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STEAM announcements & updates 2011 Thread 3 | Buy now, play later.

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
solarus said:
Very tempted by the GTA collection, but does anyone know if the episodes from liberty city games are better optimized for pc than gta iv was? I don't think my gtx 260 and q6600 will be able to play it all that well.

Whilst GTAIV may laugh, Alice awaits with open arms.
JaseC said:
Ignore this heresy.

Pish posh, I bought Alice before it was on sale.


Cru Jones

jim-jam bongs said:
I don't agree to disagree, I just think that you're wrong and foolish. Everything I've achieved in my life has been because I wasn't afraid to step up and say what I really meant instead of hoping that people would be able to figure it out.
It isn't about hoping people can read your mind it is about hoping that the person you were generous enough to help has the decency to not leave you holding the bag. In the example we are talking about the person buying the game ended up having to spend his time to help a stranger/Internet friend buy a game at a reduced price and wasn't even paid back in full.

The type of person who doesn't feel morally obligated to pay someone in full for a product isn't someone I would want to be friends with or associate with. I'll gladly lose out on the $2 to be able to filter someone like that out of my life. Maybe the cheap shot on a public forum wasn't necessary but IMO he is well within his rights given how he was treated.
Cru Jones said:
It isn't about hoping people can read your mind it is about hoping that the person you were generous enough to help has the decency to not leave you holding the bag. In the example we are talking about the person buying the game ended up having to spend his time to help a stranger/Internet friend buy a game at a reduced price and wasn't even paid back in full.

The type of person who doesn't feel morally obligated to pay someone in full for a product isn't someone I would want to be friends with or associate with. I'll gladly lose out on the $2 to be able to filter someone like that out of my life. Maybe the cheap shot on a public forum wasn't necessary but IMO he is well within his rights given how he was treated.

You would have a point if Stallion said "oh hey, I'm short a few bucks, can you fix it up?" and the response was "NOT A CHANCE! SO LONG SUCKER!" I don't think that anyone is suggesting that's how it went down here at all, so trying to suggest that Salsa "doesn't feel morally obligated to pay someone in full for a product" is really low and scummy.

Cru Jones

jim-jam bongs said:
You would have a point if Stallion said "oh hey, I'm short a few bucks, can you fix it up?" and the response was "NOT A CHANCE! SO LONG SUCKER!" I don't think that anyone is suggesting that's how it went down here at all, so trying to suggest that Salsa "doesn't feel morally obligated to pay someone in full for a product" is really low and scummy.

Morality doesn't come from someone telling you to do something, it comes from within. If Stallion says "Hey don't worry about it" then no, Salsa isn't obligated to give him anything. However, IMO, he should still feel morally obligated to pay someone in full for a favor that they did for you. If he doesn't then his moral compass doesn't align with mine (and in this case I think we can assume it doesn't align with Stallion's either) and choosing not to associate with someone who doesn't share your morals is a more than justified response.


RE: VPNs and Entropay
Would it not be kind of suspicious for a single account to be gifting games to another account?
Cru Jones said:
Morality doesn't come from someone telling you to do something, it comes from within. If Stallion says "Hey don't worry about it" then no, Salsa isn't obligated to give him anything. However, IMO, he should still feel morally obligated to pay someone in full for a favor that they did for you. If he doesn't then his moral compass doesn't align with mine (and in this case I think we can assume it doesn't align with Stallion's either) and choosing not to associate with someone who doesn't share your morals is a more than justified response.

Forget moral compasses for a second, are you saying that you will not associate with someone who takes you at your word? Does this apply to everything you say, or do you pick and choose as you see fit?

Cru Jones

jim-jam bongs said:
Forget moral compasses for a second, are you saying that you will not associate with someone who takes you at your word? Does this apply to everything you say, or do you pick and choose as you see fit?

Nope, I am saying that I won't closely associate with anyone who doesn't share the same morals as me.

This is how I read the situation. Stallion was shorted a couple of dollars which isn't a big deal to him (an assumption on my part since he didn't demand to get the money from Salsa). By not asking for the money Stallion was giving Salsa (who he doesn't know that well) the chance to show his moral character. Salsa would either feel morally obligated to pay Stallion the money that was spent on the game, or he wouldn't feel morally obligated to pay for the game in full. In this case, Salsa doesn't feel morally obligated to pay him in full. Now Stallion knows what Salsa's moral compass is and chooses not to associate with him anymore. I agree with Stallion's position and how he handled the situation (except the cheap shot on the public forum) as I would have also stopped associating with Salsa as he doesn't share my morals.

