STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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I've no interest in the farming games themselves but Farming Giant, as a sort of farm-themed SimCity lite, seems like it could be interesting.

If I ever get around to any of them it would be for a relaxing purpose only. I like to have some games strictly for those lazy days that I just want to relax and play a little. With that being said I haven't picked the "Superpower Sims Bundle".

Sale-themed cards are a safe bet, I think. I'd like for Valve to return to the likes of 2011 with its meta-games and opportunities at winning wishlisted titles.

Those were the best!
Sale-themed cards are a safe bet, I think. I'd like for Valve to return to the likes of 2011 with its meta-games and opportunities to win wishlisted titles.

nah, that's what the card thing is for. Everybody gets paid, and the good trader (not 'good' in the moral sense) gets his free games.

It will probably break down during holiday sales though. :\


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
nah, that's what the card thing is for. Everybody gets paid, and the good trader (not 'good' in the moral sense) gets his free games.

Unless you're buying a truckload of games, the money earned from selling the cards isn't enough to offset the change in approach.


Achievements are better for the game creators that want their games to actually be played, though. Hell, I bought a lot of games for the achievements back then, and quite a few turned out to be surprisingly fun games I wouldn't have picked up otherwise.
Sale-themed cards are a safe bet, I think. I'd like for Valve to return to the likes of 2011 with its meta-games and opportunities to win wishlisted titles.
Wasn't there a Holiday where you could win every single Steam games ?

I should update my top 10 anyway. I might forget about it during sales.
Achievements are better for the game creators that want their games to actually be played, though. Hell, I bought a lot of games for the achievements back then, and quite a few turned out to be surprisingly fun games I wouldn't have picked up otherwise.

I did the same while still playing on Xbox. That number next to your name really meant something at the time.

On Steam, though, I don't really care as much. Probably the lack of such a numer. I'm happier for it, though, gives me more time to play different games instead of replaying each game half a hundred times to get achievements.


I did the same while still playing on Xbox. That number next to your name really meant something at the time.

On Steam, though, I don't really care as much. Probably the lack of such a numer. I'm happier for it, though, gives me more time to play different games instead of replaying each game half a hundred times to get achievements.
Eh, I don't care all that much about achievements in general, I was talking about the specific holiday/sale themed achievements. Most of them included special themed content, which was lots of fun.


Asking again because I'm pretty excited. Is the steam xmas/winter sale as large as the summer sale?

The summer sale was probably the most fun I've had on neogaf and really showed how great of a community steamgaf is


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
On the subject of themed content updates, some of the Portal 2 content that was incorporated into the Potato Sack games during the early release ARG was quite good (The Ball's especially).


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Asking again because I'm pretty excited. Is the steam xmas/winter sale as large as the summer sale?

The summer sale was probably the most fun I've had on neogaf and really showed how great of a community steamgaf is

Winter Sale = 2 weeks long, virtually everything is discounted
Summer Sale = 1.5 weeks long, virtually everything is discounted
Autumn Sale = 5 days long, virtually everything is discounted
Hallloween Sale = a few days long, only games that fit the theme are discounted


Good for its time does not count.

There's a reason the community is still relatively large and making all those DLCs (the weapons are mostly player-made). Compare that to other multiplayer indie games that die after a week. Plus all the events and new maps, one was released for this year's Halloween. I understand if someone can't get into KF in 2013 but it's not broken.


So do you guys think BF4 will hit $40 anywhere else during Winter? I could buy it this Sat but then I'd be treading lightly with my bank account.


Achievements are better for the game creators that want their games to actually be played, though. Hell, I bought a lot of games for the achievements back then, and quite a few turned out to be surprisingly fun games I wouldn't have picked up otherwise.

I just wish more achievements were actual achievements and not simply time sinks. There's 2 games in my steam library that I've gotten all the achievements, Super Hexagon and The Binding of Isaac.

Super Hexagons all required skill and most of Isaacs were the same.

If they only require the player to sink tons of time, I'm likely to ignore then.


So do you guys think BF4 will hit $40 anywhere else during Winter? I could buy it this Sat but then I'd be treading lightly with my bank account.

Won't it be that much on Amazon? I'm sure other sites with Origin keys will price match.

Edit: Beaten like when I play BF.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Yes, because L4D3 is going to be a Multiplayer multiplatform FPS but HL3 isn't either.

As unlikely as it is, I'm hoping L4D3 has a proper SP campaign. I have what I like to call Counter-Stritis, so MP doesn't really interest me.


Dove back into the witcher 2 after over a year hiatus. I'm still in chapter 1 but this game is brutal. The combat is almost as deliberate as a game like dark souls but without the physics based combat. I tend to want to button mash but I've found out the hard way that is a really quick way to die.

