STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Random educational PC gaming post:

A driver level feature that is often overlooked and completely forgotten is Nvidia's forcible Ambient Occlusion. While pretty common in modern games it is a really neat thing to add in to random older games that they supported with it, while not looking overly high-tech and absurd against older graphics. The concept is the same as forcing anti-aliasing. Check the list in Nvidia Inspector to see if the game has a compatibility code or another game from the same engine does. Select the code and then check off the the force AO option and select the quality level.

I was messing around with Fallout: New Vegas this afternoon while preparing for my final achievement run and I snapped a couple comparison pictures. I recommend opening them up in separate tabs and flipping between the two to best observe the subtle, yet depth adding effect.

Example 1, Building Interior:
Ambient Occlusion ON
Ambient Occlusion OFF

Example 2, Building Exterior:
Ambient Occlusion ON
Ambient Occlusion OFF

I tend to forget about this feature and I'm pretty sure most people buying Nvidia cards don't even know it exists. So hopefully someone finds this useful or enlightening.

Couldn' tell which screenshot had it on and off. Thought the ones with off looked better so yeah.. think I can live without it :p


How's Indiegala been for people around here?

I bought the Codemasters bundle, but never received the keys. Tried using the key resender, but no avail. Contacting those guys via e-mail doesn't help either.
So I'm not sure if this is where I would post this but I just crafted a badge and was given a new steam card called snow globe. I wonder if there's gonna be new cards like there was during the summer sale.


How's Indiegala been for people around here?

I bought the Codemasters bundle, but never received the keys. Tried using the key resender, but no avail. Contacting those guys via e-mail doesn't help either.

I've only had to contact them twice through email, once to get a steam key for Edna & Harvey: The Breakout and once to get a working key for Doc Clock, since my key from the limited bundle didn't work. They answered pretty fast both times, fixing my problem right away.


listen to the mad man
So I'm not sure if this is where I would post this but I just crafted a badge and was given a new steam card called snow globe. I wonder if there's gonna be new cards like there was during the summer sale.

That's the impression most of us have, yeah. We're not quite sure how it'll work. But everyone crafting a badge is getting a snow globe card now, so there definitely will be a card element.

Also I wonder if Jeff Green is weirded out when he sees you post here. I mean, it'd be weird if you really were his son... but it'd also be pretty weird if you weren't. Hahaha.


How's Indiegala been for people around here?

I bought the Codemasters bundle, but never received the keys. Tried using the key resender, but no avail. Contacting those guys via e-mail doesn't help either.

I think that is the bundle I bought, and got keys right away. Did you make sure to check spam folder/etc?


I tend to forget about this feature and I'm pretty sure most people buying Nvidia cards don't even know it exists. So hopefully someone finds this useful or enlightening.

It works great for most Source games as well. I use it all the time with Left 4 Dead 2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is another one.

When using NVIDIA Inspector, for games that specifically support it the driver will usually show the Ambient Occlusion usage as "Enabled" by default but you have to manually change its setting from "Off" to either "Performance", "Quality", or "High Quality".


How's Indiegala been for people around here?

I bought the Codemasters bundle, but never received the keys. Tried using the key resender, but no avail. Contacting those guys via e-mail doesn't help either.

Bought that same bundle and got the keys right away. Something must have gone wrong.

Red River sucks by the way.


A question for the PC gurus here.

My replacement graphics card arrived in the mail today. Normally, when swapping out cards, standard procedure for me is to uninstall the old drivers, switch cards, then install the new ones. But this time around, I'm going from one Nvidia card to a better one, and I updated my GeForce drivers a month or two back.

Is there any reason for me to uninstall and reinstall my drivers? Or would I be good just swapping out the card and calling it a day?


A question for the PC gurus here.

My replacement graphics card arrived in the mail today. Normally, when swapping out cards, standard procedure for me is to uninstall the old drivers, switch cards, then install the new ones. But this time around, I'm going from one Nvidia card to a better one, and I updated my GeForce drivers a month or two back.

Is there any reason for me to uninstall and reinstall my drivers? Or would I be good just swapping out the card and calling it a day?

You could probably just do a clean install of drivers when you boot back in.

Go to advanced install and select clean install.


Also I wonder if Jeff Green is weirded out when he sees you post here. I mean, it'd be weird if you really were his son... but it'd also be pretty weird if you weren't. Hahaha.
You know, I'm fairly certain that Jeff has never brought up having a son before.

