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STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Haven't kept up with the thread today, but I'm assuming the lack of weekly deals means the Winter Sale starts this weekend right?

Joe Molotov

Haven't kept up with the thread today, but I'm assuming the lack of weekly deals means the Winter Sale starts this weekend right?

These are the words of wisdom that have been forspoken by the one true email, in whose holy leakage we must have unwavering faith in.

Dr Dogg

So just been trundling along in AC IV when I remembered I've got the companion app on my iPad but didn't know if it would work,with the pc release. Fortunately it did but then it struck me "Hey with the map and other way point stuff on here I can disable all of the UI stuff in game". Night and fucking day, it's just loads better without all the clutter.

It would be cracking if devs used the screen in the Steam controller to the same effect. Be a shame to go to waste like the G15 screen. Saying that though I got the feeling it's going to be mainly for Steam Community and Overlay use.

Brigmore Witches is already better than Knife of Dunwall but really both should have been one game. With extra levels. Because Daud deserves his own game.

Or as Salsa paraphrased "Its straight up Daud time!"


maybe tomorrow it rains
Ugh :(.

Good job I never go in that thread; it would put me off doing any more giveaways :/.
Nah, 99% of the B/S/T thread is great. I've bought quite a few cheap Steam games in there. It's just a few bad eggs that I would hate to see win a game here.

That's just disappointing. Sad to hear that people do that.

It seems like the same people post them over and over, so it's not like there's much profit to be made from flipping bundle keys.
Nah, 99% of the B/S/T thread is great. I've bought quite a few cheap Steam games in there. It's just a few bad eggs that I would hate to see win a game here.

It seems like the same people post them over and over, so it's not like there's much profit to be made from flipping bundle keys.

Good to hear it :). You'd think they'd take the hint :/.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Yup but steam doesn't count apparently. Meanwhile you're actually allowed to put ports from other years on the list.

For the Steam GOTY Awards, it only matters on it's Steam release date, so Euro Truck Sim 2 is definitely a candidate. It's also my #1 pick, LOL. And I'm being totally serious, this game has given me dozens of hours of fun and I'm pretty sure I'll be playing it for many dozens more. My sleeper hit of the year.



I'm fucking envious of you people that can run ETS2 at such resolutions where you can actually read the street signs.

I blame my PC for all those speeding fines. My PC and Czech Republic, of course.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Two reasons: Activision, Bethesda

I'm surprised Bethesda and Acti haven't come to an agreement as they did for Quake 4, especially with The New Order being just around the corner. Similarly, I've no idea why Quake Wars hasn't been brought back, as according to Acti all rights reverted back to id in late 2011, and the game was developed by the independent Splash Damage.


For the Steam GOTY Awards, it only matters on it's Steam release date, so Euro Truck Sim 2 is definitely a candidate. It's also my #1 pick, LOL. And I'm being totally serious, this game has given me dozens of hours of fun and I'm pretty sure I'll be playing it for many dozens more. My sleeper hit of the year.
Been a while since I played it, but yea, its a great game. I think it's almost better without hiring a bunch of extra drivers and before money becomes a non-issue.


I'm surprised Bethesda and Acti haven't come to an agreement as they did for Quake 4, especially with The New Order being just around the corner. Similarly, I've no idea why Quake Wars hasn't been brought back, as according to Acti all rights reverted back to id in late 2011, and the game was developed by the independent Splash Damage.

Ya know it'd be great if New Order offered 2009 Wolfenstein, it'd be the only reason I'd get it off Steam if it were up for pre-order.


I'm surprised Bethesda and Acti haven't come to an agreement as they did for Quake 4, especially with The New Order being just around the corner.

I think reaching an agreement with Acti revolving around older properties involves weird demonic tomes and blood sacrifices (See also: no *nix version of the GK remake because...?)


I'm surprised Bethesda and Acti haven't come to an agreement as they did for Quake 4, especially with The New Order being just around the corner. Similarly, I've no idea why Quake Wars hasn't been brought back, as according to Acti all rights reverted back to id in late 2011, and the game was developed by the independent Splash Damage.

I don't think Activision has much interest in putting any more effort into Wolfenstein sales at all. They kicked the game out the door without much ceremony when it was first released, too.


listen to the mad man
I use the community blacklist in hopes that it'll weed out the scummy people that resell Humble Bundle keys in the B/S/T thread. It'd be nice to know exactly who I'm blocking, but it would also take a lot of time to manually put them all on there. Hopefully it doesn't block any of the fine regulars here.

The reason why I don't reveal who is on the community blacklist is basically because I don't want there to be drama about it. ModBot uses an algorithm to determine who has been sufficiently blocked by others to be blocked by the community list. I don't ask questions. I will say that I've looked at the list of people being blocked, and the people who are regularly blocked are definitely people where it doesn't surprise me that someone would have moved to block them, based either on attitude or the way they use ModBot. And very few people use the blocks.