Also, can someone explain to me the purpose of the two sword thing? Is it just so that you can swap out for different moves depending on the weapon?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Dove back into the witcher 2 after over a year hiatus. I'm still in chapter 1 but this game is brutal. The combat is almost as deliberate as a game like dark souls but without the physics based combat. I tend to want to button mash but I've found out the hard way that is a really quick way to die.

Also, can someone explain to me the purpose of the two sword thing? Is it just so that you can swap out for different moves depending on the weapon?

The silver sword is for monsters while the steel sword is best used against humans, elves, etc.

can we use the humble bundle url gift with modbot?

Dead Space is installing now! And thanks :3

My pleasure; I hope you take to it as well as I did :). If you are playing with a controller there will be a couple of times when you will wish to switch to mouse control after you have been playing for a few hours, in all likelihood.

Great make it so.

Yeah I don't know the solution beyond a little self moderation. The point chronoja brought up was valid & I have thought about it even if I don't post that much.

I'm just choosing my side before the Steam thread civil war where one half secedes from General Discussion and sets up a new republic in Community.

Self moderation is always the best moderation!

Oh and why don't you post more? That's a pity :(.

I recall someone on twitter suggesting something like this to Evilore which he immediately shot down.

I suspect he feels it would stifle debate :/.

Aye that's the truthfact. That's why I suggested a few pages back that if modbot could do it all the thanks posts might be condensed into the original giveaway itself.

Failing that it might be worth having people just put more content in their posts other than just "great giveaway" or "thanks". As people have said these giveaways stir conversations about games that might not otherwise get talked about. I would happily read more of these "great giveaway" posts if they contained a bit more "flavour text" to them, like why they feel it's a great giveaway or if they encourage people to enter for a specific game. Some already do but most tend not to leading to pages of fairly bland content.

I'll let the topic go for a while, I don't want to risk it becoming a thread derail in itself, but obviously you guys are still free to discuss it at your leisure. Glad people have acknowledged that the concern had at least some merit to it though, I hope there's a workable comprimise since I'd hate to be the guy that sparked a "steam thread civil war" though I doubt it would ever come to that.

It's okay; people like it when someone else says what they think as it means they get all the flak instead :p.
Game is borderline broken for me.

1. Ugly as fuck UI
2. Ugly art style
3. Server list that doesn't load 80% of the time
4. Games that fail to load 70% of the time
5. Stupid DLC
6. Ugly as fuck UI.....

Big waste of money. Luckily it was cheap.
The recent DLC practices for the game have been a letdown; gone are the days of character packs for a couple bucks, now you have single characters going for a fiver and gameplay modifying weapon packs for more than that.

But still, I don't see how ugly can qualify for half your complaints about the game being almost broken. It definitely looks like what it is, an early aughts UT2k4 mod made into a retail product, but I think the UI is fine. It's like Counter-Strike's through the eyes of a Virtual Boy. I mean it's fine to not like it for that, it's definitely no looker of a game, but when you give it a chance it's easy to sink countless hours into.


As unlikely as it is, I'm hoping L4D3 has a proper SP campaign. I have what I like to call Counter-Stritis, so MP doesn't really interest me.

I have yet to try a Left 4 Dead game simply because I almost exclusively play single player games only.


Does not have twelve inches...
As unlikely as it is, I'm hoping L4D3 has a proper SP campaign. I have what I like to call Counter-Stritis, so MP doesn't really interest me.

You are missing all those fancy StatTrack weapons :p and I'm pretty sure L4D3 will let you play the SP just like L4D2 but I'm not expecting a "proper" SP campaign.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
You are missing all those fancy StatTrack weapons :p and I'm pretty sure L4D3 will let you play the SP just like L4D2 but I'm not expecting a "proper" SP campaign.

Yeah, I haven't played CS online in yonks due to my ISP being of the cheap-and-somewhat-nasty variety. I've been meaning to churn (switch), but I'm looking at somewhere around $120 if not more for the privilege (churn fee + first month of access), so I'm holding off until after the Winter Sale. Incidentally, though, the amount I spent on keys ~12 hours ago would have covered it. ;)


KF may have a ugly UI (nothing I really thought about, except the trader menu getting cluttered like hell with all the new weapons, but that's fixed in the latest patch) but it's still the best zombie game ever :3 They really nailed the setting, I was scared as **** the first times I played it (the Siren man!) :D But the whole mass DLC thing sucks cause the game was a lot better early on.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Valve does need to step up its game after the masterpiece that is Survival Instinct.

(It probably seems as though I'm disagreeing with you by way of a joke, but I actually concur.)


I'm more of a multiplayer gamer. I love playing with others.

one game that did that for me was the original metal gear online. I couldn't get enough of that crack.

Edit: And of course Starcraft, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 1, 2 and 3. That's about the extent of my multiplayer love.
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Scribblenauts Unlimited -- MB-B90210028941713D - Taken by poopninjamvc3mk

have fun!
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