I found Bad Company 2 unlockable system to be infuriatingly stupid. When you start off as a medic or engineer you can't fix or heal anything. Granted it doesn't take much time to unlock either ability but it's fucking stupid that you have to unlock them in the first place. Imagine being a medic in TF2 without a medi-gun or an Engineer without a wrench. It's just dumb. Play Heavy Metal enough and you'll get to see how awesomely balanced the game is with people who have grinded for x amount of hours more than you and thus have sniper rifles and scopes that allow them to see, shoot farther and more frequently than you. Also the chopper whores make it so much fun, reminded me of the glory days of Battlefield 1942 where everyone would just wait on the carrier for planes to spawn and fight over them by shooting each other or damaging the plane they wanted as it took off.
Bad Company 2's multiplayer is still fun but it just makes me hate the meta-reward systems that are so prevalent in shooters all the much more. These games aren't World of Warcraft, you shouldn't have to grind for epic gear in a shooter. The only difference time spent playing the game should make is giving you greater knowledge of the map layouts, class/weapon abilities and limitations as well player tendencies.
Also the pubs I played in were so eerily quiet that I thought I was playing a game on PSN.