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STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Dr Dogg

Totally joking about Papers, Please. I just wanted to relive the meltdown for a moment.

Thanks for the info though.

I think I'm going to grab Cook, Serve, Delicious to scratch that "I must do a bunch of mundane real life tasks really quick to succeed at a video game" itch because it seems far more upbeat. Which isn't to say I'm ruling out Papers, Please because we all know what a gaf mortal sin that is at this point.

Damn yoooooou!!! That took ages to write out.

CSD is like witchcraft once it sucks you in. I swear I'm conditioned now in ways I never knew before. I don't see ingredients anymore just keys.


Groupees added the trailer for their new bundle "Holiday Helpings"


What do you guys think?I know i will get Q.U.B.E but i dont know about the others.
Also i really like the charity on this one,feeding the poor.

Games are:
Q.U.B.E. (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC),
Blood of the Werewolf (Steam+DRM-Free, PC),
Driftmoon (Steam+DRM-Free, PC),
Gateways (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux),
Gentlemen! (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux),
Avernum: Escape from the Pit (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC),
Ethan: Meteor Hunter (DRM-Free+Steam key if Greenlit, PC),
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, Season 1 (DRM-Free+Steam key when released to Steam),
9.03m (Steam+DRM-Free, PC),
Draw a Stickman: EPIC (Steam+DRM-Free, PC).

Nice bundle. Only got two of the games already. Will buy this bundle

A status report of the key request of The Shivah. I finally received a key from The Wadjet Games.
Fun fact
I mailed them 25th November and got the key today (18th December). It took them almost a month to give me a steam key. Not really fast support. But I still got a key

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Groupees added the trailer for their new bundle "Holiday Helpings"


What do you guys think?I know i will get Q.U.B.E but i dont know about the others.
Also i really like the charity on this one,feeding the poor.

Games are:
Q.U.B.E. (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC),
Blood of the Werewolf (Steam+DRM-Free, PC),
Driftmoon (Steam+DRM-Free, PC),
Gateways (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux),
Gentlemen! (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux),
Avernum: Escape from the Pit (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC),
Ethan: Meteor Hunter (DRM-Free+Steam key if Greenlit, PC),
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, Season 1 (DRM-Free+Steam key when released to Steam),
9.03m (Steam+DRM-Free, PC),
Draw a Stickman: EPIC (Steam+DRM-Free, PC).

Not a bad deal!

When will it open?

Wait, they updated the trailer to feature something besides the groupees people pledging to do stuff?

Oh wow, the Doctor Who adventure games.
The game selection is pretty good, to be honest.
(Except for Blood of the Werewolf, which is disappointing)

Wait, BotW is bad? Looked good from what I saw.
hey is Papers, Please fun?

I think I want to buy it on the steam sale.

depends on how much you like rogue-likes

It's enjoyable forces you to make tough and weighty decisions.

hAS Tony mentioned when the Amazon deals'll begin? Hoping for a Transformers franchise bundle and for Darksiders 2 to go on sale.

May get Darkdness 2 during this sale after all the good things I've heard of it.

DS2 should be on sale pretty steep on Steam and Amazon. I don't think there is a 'pack' for TF that I have seen. FoC should be $5ish with WoC being $15. Unless something drastic happens (Steam/Amazon matching what Gamely had recently), that is what I would expect
Girlfriend left an Amazon receipt laying out and I saw "WD Blue 1 TB" before I closed my eyes and flipped it over. I hate having the surprise ruined, but I loooove more storage.

It's not for you.
Sorry sweetie.
Your present is a tad more....personal :p.

I disagree with your dismissiveness of those technologies, but yeah, you're not alone.
I'm completely uninterested in wearing contacts (...not sure that's even a viable option for someone with vergence issues) which rules out most 3D, and am very doubtful Oculus Rift will have any compensation for vision deficiencies more severe than "easily-correctable with OTC reading glasses" anyway.

