file got corrupted. Unless I can somehow access an older version of it, it's lost.
I've been wondering if the streaming services will be integrated into Friends, so for example:
[Something from this list, duh]
But more likely is just Steam setting your status to Busy when it knows you're streaming a movie/TV show.
I agree with you -- I tend to learn which posters I actually value contributions from and thus visually skim the page until I see their avatar and begin reading.
Simply isn't worth it. I have power outage like once or twice a year. The probability of it happening just as I'm saving in a game is incredibly low.
I'm a fan of Max Payne, especially the first one. Im 4 hrs in Max Payne 3, and is a good game actually is very good, but so far is not Max Payne. Sure, this is deranged, living in the past, is in a world of corruption, somehow his goal is to keep a woman. But Max have friends? there is no reason for revenge or obsession? Diabolical things is not there? . Its a character that their fears and frustrations that give more shame than a motivation. It is a shameful character, not a sick dark person, it's just a drunk guy.
Again is a very good game...but is not Max Payne.
I'm a fan of Max Payne, especially the first one. Im 4 hrs in Max Payne 3, and is a good game actually is very good, but so far is not Max Payne. Sure, this is deranged, living in the past, is in a world of corruption, somehow his goal is to keep a woman. But Max have friends? there is no reason for revenge or obsession? Diabolical things is not there? . Its a character that their fears and frustrations that give more shame than a motivation. It is a shameful character, not a sick dark person, it's just a drunk guy.
Again is a very good game...but is not Max Payne.
The hardest difficulty in Xcom Bureau reveals some seriously irritating friendly AI quirks.
I liked it too. I haven't tried the DLC or multiplayer yet, but the campaign was nice.Controversial opinion of the day:
Duke Nukem Forever is... not bad.
I finished the main campaign and the DLC and messed with the multiplayer a little (there are still a handful of people playing online!), and actually had a pretty decent time. The off-color humor in the main game really feels forced (they seemed to be trying way too hard - the DLC was a little better about that, IMO) and there was a slightly disjointed quality to the main campaign that's hard to put into words. There were spots where it felt almost like they had a bunch of completed assets lying around, and had to come up with ways to cobble them into a story. (One interlude at around the midpoint of the game in particular struck me that way.) But the gunplay was fun (especially after enabling the extended inventory option so that I could carry 4 weapons instead of 2), and the conceit of Duke's ego as a regenerating health meter really worked well. (I particularly liked how you could increase his ego through environmental interactions that pumped up his self image - admiring his reflection in a mirror, shooting a perfect game of pool, etc.) The game's never going to win any awards for innovation, but as run and go FPS's go, you could definitely do worse for yourself (assuming you can chuckle at, or at least look past, some pretty puerile humor).
The save file got corrupted. Unless I can somehow access an older version of it, it's lost.
Well, from my experience, the community at large tends to suggest using mods to enhance the games. You have chosen not to use them over 1000 hours of play, and seem to know of no reasonable reason why people should want to use them. I am merely giving the cheaper and more accepted point of view that most others would probably give someone looking to get into the games. Even at 50% off, the value in the GOG package of games is clearly better. He also has the option of using up to date mods without having to wait for them to be supported, support which may not be there in the future. And then there is...DRM-FREE.He's already got BG2 on CD and he said he didn't want to have to mess around with mods to get it running in HD. Which is the exact reason one person would want to get the EE games. Not to mention I'm sure both the games will be 50% off or more during the holiday sale.
It all depends on what you want. I've probably got over 1000 hours put in the Saga and I've never felt the urge to use any of the community mods anyway...
Yea that was a big problem with the game, especially the later levels. You can actually see a fair amount of potential in the game but questionable decisions and lack of polish really hurt the experience.The hardest difficulty in Xcom Bureau reveals some seriously irritating friendly AI quirks.
