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STEAM- Announcements & Updates 2011 Edition

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apana said:
So just to make sure, plot of Ass Creed 1 and 2 have no connection?
Who told you that?

The plots are super connected.

Add me to the chorus that actually liked Assassin's Creed 1 as well.


LiK said:
yup. AC1 would've been more loved if it only had more variety inbetween assassination missions. but other that that, i loved the atmosphere and it had the best assassination missions in the series.
I thought the downtime driving sections in Mafia 2 were way more tedious than AC1. Then again I had the PC version so they added a few more types of investigation missions (lol timed flag collecting).

To be fair, I stopped caring about AC's historical accuracy
after I stepped into the vault under the Villa Auditore and it had statues of historical figures that predate the Crusades as people in the assassin order, much less what actually happened to the actual assassin order in the 13th century.
Guess they had to toss all that out to get into Renaissance Italy and vastly change the mission structure to be GTA-like.


I've no idea why I keep getting scorpscarx and 3chopl0x confused but it made the last post far more amusing when I thought he was arguing with himself.
scorpscarx said:
For me AC1 = biggest let down of the decade.
AC2 = biggest redeeming comeback of the decade.

I had the same feeling with AC1... does AC2 really pick that up? I honestly can't think they could change the formula so much so I could really enjoy it, that's what is preventing me to pick the game. I've seen videos, I've heard people, they all say there are enough changes... I asked them what those changes are and the "Errrr..." and "Well..." started

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Cock Encumbered
LiK said:
yup. AC1 would've been more loved if it only had more variety inbetween assassination missions. but other that that, i loved the atmosphere and it had the best assassination missions in the series.
They did add 4 types of side missions in the PC version of AC1 so the lead-ups to the assassinations didn't feel quite so repetitive.
Narag said:
I've no idea why I keep getting scorpscarx and 3chopl0x confused but it made the last post far more amusing when I thought he was arguing with himself.

Nah, I do too. I think maybe they used to have more similar avatars and I think they showed up about the same time as juniors.


AC1 is just fine if you avoid side missions and flags like the plague. Once you get quick-travel, the game in general becomes much less of an exercise in tedium. The story segments are amazing and, coupled with a few cool assassination missions, I'd say it's worth the price of admission.

I can't wait to boot up AC2 later this afternoon.


DisenLedZep said:
I had the same feeling with AC1... does AC2 really pick that up? I honestly can't think they could change the formula so much so I could really enjoy it, that's what is preventing me to pick the game. I've seen videos, I've heard people, they all say there are enough changes... I asked them what those changes are and the "Errrr..." and "Well..." started

-investigation missions are gone, the game runs on a story now, so you have main quests and objectives to fulfill, so it's more like GTA (many would say)
-you can climb faster in high profile, you can also later on get an ability to jump climb
-you can now block with the hidden blade, compared to the first game where you couldn't (though you could still counterattack)
-you know when the guards are suspicious of you (visual cue)
-more uses with the hidden blade assassination techniques (from hiding spots, from the air/above, etc.)
-variety of other things like being able to use the guard's weapons/disarm them/special attacks


Hmm, just remembered one thing I was a little worried about with AC2 was how well it would run on my PC. ( Core i3 540 @3.07Ghz, 6GB Ram, HD 4670 1GB ) I won't be playing at any really high res since I'm currently using an old crt monitor. Max would be 720p if I play on my hdtv.
Sober said:
-investigation missions are gone, the game runs on a story now, so you have main quests and objectives to fulfill, so it's more like GTA (many would say)
-you can climb faster in high profile, you can also later on get an ability to jump climb
-you can now block with the hidden blade, compared to the first game where you couldn't (though you could still counterattack)
-you know when the guards are suspicious of you (visual cue)
-more uses with the hidden blade assassination techniques (from hiding spots, from the air/above, etc.)
-variety of other things like being able to use the guard's weapons/disarm them/special attacks

Those are majors changes really.
The others, I don't feel them, the whole combat thing in the first was terrible.

Thanks for the tips man!
Don't forget that Humble Indie Bundle #1 owners can already download Samorost 2 for free from the site, though it was not included in the Steam activation for some reason.


erotic butter maelstrom
Oh hell yes, just the sale I was waiting for. I almost bought AssBro on PS3 yesterday but I stopped myself and said fuck it, theres gotta be a steam sale coming up.

Been excited to play this, too.

fuck it, bought the Deluxe edition, why not


drizzle said:
10 and change seems like a great deal for Assassin's Creed II.

Taking into consideration that I have a huge Steam and 360 backlog, I think I'll wait for the Christmas Sale to snatch it. Assassin's Creed The First had a great storyline, even though the gameplay was repetitive as fuck. Assassin's II is much praised around GiantBomb, and they like the same kind of games I like, so I totally want to give it a chance.

I'd be more inclined if it was 7,50. I can't really explain why 2,50 USDs make that a difference for me.

I'm with you. 7.50 is my mythical rainy day purchase point. I've had AC1 for a good year and there's no way I'd play AC2 anytime soon. If I wanted to play it, I'd throw the ten dollars out there with zero issues. But if it's just going to sit in my catalog, 7.50 is my limit.
I need to play through Assassin's Creed still, so I don't think I'll bite on Brotherhood, but Assassin's Creed II is too hard to pass up at that price.

Edit: What are the opinions on the PC port of Darksiders? Pretty favorable right? I've seen mention that the graphics options are kind of sparse but nothing that D3Doverrider or you own gpu can't take care of.

I played the hell out of Darksiders on console (got the Abyssal armor), but wouldn't mind playing it again on PC. I've got a pad too, if that's recommended/required. Space Marine 40K looks pretty bad ass adn the addition of Darksiders as a Steam pre-order bonus makes it even more tempting.