I'm aware I'm probably in a pretty small minority though, and that's fine. I've never felt "immersed" in a game anyway. Engaged by, sure. But action titles that use a first-person viewpoint just make me feel like the player character is a CRT monitor being hoisted and jiggled around on a stick. (Disembodied legs and severed hands floating in mid-air optional.)

Orthokeratology (also referred to as Ortho-K, Overnight Vision Correction, Corneal Refractive Therapy and CRT), refers to the creation of gas permeable contact lenses that temporarily reshape the cornea to reduce refractive errors such as myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.[1] This method can be used as an alternative to eyeglasses, refractive surgery, or for those who prefer not to wear contact lenses during the day.



We do. Buying cheap games that register on the Steam service from any store.

Also, this is probably the year that enough people already bought games from the Amazon sale, so everybody will complain about it, like they've been doing on the Steam sales for the past 2 years.

Steam sales are like the Mario Kart games: The one you experienced the first is always the best one.

Sadly true :(. My first sale was this summer and I enjoyed practically every second and even enjoyed the sale threads. By autumn however I was disinterested. Woo to boo in less than six months. This is what happens when you get old children! :(

Didn't now you were a fan of West Coast Rap.

Looks at username....





Shadow Warrior has just been patched to 1.1.0:

Shadow Warrior 1.1.0
- Survival Mode added (to launch the survival mode - select 'New Game' and then 'Survival'):
+ 3 new maps for survival added: Cemetary, Old Town and Fortress.
+ 3 new Survival Mode leaderboards added.
- Japanese localisation added.
- Hungarian fan-translation added (thanks to Brechler 'lostprophet' Zsolt).
- Fixed a bug that caused some of the Steam leaderboards avatars never to show.
- Loading and saving the game now works faster.
- Additional code optimization.
- Troll's shield crash fixed.
- Shop lighting fixed.
- Several random crashes fixed.
- Fixed more places throughout the game where players could get stuck or fall below level geometry.
- 'Rise of the Triad' Excalibat melee weapon added.

Looks at username....



Yeah, he left out the K cuz the ... man, I got nothing. Plus, no one would get it.
So, Deadly Premonition? Yay? Nay? I'm pretty curious about the game, but I'm pretty aware of the technical issues and the work that Durante has been doing.

Is it worth it? Should I wait?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Looks at username....



Typographical errors still put me in the league of Charles Dickens, so I'll accept my place.

Besides, I'm very rarely the person that brings up grammatical errors. I only ever weigh-in when someone starts acting like they own the place.


Totally joking about Papers, Please. I just wanted to relive the meltdown for a moment.

oh my god how did I miss that hahaha

Thanks zkylon for posting basically everything I'd have said had I been present :D
And Stump for the awesome guide and trying to be as helpful as possible!

To celebrate this amazing game (maybe this year's most important release imo), I'm doing a small half-giveaway:
I'll be donating 10 copies of the game!

I want to make this a small contest but don't have time to post it now (christmas party @ ivory tower yay) so if you want to enter just PM me before the countdown below ends and then when I have time later today or tomorrow I'll post more info.

Also to be honest I don't want to buy the 10 copies right now with the Sale starting tomorrow so the prize will actually be "a promise that I'll gift you Papers Please during the week" (I'll do it even if it isn't discounted more but I wouldn't want to miss a -60% or something) I hope that's fine!



Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
The developer that did the port added controller support in a patch and Durante fixed the rest.

It's fine now! Well, as fine as DP is going to get.

Look at all the FK's in my coffee I give.
I was waiting for controller support, now I'm waiting for a (substantial) sale. :p


Race The Sun reminds me of Star Fox on the SNES, expect you just have to fly and make sure you don't run into anything and that you are directly under the sun

The game is a blast


I just finished Batmam: Arkham Origins my good people!