Overall I'm enjoying it. On lower difficulties the AI quirks aren't a big deal because they don't get killed as easily and you aren't as reliant on them.How's Bureau? Is it just your typical shooter or has some quirks? Is it fun to play?
Why is magic 2012 more expensive than 2014?
Postal 2 is #12 on the Top Sellers list at this very moment and it's universally considered to be awful.![]()
Grid view + installed games only = heaven.Is Steam ever going to add a hide game option? I have an entire category named "shit" that bugs me.
Spent the last 3 hours completely re-writing the inventory market price function in Enhanced Steam. The good news is that it should now work with every item that's marketable.
Overall I'm enjoying it. On lower difficulties the AI quirks aren't a big deal because they don't get killed as easily and you aren't as reliant on them.
I'd not say universally, and it did just get a pretty big update.
I'd not say universally, and it did just get a pretty big update.
Why did I just buy Postal 2 again? I already bought it from GOG last year.
So guys do you have any "Steam success" stories?
A recent one of mine would be spending $5 for TF2 tickets and eventually turning that into 8 free games worth around $40. Helped that the new mvm brought about insane pricing on some items.
So guys do you have any "Steam success" stories?
A recent one of mine would be spending $5 for TF2 tickets and eventually turning that into 8 free games worth around $40. Helped that the new mvm brought about insane pricing on some items.
So guys do you have any "Steam success" stories?
A recent one of mine would be spending $5 for TF2 tickets and eventually turning that into 8 free games worth around $40. Helped that the new mvm brought about insane pricing on some items.
I got a free "Max's Severed Head" TF2 hat with the Sam & Max games and sold it for $100, that was a great little earner for me considering I never play the game anymore. Sold the gun for around £13 too. Need to sell off all my other weapons as I won't use them now.
I am in love with PC gaming @ 3200x1362 (downsampled to 1920x817). Currently playing NFS Most Wanted, Saints Row IV, and The Bureau like this. I almost want to replay Batman AO now, but I'll save that for another time.
for that you need multiple screens right?
Damn is Enslaved purrdy. Amazing how a resolution bump and decent texture filtering can make it seam so much more vibrant. And that's before playing with any injectors.
Eh, it's aged pretty well I found, and brought back nice memories.
The thing to remember is that you basically mostly play it with the keyboard, using letters as shortcuts.
Since you guys are talking L4D, I need some friends to play L4D2. If someone wants to play with me next weekend, feel free to add me.
No fucking idea why but it has started crashing on start up. Either that or it crashes when I start up a game.
Didn't change anything in my computer.
Sounds good to me. Now if only they'd do it for DOOM. They should make an updated east to use modernized editor for these old games. Would be amazing.1) I took a quick look at the level editor and it seems to be the same Build editor of old. The editor was added very recently to the game along with Workshop support, so there are already dozens of custom maps ready to download and play. (It seems like it's a recently updated version of the old editor, but I don't know what's different)
2) The Megaton Edition is a little smoother in its graphics compared to the original, but not by much. The effect is really subtle and unless you are directly comparing a screenshot of the original with one from the Megaton Edition the difference is almost impossible to tell. I don't know if Megaton uses AA to achieve the smoother graphics, but there is a "smoothness" setting in the options, so you can turn that off if you want.
3) It does have mouselook.
Keep in mind that the Megaton edition also includes the three official third party campaigns (Nuclear Winter, Duke It Out in DC and Life's a Beach), along with the original, untouched DN3D on DosBox.
So yeah, at that price you should definitely get it. Also cloud saves, achievements and cards. What's not to like.
I am in love with PC gaming @ 3200x1362 (downsampled to 1920x817). Currently playing NFS Most Wanted, Saints Row IV, and The Bureau like this. I almost want to replay Batman AO now, but I'll save that for another time.
Even more fucked up now. Wont even start. FML. This is the only reason I hate PC gaming.
Yup. After doing that, Steam stopped starting.Have you tried deleting/renaming your client.blob file?