Edit: Added "in full" as I think we can agree that he did pay him some money.


listen to the mad man
stop peeing on each other. further replies on the issue, regardless of content--even if you feel you haven't accurately represented yourself in previous replies and you just have to clarify what you meant--will be deleted. feel free to pm each other.
Chesskid1 said:
does GFWL ever have any good sales? i honestly have never used the site. came across $30 in xbox points from the other thread, dunno if worth saving em up for a sale or just spend em. i assume none will redeem on steam as well.

talking about here: http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/PC/Games
GFWL? Why are you bringing this into this thread, you heathen? Feel my wrath! :mad:

Just kidding, of course. I've never used the damn thing either, and I can only tolerate the mention of GFWL because it has never given me any trouble. That's not to say I'm not aware of its noxious influence, though.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
All of this talk about Paypal fees. Are you guys not sending the money with the 'Gift' boxed checked? Or am I mistaken and that doesn't work as a free transfer in all countries?


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
K.Jack said:
All of this talk about Paypal fees. Are you guys not sending the money with the 'Gift' boxed checked? Or am I mistaken and that doesn't work as a free transfer in all countries?

I use gifting. If not I put the $1 extra or whatever it is to cover fees, still comes out cheaper.

Anyway, informative past few pages but ... ! I didn't realize the GTA games were such huge downloads. I thought Witcher 2 was big.


K.Jack said:
All of this talk about Paypal fees. Are you guys not sending the money with the 'Gift' boxed checked? Or am I mistaken and that doesn't work as a free transfer in all countries?
Last time a kind soul helped me out with a Steam purchase (not a GAFer, as far as I know) I couldn't choose that option, it wasn't even there (going from Germany to the US, in that case).


K.Jack said:
All of this talk about Paypal fees. Are you guys not sending the money with the 'Gift' boxed checked? Or am I mistaken and that doesn't work as a free transfer in all countries?

I do, but I always have fees to cover at the end...
As much as I hate to crap up the steam forum with a technical matter, it seems that nobody else can field the question (not even the steam forums. We posted there and it got ignored.)

My gf recently bought Puzzle Agent on Steam. Every time she hits Play, it does the DirectX installation, appears to finish, and then instead of starting the game, the Steam Updates comes up as if she'd just quit the game. We've gone through the main options (reboot steam, reboot computer, heck we reinstalled steam and redownloaded the game, video drivers, compatibility mode, etc.) and the game works fine on my computer, she meets the system reqs., and I'm at my wit's end. If this isn't in the relevant section I'm truly sorry and if you can help me out you can even PM me with some suggestions to avoid crapping up a forum best reserved for discussing games.

Thanks kindly in advance.
someguyinahat said:
As much as I hate to crap up the steam forum with a technical matter, it seems that nobody else can field the question (not even the steam forums. We posted there and it got ignored.)

My gf recently bought Puzzle Agent on Steam. Every time she hits Play, it does the DirectX installation, appears to finish, and then instead of starting the game, the Steam Updates comes up as if she'd just quit the game. We've gone through the main options (reboot steam, reboot computer, heck we reinstalled steam and redownloaded the game, video drivers, compatibility mode, etc.) and the game works fine on my computer, she meets the system reqs., and I'm at my wit's end. If this isn't in the relevant section I'm truly sorry and if you can help me out you can even PM me with some suggestions to avoid crapping up a forum best reserved for discussing games.

Thanks kindly in advance.
Did you check file integrity? That's the first thing I do whenever a strange issue appears with one of my Steam games, and it usually fixes things up.


someguyinahat said:
As much as I hate to crap up the steam forum with a technical matter, it seems that nobody else can field the question (not even the steam forums. We posted there and it got ignored.)

My gf recently bought Puzzle Agent on Steam. Every time she hits Play, it does the DirectX installation, appears to finish, and then instead of starting the game, the Steam Updates comes up as if she'd just quit the game. We've gone through the main options (reboot steam, reboot computer, heck we reinstalled steam and redownloaded the game, video drivers, compatibility mode, etc.) and the game works fine on my computer, she meets the system reqs., and I'm at my wit's end. If this isn't in the relevant section I'm truly sorry and if you can help me out you can even PM me with some suggestions to avoid crapping up a forum best reserved for discussing games.

Thanks kindly in advance.

Tried updating direct x manually?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
someguyinahat said:
As much as I hate to crap up the steam forum with a technical matter, it seems that nobody else can field the question (not even the steam forums. We posted there and it got ignored.)

My gf recently bought Puzzle Agent on Steam. Every time she hits Play, it does the DirectX installation, appears to finish, and then instead of starting the game, the Steam Updates comes up as if she'd just quit the game. We've gone through the main options (reboot steam, reboot computer, heck we reinstalled steam and redownloaded the game, video drivers, compatibility mode, etc.) and the game works fine on my computer, she meets the system reqs., and I'm at my wit's end. If this isn't in the relevant section I'm truly sorry and if you can help me out you can even PM me with some suggestions to avoid crapping up a forum best reserved for discussing games.