First of all, this is, indeed one of the games to be played in December. If the cold, dark night is not an indication that it's going to be great to wander in the city while snowing then it has to be the Holiday decorations all over the place. The lights, the Christmas trees and all the messages wishing happy holidays really sets the mood in case you like those vibes.

What I liked the most:

- The dark night, snow, and the theme is really warming.
- Entering in the Batcave is awesome, it gave me some Mass Effect memories, for some reason.
- The combat is good, as usual (at least for me)
- Getting enemies one by one using stealth feels great.
- There's a lot of attention to little details in the game such photos, messages, newspapers, some objects in the desks, etc.

Strange things I noticed: Either Batman is really tiny or everything else is really big! Doors seems to big, cars on the bridge too, I found this to be a little odd.

Problems with the game: The first time I started the game when I went for "Start new game" all I could see was a black screen. What I did was "verifying integrity of game cache" and after that not a single problem was found. No freezing, no save game lost no bugs/glitches.

Enemies's IA is a bit bad. It happened me more than one time, taking down a enemy while having another one right on my left/right side, looking directly at me and doing nothing. It was kind fun but it breaks to point of using stealth since they must be blind, sometimes.

Bosses: Most of them were okay. The one I had most trouble with was actually one of the first ones,
. I'm not fond to have Quick time events during, before, or after fights with any Boss

What I still have to do: Enigma "quests" and capture most of the most wanted criminals as I only got a couple of them and well other smaller activities.

There was one mission that took me as a surprise. You have to save
Alice from Alice in the Wonderland! When you found her, she's wearing the same clothes she uses in her game.
That was fun.


Man, I didn't find this thread on the first two pages, I even opened Community, I got scared D:

Anyways, I've been off track recently because of finals, what's new (apart from sales starting tomorrow with me not having money)


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
You might as well buy indie games in bundles than in steam sales save for a very few

There is value in paying real money for something, though, as you're likely to actually play the thing you bought, instead of it just sitting in your account where it was dumped with 10 other games.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So, Deadly Premonition? Yay? Nay? I'm pretty curious about the game, but I'm pretty aware of the technical issues and the work that Durante has been doing.

Is it worth it? Should I wait?

I start off by saying that people have run into problems with the PC port. The game has released a patch to address some things, but its not a perfect port either. I should also say that the only issue I've experienced in my 16 hours playing the PC version so far is the game crashing twice, though one of these were pre-patch so dunno. I haven't experienced the other issues people have chimed in on.

Now with that out of the way, I should also mention that I love Deadly Premonition. I blindly bought the game on 360 as it was cheap and looked kind of interesting, and then came to love it. I also bought it on PS3, and now PC. So obviously I'm in the like it crowd, but I'll give some thoughts quickly.

Deadly Premonition does some things horribly, and some thing terrifically. The game looks outdated, the gameplay can honestly be kind of trash sometimes, and it feels like a poor-man's Resident Evil 4 meets Shenmue meets Silent Hill with huge Twin Peaks undertones. It's also really weird. From a real-time growing beard, to scenes in the game that will make you laugh at the absurdity of whats happening, to an open-world where no one gives a fuck how you drive (even if they're driving with you) to QTE fishing minigames you waited all night in a shack by the river for daybreak to accomplish.

The game also legitimately has a really good story. and some real quirky characters. The main character, Agent Francis York Morgan, is to many one of the best protagonists in gaming. And the narrative has something unique to it that could only work in gaming and has never been done in a game narrative before. I won't spoil it, but when you realize it, its quite a moment.

Combined with some catchy-as-hell music, some b-tier heart, and the fact the last three hours of the game is unforgettable (this game is not short, the campaign is about 15-20 hours long, and the side-quests, which you should do as they're actually really fun and have additional story to them and are pretty varied, add easily another 20 hours). It's a cult game with a lot of love for a reason. By no stretch a perfect game, it has a lot of obvious flaws, but if you can look past it, there is quite an experience to be had in Deadly Premonition.
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