Hmmmmmm ....
One more stupid question before I put a modbot giveaway together -- for Humble Bundle keys that I had to click the "gift" option on -- is there any way to get a steam key for those? Or can I just put the URL I was given in the giveaway?


Check the thread I made. There were some pretty good impressions posted on the first page. The impressions are from a guy who has been playing for about a month.

Thank Grief, going to have to check it out. Hope the game can deliver in length too (still thinking about how short Shadowrun Returns was).


I didn't knew Velocity Ultra released on Steam.

I already have it on the PS Vita and it seems I got some discount coupons for it as probably everyone else, correct?

EDIT: Sorry for the double post, GAF was crashing a lot.


good credit (by proxy)
I keep asking all the gaffers on my friendslist if they will give me their password so that I can commit identity theft on their steam account, but no one seems willing. I don't understand.
And here we go.
If something doesn't work right, PM me if you win and I'll work it out with you to try to get you the code/URL.

ModBot said:
Instructions for corrosivefrost:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 7 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Doc Clock: Toasted Sandwich of Time -- MB-922E92D318678A94 - Taken by Gravelord_Nito
Orcs Must Die! GOTY -- MB-57CF6E95DAB35F6C - Taken by HalfwayOrb
Snuggle Truck -- MB-54EED556B8718FF3 - Taken by Colin.
Zeno Clash -- MB-43DC2DB78AFD34C4 - Taken by poopninjamvc3mk
Dwarves?! -- MB-926AA810BDA67813 - Taken by wazoo
Journey Down: Ch. 1 -- MB-689BB3B3401CC2FD - Taken by bornlivedie
And Yet It Moves -- MB-ECF4F8BC2152EA44 - Taken by user237


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
So the next version of Enhanced Steam is almost ready for release. Here is an overview of the new regional price comparison feature:

This is the default setting. You will see regional prices when you mouse over the price in the Steam store. Anywhere you can mouseover is indicated by a "world" icon.

In the settings (see below) you can choose to have it display always. If you do it looks like the above.

This is the relevant part of the options screen. From here you can set display options (on mouseover, always, never) and select the countries you would like to compare to. The defaults are shown.

Here is the drop down for countries. You can customize up to 9 countries you would like to check prices against. The script will then find the Steam price of those games for that country code and (if they exist) display them (see screenshots 1 & 2). The order these are configured in the options screen will be the order they'll display on the page.

If anyone has any further ideas of how this could be improved or something you'd like to see, please let me know! Also, sorry for all the pictures.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
It looks to me like it backfired on him, badly. I currently see no listings for him in any of the foils. He might have pulled them to avoid public humiliation. I never thought that trying to corner the market on a card that has a lot of current drops was a smart idea to begin with. Better to corner it on one that has a smaller amount dropping.

Yeah I just checked the market history and he didn't sell even one, and he was buying up a ton of them for $6-10. Dude lost quite a bit.

I'm on the neogaf group on steam, is there any requirement to join the neogaf-gift group?

I sent you an invite. You weren't in the NeoGAF group either.


You could probably just do a clean install of drivers when you boot back in.

Go to advanced install and select clean install.


On the one hand, the install went without a hitch. I'm seeing a nice bump in framerate now, which is great.

On the other, I ordered a 2 gb card, and apparently received the 1 gb model. :s Not that there was a huge difference in price, but it's annoying. I really don't feel like swapping back to the old card again, mailing this one back, and waiting for them to ship a replacement. Bleh.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Silly question... how can I buy a game from a different country?

Mostly through traders. Someone buys a game in their country and then trades it to you for the equivalent in TF2 keys, earning a (hopefully small) markup.
Does anyone else occasionally get this bug with the Steam client where anything involving its browser stalls on a blank page loading indefinitely, with the only solution being a Steam restart?


So the next version of Enhanced Steam is almost ready for release. Here is an overview of the new regional price comparison feature:

This is the default setting. You will see regional prices when you mouse over the price in the Steam store. Anywhere you can mouseover is indicated by a "world" icon.

In the settings (see below) you can choose to have it display always. If you do it looks like the above.

This is the relevant part of the options screen. From here you can set display options (on mouseover, always, never) and select the countries you would like to compare to. The defaults are shown.

