So wait a second, DayZ still isn't out Beta\Alpha whatever and its only NOW in early access?
What a clusterfuck of a release.
At least I'm happy the early access stuff is hidden away now.
I wonder when Cardboard Computer will release Act 3 of KRZ. I played through the first two and The Entertainment recently and I'm jonesing for more.
A CS:GO Map in Payday 2. Overkill is so damn lazy.
What can I say, we love old-school FPSes.
To put things in perspective, most of my comp.sci classes is high-school consisted of playing q2demo with the whole class and teacher. Highest scorer was awarded an A, second highest A- and so on.
So wait a second, DayZ still isn't out Beta\Alpha whatever and its only NOW in early access?
What a clusterfuck of a release.
At least I'm happy the early access stuff is hidden away now.
Well it is free, I think their awful patching is a far greater crime.
Well it is free, I think their awful patching is a far greater crime.
We estimate that reaching Beta version with all key features present will take more than one year from current stage. All features and plans listed here are subject to change, we may add or remove features as seen fit during development process.
Someone is talking out of their ass...
Hardly hidden away considering the top 3 sellers are early access games[/IM G][/QUOTE]
Rust in the top 3? I know, cavemen dicks, but still...
[QUOTE]Valve are cool guys. They let us bring Rust to Steam. They don’t try to tell us what we can and can’t do in the game. They let us push unapproved updates out whenever we want, as many as we want. They saved PC gaming.
So it’s probably not totally unreasonable for them to ask that we don’t flood the rest of Steam with pictures of cavemen genitalia. I made a small change today. The censoring is on by default. [B]This is purely to stem the huge wave of naked people being posted to Steam.[/B] [/QUOTE]
Oh lol.
Quote from DayZ:
Wow. Well at least its not being rushed lol.
Eastern European development is so amazing. They know their audience and actively target it, instead of streamlining.
Rust in the top 3? I know, cavemen dicks, but still...
Oh lol.
Eastern European development is so amazing. They know their audience and actively target it, instead of streamlining.
The skin is Metro(?) I knew how to do the skin spacing before, I forgot though. Editing the layout files for grid view I think. Grief can probably tell you specifics.What's the skin and how did you get less space between the games?
A CS:GO Map in Payday 2. Overkill is so damn lazy.
Wait, there's a game with caveman dicks on Steam and I didn't know about it, wtf??
it's over 30 degrees (Celsius) here and I can't play shit cause im getting straight up BSODs on half my games due to temps (everything is at like 55/60° idle)
this sucks, fucking heat
the universe wants me to keep playing 3DS
Can anyone point me to the guide of how to get the smaller spacing between panels? I remember a discussion about it either during the summer sale or last winter sale but can't find the guide someone posted.
What's the skin and how did you get less space between the games?
I saw that you posted in the OT as well, so I guess I'll call you out on here
The standalone game has been in beta for quite some time and the game has been in high demend for quite some time, so I really don't think people mind playing a MMO with a few every MMO has and the fact that the developers aren't rushing the development of the game is an excellent thing
I'm actually planning on picking it up whenever I have the money (as I'm short on money right now) because I think the concept of the game is interesting and from the streams I've watched of it, it looks like it's a blast to play
I don't really care if you don't care for Early Access games or not, but really, don't act like a dick about it and don't cause drama in two threads about it
The thing that makes me upset is DayZ already made Bohemia already made a shit of money from all copies that needed the mod, now they need early access for what? They couldn't you know use some of that money to improve the standalone?
I keep refreshing the Motor Rock store page, half expecting that it'll have been pulled by now.
Man JaseC would be pissed if the game was both released and pulled while he was asleep.
Is it safe to use the Air skin? Is is any kind of faster or slower?
Why would it be removed if just added? (I have no idea what a game this is.)
well, a GTX 670 is not exactly weak, but i see your point, and agree. I'll probably wait for the 800 series to buy a new one.I almost wish I'd never discovered downsampling. My poor, weak GTX670 can't handle it for most new games and it hurts knowing how much better everything could look with a better card.
The thing that makes me upset is DayZ already made Bohemia already made a shit of money from all copies that needed the mod, now they need early access for what? They couldn't you know use some of that money to improve the standalone?
I usually wouldn't pay this much for a game that (if left on Steam) would end up in a bundle within 6 months. But frankly, I don't think it's going to last that long.
Was mentioned earlier in the thread, but a Russian dev completely copied Rock N Roll racing from the SNES / Genesis era, updated the graphics to 3D, then released on Steam. The game contains a lot of copyrighted art assets as well as (most likely) unlicensed audio tracks from Black Sabbath, Steppenwolf, George Thorogood, etc.
I'm surprised it was ever allowed to be released in the first place.
it's over 30 degrees (Celsius) here and I can't play shit cause im getting straight up BSODs on half my games due to temps (everything is at like 55/60° idle)
this sucks, fucking heat
the universe wants me to keep playing 3DS
Was mentioned earlier in the thread, but a Russian dev completely copied Rock N Roll racing from the SNES / Genesis era, updated the graphics to 3D, then released on Steam. The game contains a lot of copyrighted art assets as well as (most likely) unlicensed audio tracks from Black Sabbath, Steppenwolf, George Thorogood, etc.
I'm surprised it was ever allowed to be released in the first place.
It's a fucking pre-order. You buy the game now, play it early, when the game comes out, you'll have it. I bought Don't Starve and Minecraft like that and I don't regret it one bit.
How is it any different than, I don't know, buying every game ever? Don't like it? Don't buy it for 2 years, until it eventually comes out. The game has been in Alpha and Beta a million times already. I don't understand why so many people despise early access.
DayZ is $30? Did they toss away the whole "cheaper in alpha" Minecraft model Rocket was talking about earlier in the year?
Was mentioned earlier in the thread, but a Russian dev completely copied Rock N Roll racing from the SNES / Genesis era, updated the graphics to 3D, then released on Steam. The game contains a lot of copyrighted art assets as well as (most likely) unlicensed audio tracks from Black Sabbath, Steppenwolf, George Thorogood, etc.
I'm surprised it was ever allowed to be released in the first place.
Isn't Starbound very close to final anyway?
Man JaseC would be pissed if the game was both released and pulled while he was asleep.
shouldn't there be some legal action before removing it from steam. I'm not sure it's that easy to prove that something is copied, audio tracks is another story.
Zombie Tycoon 2.
i gotta get my cocktail of shit 2013 games together to submit for the GOTY voting
def including tomb raider, bio.inf, call of ghosts story (not multi that blew hard), ass flags 4