Thanks kindly in advance.
Try running the exe in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode.


Flunkie said:
Yeah. It was cool it its own weird way. Kinda wonder how stuff like that gets on Steam while chubigans' games get denied.

I think it was chosen as a example of free games to play on steam, but still what a a weird one to chose.


Man, sometimes I really wish developers/publishers had the decency to bring their classic games up to date. Especially with a lot of console games getting all these HD releases.

I'm trying to play the Steam version of Jade Empire now and I have two options: Run the game with stuttering everywhere or run it smooth but with the cloth clipping through the character's body all the time. Fantastic.


I seem to be on a weird games kick today. Tried the demo to see how the full game would pan out since it's on sale.. kind of B&K Nuts & Bolts-feeling. I liked it. Is it a trap?



origin60 doesn't work in the UK. Surprise surprise. Screw EA and their regional offers crap. Just one of the many reasons to use Steam over Origin.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
So I recently played through Quake and it's two mission packs. I have owned these games for an eternity, but I had never finished them. I figure since everyone owns the Id pack on Steam I'd write up my thoughts on them and how I approached them as a pro-tier PC user.

Thoughts on Quake:
-I loved that it followed the Doom-style level design where you can find some of the best weapons in the game tucked away in early level's secrets. The secret areas are almost always rewarding and it makes the exploration aspect feel good. The flow of each level is great too as completing them felt very natural and I never missed the map feature from Doom.

-The combat hasn't aged in the slightest. Each weapon feels very distinct and they all lead to wonderful results (usually gibs). Most enemies have a specific weapon type that works best on them so using the whole selection is encouraged.

-The weird mix of medieval art and sci-fi stylings makes for a really fun mix. It has a good Cthulhu vibe to it and it's certainly unique. The design extends to enemies too in a really amusing way.

-The subtle, ambient soundtrack by NIN is fantastic and sets a great mood.

-Some of the later levels in each episode start to fall prey to the enemy slog. While the combat is fun, it starts to drag when you have 60+ enemies in a 10 minute level. The best levels are the ones that balance combat and exploration.

Thoughts on the Mission Packs:
-I liked that the devs who took over for Id really pushed the Quake engine to a level we didn't see in the original. There are scripted moments where the environments actually changed, such as pillars falling or ceilings in a cave start to crumble. While laughable by today's standards, it's a neat look at the start of it.

-The new weapons and old weapon variants are all fantastic. The real highlights are the multi-rocket launcher and the laser cannon. You feel like you have some ridiculous firepower by the end of each episode.

-The real bummer with both episodes is that they take the enemy count and turn it up to 11. I started having to break up my play sessions to just one or two levels at a time because after a single level I would just feel tired. There are some really wonderful environments to explore, but they pack them with 100+ enemies and it kind of ruins it.

-The soundtracks are pretty disappointing as they ditch the style of the soundtrack from the original and go for a more in your face approach.

Despite some of the highlights from the mission packs, I really only recommend playing the original. If you fall in love with the original, go ahead and play the mission packs, but be warned.

Pro-Tier PC Stuff:
-So I wanted to play Quake 1 OG style, but widescreen. The best way to do this is through a source port and the one I chose was Darkplaces. Darkplaces gave me flawless widescreen support and also allowed me to turn off all the additional effects they added to the engine (which look ridiculous in my opinion). Setting up the Darkplaces is really easy and it supports the mission packs too. On top of Darkplaces I threw on AA through Nvidia. But...

-The music for the games is missing for the Steam releases. To remedy this I dug up some .pk3 files that can simply be dropped in the folder for each game and is then seen by Darkplaces. The links are here:

-The last thing I wanted was to start these versions of the games through Steam and have them read as if they the actual Quake 1 + expansions on my list. To do this I copied the contents of my Darkplaces folder and dropped it into the Steam Quake folder. It will ask you if you want to replace files, click yes. Then I renamed the "winquake.exe" to something else and switched the darkplaces.exe to "winquake.exe" All Steam wants is an exe with that name so it will use the renamed darkplaces.exe and just roll with it. For the expansions, set the launch options to: -hipnotic and -rogue and darkplaces will autoboot into each expansion.

Some Screens:



inky said:
PC Version of FM 2012...

You rock! Man, they've hidden it pretty good.. doesn't show up on a search or anything.

Looks like after you buy it, you can get a link to your Digital Games and it has the activation code there. I'd imagine the Mac version would have been fine but this is obviously the safer bet so thanks again. Downloading off Steam now!
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