Here is the drop down for countries. You can customize up to 9 countries you would like to check prices against. The script will then find the Steam price of those games for that country code and (if they exist) display them (see screenshots 1 & 2). The order these are configured in the options screen will be the order they'll display on the page.

If anyone has any further ideas of how this could be improved or something you'd like to see, please let me know! Also, sorry for all the pictures.

Awesome job, this is brilliant! Is there going to be a way to pick the currency you convert all the prices to? Perhaps a currency which is not even used officially on Steam? A lot of countries have prices in in EUR but pay in their regional currency.

PS. If there was any chance for you to get a job in Valve, it's now gone. They don't like us to know about prices in other regions.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Awesome job, this is brilliant! Is there going to be a way to pick the currency you convert all the prices to? Perhaps a currency which is not even used officially on Steam? A lot of countries have prices in in EUR but pay in their regional currency.

PS. If there was any chance for you to get a job in Valve, it's now gone. They don't like us to know about prices in other regions.

Currently my server is only tracking currencies that Steam supports. I should have mentioned that these conversions are being done with data that is at most an hour old. Tracking different regional currencies and converting them from EUR in this manner would be tricky. Though not impossible. At any rate, something like that would definitely have to come much later.

I think I've about given up on the dream of working for Valve. Like most of the Enhanced Steam code, the good of the users always comes before my own personal benefit.
Currently my server is only tracking currencies that Steam supports. I should have mentioned that these conversions are being done with data that is at most an hour old. Tracking different regional currencies and converting them from EUR in this manner would be tricky. Though not impossible. At any rate, something like that would definitely have to come much later.

I think I've about given up on the dream of working for Valve. Like most of the Enhanced Steam code, the good of the users always comes before my own personal benefit.

What is enhanced steam and where do I learn more?


Yay for Jshackles, no more steamprices! :D

Also, something very useful for Hearthstone players around here:

How to use Steam Overlay on Hearthstone:

Create a Wordpad and paste this:

Launcher = ""
LauncherHome = "C:\Program Files (x86)\\"
Client = "Hearthstone.exe"

' if nothing was passed in, we are starting from scratch, so start the launcher
If WScript.Arguments.length = 0 Then
Home = WScript.ScriptFullName
Home = Left(Home, InStr(Home, WScript.ScriptName)-1)

'run the launcher
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.ShellExecute Launcher, "", LauncherHome

' create the file that the elevated script will copy executables's path and commandline to
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set tempfolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2)
tempname = tempfolder & "\" & "steam.tmp"
set tempfile = fso.CreateTextFile(tempname)

'run this script but signal that it needs to elevate by giving it the tempfile name as an argument
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.ShellExecute "cscript.exe", Chr(34) & WScript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34) & " " & tempname, "", "runas", 2

WScript.Echo "Waiting for other script to finish..."
' check every second if the temporary file has been updated with the commandline info
Do While True
'check the filesize of the tempfile
set tempfile = fso.GetFile(tempname)
If tempfile.Size > 0 Then Exit Do
WScript.Sleep 1000

ExecutablePath = Home
set tempfile = fso_OpenTextFile(tempname)
CommandLine = tempfile.ReadLine

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.ShellExecute Client, CommandLine, ExecutablePath

fso.DeleteFile tempname
' we are elevated now
WScript.Echo "Waiting for launcher to start client..."

'Get Windows Manager object
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")

' check every second for client that was launched by launcher
While True

'Get info on processes named Client
Set InstanceList = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = '" & Client & "'")

for Each Instance in InstanceList
cmdline = Instance.CommandLine

'look for something only our client will have in it's commandline arguments
If InStr(cmdline, "-uid") > 0 Then
'we found the client we care about

'remove the exe path and name from the cmdline
position = InStr(1, cmdline, """ ") + 1
cleanCmdLine = Right(cmdline, Len(cmdline) - position)

tempname = WScript.Arguments(0)
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set tempfile = fso_OpenTextFile(tempname, 2)

End If

WScript.Sleep 1000
End If

Save it as steamoverlay.vbs and put it on Hearthstone's folder.

Then add Hearthstone.exe on the Add a game that is not from Steam and change in properties the location of the executable to:

"C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Hearthstone\steamoverlay.vbs"

It will open some cscripts, but you can ignore those, now you can use Steam overlay and Steam people can see that you are playing :D

NOTE: you have to change the folders if you have Hearthstone installed in a drive different than C:, also, you will also have to change folder manually, since the four numbers are different every time.
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