For the Steam GOTY Awards, it only matters on it's Steam release date, so Euro Truck Sim 2 is definitely a candidate. It's also my #1 pick, LOL. And I'm being totally serious, this game has given me dozens of hours of fun and I'm pretty sure I'll be playing it for many dozens more. My sleeper hit of the year.


My man.

Dr Dogg

GPU reaching 90° with fuckin Gone Home. Jesus.

When there was a heat wave here a couple of years ago I went out an bought a cheap air circulator (small 8" or so fan you leave on the floor) and pointed it right at my front intake. Makes a hell of a racket but at least my pc didn't die. Dropped the temps from 80 to around 60. I would be a little on edge at 90 dude.


Time to move north Salsa. -28 here in Montreal :p

Holy shit -28! :eek:

We barely get to -3° in Rome in like the coldest winter night of the year, we're around +5° now and when I got back home today I was cursing everything for how much it was freezing out there.
How the hell do you live at -28?

Also, I'm always on the verge of sending curricula to Canada to run away from here, but I'm always blocked by the weather, as I don't think there's enough warm stuff in my wardrobe to manage that cold, even if I wear everything at once. :D
The reason why I don't reveal who is on the community blacklist is basically because I don't want there to be drama about it. ModBot uses an algorithm to determine who has been sufficiently blocked by others to be blocked by the community list. I don't ask questions. I will say that I've looked at the list of people being blocked, and the people who are regularly blocked are definitely people where it doesn't surprise me that someone would have moved to block them, based either on attitude or the way they use ModBot. And very few people use the blocks.

If I send ModBot a sexy message will he tell me?
I just finished up Call of Juarez: Gunslinger a night or two ago and since it's going to be my Steam GOTY (Sorry Sonic Transformed and PacMan CE DX+) I wanted to share some thoughts on it, regardless of the fact that its probably been talked about plenty already.

First off, one of the big feelings that I had when finishing up Gunslinger was that this was as close to a perfect game as I have played in a long time (probably since Portal 2 or Geometry Wars 2 I would guess). And by perfect I don't necessarily mean that it's my favorite game of all time, but perfect in that I just can't pick out an easy weak link when examining the game. Reading that, maybe the term I'm looking more for would be "complete package" as opposed to "perfect." It doesn't mean that the game tries to do everything but that it does exactly what it set out to do with a strong sense of focus and continuity. Gunslinger is an obvious candidate for tacking on an extraneous multiplayer mode, padding out the length with filler levels, and having it crash and burn at $60. Instead, they shockingly went the smart route and kept it at a budget price while keeping the focus on single player score attack. There really wasn't anything that I disliked during my playtime with it. The story, setting, sound and graphics, gameplay, and replayability all hit the marks for me, as detailed below.

The story I expected to just be something that I skipped by to get to the gunplay, but instead I found it to be one of my favorite video game stories in recent years. For me at least, I have very different expectations for stories in video games as opposed to stories in books or movies. I don't need for character development and deep plots in the same way as I would for those other media forms, instead I like an amusing story that stays secondary to the gameplay, helps to sell the setting, and in the best circumstances that ties in parts of the story to gameplay events on screen. And the story presented in Gunslinger does all of this to me. The static story moments are presented very quickly between levels (reasonable voice acting as well) so I was never really feeling those long loss of control moments like in other games. I also enjoyed how the unreliable narrator allowed for some cute moments of replaying the same scenes from various perspectives or just for amusement "Then an army of Apache warriors out of nowhere!" Plus I just like how it captured the spaghetti western setting, it doesn't have to be the most complex plot in the world, just make me feel like I'm in an character in a Sergio Leone film and we're good to go.

Speaking of spaghetti western films this game helped to remind me what an awesome setting that is for a shooter. I guess there were the earlier Juarez games (which I've not played) but it really does seem to be a bit of an underutilized setting for shooters based on how cool the guns were. Does anyone here really not like shotguns? Lever action rifles? Akimbo six shooters? It might not be the broadest set of guns in a game ever, but for a short game like this that's not really an issue at all. I had favorites, but I found myself swapping back and forth pretty often just because I liked to play around with the sound and feel of a new gun for a little while. Plus the relatively small magazines and lack of precise scopes actually make a pretty good combination for a game, helps to keep encounters a bit tighter and keep you continually looking for good spots to reload your weapons. The music was all quite passable Ennio Morricone takeoffs and the graphics also did a really nice job of selling a blend of realistic old west with a bit of fantasy cel-shading to underscore that you are being told a tale, not reliving history. The collectibles added some cool history to the game. Instead of being stuff like Bioshock Infinite logs where you have to find and read them to actually get the story, they are more like Assassin's Creed in that they give you something to poke around for if you want, but you just get interesting history tidbits as opposed to missing out on the plot if you don't find them. Heck, I'm a history buff and I actually learned a thing or two (never had heard of L. Frank Baum's anti-Native American editorials before, and lots of wild west minutia) which is way more than I could ever say for Crysis or Call of Duty.