Mama Robotnik said:
The Assassin's Creed titles have always looked unremarkable to me so not going to touch them.

Any word on what Samorost2's like though?
Have you ever played the original Samorost? It's a short, free browser point and click puzzle game, where you wandered around a strange landscape activating machines and pulling levers and stuff. Judging from the screenshots the sequel is very similar.

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Cock Encumbered
jaundicejuice said:
Edit: What are the opinions on the PC port of Darksiders? Pretty favorable right? I've seen mention that the graphics options are kind of sparse but nothing that D3Doverrider or you own gpu can't take care of.
I played the hell out of the PC port of DS and I loved it. It looks gorgeous at 60 fps/1080p/8x AA and has perfect support for the wired 360 pad.

LQX said:
AC2 plays good with K/M?

Is it cheaper in any other region?
I beat AC1 back near it's release with the MKB and I thought it was fine. The platforming is easy as you can be very precise in your movement direction changes.
Annnnddddd with that endorsement Space Marine/Darksiders are so bought. Got a lot of downloading to do, just finishing installing Blood Money, gonna kick off Assassin's Creed 2 and then Darksiders. Good thing I'm going to a Cancer Bats/3 Inches of Blood concert.


jaundicejuice said:
Annnnddddd with that endorsement Space Marine/Darksiders are so bought. Got a lot of downloading to do, just finishing installing Blood Money, gonna kick off Assassin's Creed 2 and then Darksiders. Good thing I'm going to a Cancer Bats/3 Inches of Blood concert.

What res is your monitor? I had to hex edit to get 2560x1440 working, should be fine with most standard resolution though.
Blizzard said:
Have you ever played the original Samorost? It's a short, free browser point and click puzzle game, where you wandered around a strange landscape activating machines and pulling levers and stuff. Judging from the screenshots the sequel is very similar.

I haven't even heard of the original until now.

Just bought it though, it has a nice visual style and is the price of a sandwich.


mxgt said:
I'm really intrigued by AC:B's multiplayer, how active is it on PC?

Fairly active, but the biggest problem is the matchmaking, it usually takes a long time. I've never had a problem with lag, the only problem is waiting 5-10 to get into a match (but once you get it, you usually play with the same people over again).

It's great fun and I'm hoping that this sale will attract more players = more matchmaking options.
THQ really knows how to sell content in the digital space. 10% off an upcoming release and a free, older release if you pre-order. If you don't own that older release, you're essentially buying two games for 22.50$ and that's a pretty sweet deal. I'm not exactly going to feel all that burned if I don't like Red Faction Armageddon because Red Faction: Guerrilla has been a lot of fun to play. If Armageddon kicks ass, then it's a pretty wicked value proposition.

3chopl0x said:
Should be fine then, 1920x1200 is in the options.

That's cool, I'm loosely familiar enough with hex values because of my work that I don't think having to edit some hex data would be all that bad but I am admittedly glad I don't have to.


for anyone in the UK brotherhood is £12.85 from zavvi/the hut, steam "sale" has it for £20.
the original assassins creed is available at GAME for £2.99, steam has it for £6.80.

assassins creed 2 is a good price though from steam.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
TheExodu5 said:
Darksiders free with Space Marine? Not bad. I already own it, but still, nice deal.
It's also nice that they'll let you gift it, if already owned.

Now I just wish S.M. was coming out before August. No reason for me to preorder this early.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Weenerz said:
As much as I'd like to buy AssBro, I think I'm gonna wait for the summer sale. $33 is still very expensive imo.
Steam has me at 41 hours played in the game and I didn't even do the collectables (did do everything else though). You get a crazy amount of quality content for your dollar.



6.80 for AC1

and 10.20 for AC2


or are they lower anywhere else?

considering i have yet to play these two, i can wait on brotherhood

Joe Molotov

AssBro bought. As soon as I finish Forgotten Sands, I'm gonna do a Ass2Bro marathon. Finished the first Ass way back years ago, but I never played the sequels. Time to do this.


erotic butter maelstrom
FML, AssBro keeps crashing on me, I can't even get through the intro part. Is this a known problem? My drivers are up to date and everything.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Assassin's Creed II bought. I'll snag Brotherhood at a later date considering I finished it on the PS3 earlier in the year.


Going to get Brotherhood, hope the multiplayer is well populated on PC as I had a blast with it when I rented the game on 360
Ass Creed 1 & 2 bought! Figured it was time to finally try this series. I hope I can get past the first one because I know it's really repetitive and kinda boring, but the second and then Brotherhood sound tons better.

Now I just need to find that 360 controller xpadder config thing -______-



Nice. I kinda hate AssCreed but i only gave the first one a chance, and only 1 chance at that.

I hear 2 is a lot better, and im willing to give 1 another try at that price.

Buying Samorost 2 although i already played through it. Feel like giving it a replay and their version for the Indie Bundle never became redeemable on Steam for some reason. Amanita certainly deserves another 2 bucks in my book.
Heavy said:
Ass Creed 1 & 2 bought! Figured it was time to finally try this series. I hope I can get past the first one because I know it's really repetitive and kinda boring, but the second and then Brotherhood sound tons better.

Now I just need to find that 360 controller xpadder config thing -______-
Just skip the first if you ever get slightly bored, because that boredom will multiply as you do the same shit over and over again.
darkpaladinmfc said:
Just skip the first if you ever get slightly bored, because that boredom will multiply as you do the same shit over and over again.
Only thing is that I don't wanna miss the story because it continues from game to game and sounds cool :( I hope you can like speed run through the first game. I'm also worried about the first one's repetitiveness and boredom giving such a bad taste in my mouth that I'm too turned off to play the sequel.
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