The action for this game also fit my tastes really well. Plenty of it seems standard FPS fare these days (recharging health, limited weapon selections) but it had some really cool elements that helped to elevate it to me. One such choice was putting the combo system front and center and tying it with XP gain. In most regenerating health games there is a super easy path forward that involves finding cover, poking yourself out a bit, taking a few quick shots, and then finding your way back into cover to recharge. You certainly can play Gunslinger in this fashion, but the combo system (which is always on, even in the story) encourages you to get out of cover and play more aggressively to keep your combo points going, which in turn racks up more XP upgrades for you. Very like Bulletstorm (another one that I enjoyed) in this regard. I also liked the upgrade system for providing a solid way to tweak your character and learn some new abilities without being an actually RPG system where you would have to grind stats or abilities to advance in the game. In my opinion that the best way to do advancement, a bit of interesting customization and progression is fun, but not at the expense of grinding or having to follow specific skill trees to get viable characters. The scoring system and abilities also lead to the solid replayability of the game. The arcade mode (which I'm just getting into) drops the story totally to focus on an FPS leaderboard game of trying to max out the most points in confined arenas, which is such a smart choice (versus something like a multiplayer mode) because it's already the focus of the game and what the game is designed for. Just gives you a way to get more of that (without needing to create story mode filler) while competing with your friends. And with the ability trees and only being able to carry two weapons at a time you do have to focus on some of the ability tree in one playthough, so combine that with the short length and you have a really compelling case to go back and New Game+, which this game has, and experience it over again with some new focus weapons and abilities.

This might be a bit of an odd cross genre comparison, but I'd actually compare this game to Bastion, which I also enjoyed, but not as much as Gunslinger. Both games rely on a basic enough story with a heavy emphasis on interesting narration pushing things forward. Both games are not really leveling / grind games, but they do both have progression systems to keep the core gameplay fresh. Both have a very strong sense of setting where the graphics, music, sound, story, weapons and abilities all combine to draw you into the world. And finally, as the most important point, both know the importance of "less." Not every game has to have every mode under the sun and sell for $60. Both Bastion and Gunslinger have core gameplay that I really liked, but I could see either of them getting old if they had to stretch that same gameplay over like 15-20 hours of gameplay. Instead they both chose to tell focused stories with short running times and then chose to give you some reasons after that to come back for new game+ or arcade modes if you wanted more. Making long games is hard, you have to draw the story out, you have to reduce the flow of new abilities, you have to keep tweaking the core gameplay to keep it fresh. Gunslinger is a game that is both fun and values your time, a rare combination in today's gaming world.

TLDR: Gunslinger is a great game. Also it's short and cheap so you should go ahead and play it now.

TLDR2: Holy crap I write too much when I get going...sorry about that.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I don't think Activision has much interest in putting any more effort into Wolfenstein sales at all. They kicked the game out the door without much ceremony when it was first released, too.

Activision doesn't really need to do anything other than agree to a revenue split, which should be easy if it doesn't have much interest. :p


Activision doesn't really need to do anything other than agree to a revenue split, which should be easy if it doesn't have much interest. :p

Activision, yo. Some of their smaller titles like Geometry Wars 2 would sell like a billion copies on Steam, too, but they're content to let it die with the 360.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Activision, yo. Some of their smaller titles like Geometry Wars 2 would sell like a billion copies on Steam, too, but they're content to let it die with the 360.

Belated PC ports are something I hope become more commonplace due to successes like Alan Wake, Dark Souls and Mortal Kombat. And on that note...


Every time I see this sitting among my mate's X360 game collection I briefly think to myself, "I should buy the PC version on Steam" only to instantly remember that there is no PC version, so I'd love for Bethesda to greenlight one just so I can stop feeling stupid. ;)

Dr Dogg

I always get Wet and Velvet Assassin mixed up so it's an easy mistake to make. Which is bizarre as they're completely different games for a style and gameplay point of view :\


I just finished up Call of Juarez: Gunslinger a night or two ago and since it's going to be my Steam GOTY (Sorry Sonic Transformed and PacMan CE DX+) I wanted to share some thoughts on it, regardless of the fact that its probably been talked about plenty already.


TLDR: Gunslinger is a great game. Also it's short and cheap so you should go ahead and play it now.

TLDR2: Holy crap I write too much when I get going...sorry about that.

Don't be sorry! Your impressions have really piqued my interest, and I appreciate you taking the time to type them up. (Wouldn't mind seeing more writeups like that from you, either!)


When there was a heat wave here a couple of years ago I went out an bought a cheap air circulator (small 8" or so fan you leave on the floor) and pointed it right at my front intake. Makes a hell of a racket but at least my pc didn't die. Dropped the temps from 80 to around 60. I would be a little on edge at 90 dude.

eh, anything below like 100 should be fine

it still shouldnt happen with this game tho, no matter the heat. It's also like, in specific random parts. That + other people saying similar things = something's up


I just finished up Call of Juarez: Gunslinger a night or two ago and since it's going to be my Steam GOTY (Sorry Sonic Transformed and PacMan CE DX+) I wanted to share some thoughts on it, regardless of the fact that its probably been talked about plenty already.

Yup, my game of the year as well. Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did :)


Belated PC ports are something I hope become more commonplace due to successes like Alan Wake, Dark Souls and Mortal Kombat. And on that note...


Every time I see this sitting among my mate's X360 game collection I briefly think to myself, "I should buy the PC version on Steam" only to instantly remember that there is no PC version, so I'd love for Bethesda to greenlight one just so I can stop feeling stupid. ;)

Hah, I almost bought that out of a bargain bin today. Steam bargain bins are much more of a bargain though, so I skipped. I thought it was on PC too :(


No way I'll be able to play it then. Mine reaches 110°C with fucking Typing of the Dead.

guessin its hot in argentina too

gonna have a hard time playing shit till march

thank god im leaving for vacation soon and I dont have to deal with any of you suckas

im takin my 3ds with me

far away to a place where you cant mock us


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I always get Wet and Velvet Assassin mixed up so it's an easy mistake to make. Which is bizarre as they're completely different games for a style and gameplay point of view :\

I think what throws me off is the Bethesda logo as the only other previous-gen console exclusive it has is a mature Wii game.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I just finished up Call of Juarez: Gunslinger a night or two ago and since it's going to be my Steam GOTY (Sorry Sonic Transformed and PacMan CE DX+) I wanted to share some thoughts on it, regardless of the fact that its probably been talked about plenty already.


TLDR: Gunslinger is a great game. Also it's short and cheap so you should go ahead and play it now.

TLDR2: Holy crap I write too much when I get going...sorry about that.

No need to appologise, I found all that quite helpful and has helped convince me to put the game higher on my list of games to play next. So thank you for sharing all that.

Belated PC ports are something I hope become more commonplace due to successes like Alan Wake, Dark Souls and Mortal Kombat. And on that note...


Every time I see this sitting among my mate's X360 game collection I briefly think to myself, "I should buy the PC version on Steam" only to instantly remember that there is no PC version, so I'd love for Bethesda to greenlight one just so I can stop feeling stupid. ;)

I would so happily buy that game again, but only if Golden Bullet difficulty mode is unlocked from the start. Best way to play the game because it makes the game so much more fun.
Any other difficulty mode, especially on one particular bike riding segment, turns every bit of fun into tedium due to poor A.I. and bullet sponge mechanics, where as Golden Bullet is arcade like one-hit kill fun.


Holy shit -28! :eek:

We barely get to -3° in Rome in like the coldest winter night of the year, we're around +5° now and when I got back home today I was cursing everything for how much it was freezing out there.
How the hell do you live at -28?

Also, I'm always on the verge of sending curricula to Canada to run away from here, but I'm always blocked by the weather, as I don't think there's enough warm stuff in my wardrobe to manage that cold, even if I wear everything at once. :D
Ah man, Rome...Lucky you! Yes, it's quite cold here but it's just part of being Canadian :)

If you prefer a more warmer Canadian destination, there's always the far west of Canada. Not nearly as cold, but rains like a fucker though :p

On to Steam business, I decided to pick up Motor Rock. I really don't see this one sticking around and figured why not, it's cheap...
Belated PC ports are something I hope become more commonplace due to successes like Alan Wake, Dark Souls and Mortal Kombat. And on that note...


Every time I see this sitting among my mate's X360 game collection I briefly think to myself, "I should buy the PC version on Steam" only to instantly remember that there is no PC version, so I'd love for Bethesda to greenlight one just so I can stop feeling stupid. ;)
I would so happily buy that game again, but only if Golden Bullet difficulty mode is unlocked from the start. Best way to play the game because it makes the game so much more fun.
Any other difficulty mode, especially on one particular bike riding segment, turns every bit of fun into tedium due to poor A.I. and bullet sponge mechanics, where as Golden Bullet is arcade like one-hit kill fun.

Oh man, I just finished that game on the weekend. If there was ever one game I wish was made by a competent studio, that would be it. It hit all the right notes of an action game and with a stylish aesthetic. But the mechanics just couldn't carry it. Arena sections taking forever because you spend all your time in slow mo with the constant tedium of the gun sound effects. Oh and that freeway with the bikers drove me insane, the most awful part in the game.

Good music though.
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